Predicting appropriateness of antibiotic treatment among ICU patients with hospital acquired infection
E. Rannon, E. Goldschmidt, D. Bernstein, A. Wasserman, M. Roimi, A. Shrot, D. Coster, R. Shamir.
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The cGAS–STING, p38 MAPK, and p53 pathways link genome instability to accelerated cellular senescence in ATM-deficient murine lung fibroblasts
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A p62-dependent rheostat dictates micronuclei catastrophe and chromosome rearrangements
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Increased RNA and Protein Degradation Is Required for Counteracting Transcriptional Burden and Proteotoxic Stress in Human Aneuploid Cells
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Aneuploidy as a driver of human cancer
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4CAC: 4-class classifier of metagenomic assemblies using machine learning and assembly graphs
L. Pu, R. Shamir.
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Race-dependent variability in the human tumor mycobiome
D. Coster, T. Margalit, B. Bursi*, R. Shamir*.
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Drugst.One -- A plug-and-play solution for online systems medicine and network-based drug repurposing
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Plasmids in the human gut reveal neutral dispersal and recombination that is overpowered by inflammatory diseases
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The predictive capacity of polygenic risk scores for disease risk is only moderately influenced by imputation panels tailored to the target population
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Clustering the cortical laminae: in vivo parcellation
I. Shamir, Y. Assaf, R. Shamir.
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A feature ranking algorithm for clustering medical data
E. Shpigelman, R. Shamir.
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Inferring transcriptional activation and repression activity maps in single-nucleotide resolution using deep-learning
T. Hait, R. Elkon, R. Shamir.
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Predicting appropriateness of antibiotic treatment among ICU patients with hospital acquired infection
E. Rannon, E. Goldschmidt, D. Bernstein, A. Wasserman, D. Coster, R. Shamir
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Efficient minimizer orders for large values of $k$ using minimum decycling sets
D. Pellow, L. Pu, B. Ekim, L. Kotlar, B. Berger, R. Shamir, Y. Orenstein
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Evaluation of European-based polygenic risk score for breast cancer on Ashkenazi Jewish women
H. Levi, S. Carmi, S. Rosset, R. Yerushalmi, A. Zick, T. Yablonski-Peretz, .... (127 members of the BCAC Consortium)..., S. Ben-Shachar, N. Elefant*, R. Shamir* and R. Elkon*.
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Integration of gene expression and DNA methylation data across different experiments
Y. Itai, N. Rappoport, R. Shamir.
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Single cell Hi-C identifies plastic chromosome conformations underlying the gastrulation enhancer landscape
N. Rappaport, E. Chomsky, T. Nagano, C. Seibert, Y. Lubling, Y. Baran, A. Lifshitz, W. Leung, Z. Mukamel, R. Shamir, P. Fraser, A. Tanay.
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Clustering of clinical-echocardiographic phenotypes of covid-19 disease using machine-learning techniques
E. Shpigelman*, A. Hochstadt*, D. Coster, I. Merdler, E. Ghantous, Y. Szekely, Y, Lichter, P. Taieb, A. Banai, O. Sapir, Y. Granot, L. Lupu, A. Borohovitz, S. Sadon, S. Banai, R. Rubinshtein, Y. Topilsky, R. Shamir.
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The Effect of Body Mass Index Reduction on Intraocular Pressure in a Large, Prospective Population-based Cohort Study in Israel
D. Coster, A. Rafie, N. Savion, R. Rachmiel, S. Kurtz, S. Berliner, I. Shapira, D. Zeltser, O. Rogowski, S. Shenhar-Tsarfaty, M. Waisbourd
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Time-dependent Iterative Imputation for Multivariate Longitudinal Clinical Data
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4CAC: 4-class classification of metagenomic assemblies using machine learning and assembly graphs
L. Pu, R. Shamir.
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Parameterized syncmer schemes improve long-read mapping
A. Dutta, D. Pellow, R. Shamir.
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The DOMINO web-server for active module identification analysis.
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Whole-genome duplication shapes the aneuploidy landscape of human cancers.
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Relationship Between Pemphigus Vulgaris Severity and PCR-positive Herpes Simplex Virus
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Data Set-Adaptive Minimizer Order Reduces Memory Usage in k-Mer Counting
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3CAC: improving the classification of phages and plasmids in metagenomic assemblies using assembly graphs
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A machine learning model for predicting deterioration of COVID-19 inpatients
O. Noy*, D. Coster*, M. Metzger, I. Attar, S. Shenhar-Tsafraty, S. Berliner, G. Rahav, O.Rogowski, R. Shamir.
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CT-FOCS: a novel method for inferring cell type-specific enhancer-promoter maps.
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Using syncmers improves long-read mapping
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DOMINO: a novel network-based module detection algorithm with reduced rate of false calls
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Improving the efficiency of de Bruijn graph construction using compact universal hitting sets
Y. Ben-Ari, D. Flomin, L. Pu, Y. Orenstein, R. Shamir.
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Early detection of prostate gland and breast cancer risk based on routine check-up data using survival analysis trees for left-truncated and right-censored data
D. Coster, E. Fischer, S. Shenhar-Tsarfaty, T. Menes, S. Berliner, O. Rogowski, D. Zeltser, I. Shapira, E. Halperin, S. Rosset, M. Gorfine, R. Shamir.
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SCAPP: An algorithm for improved plasmid assembly in metagenomes
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Contribution of clinical breast exam to cancer detection in women participating in a modern screening program.
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C-reactive protein velocity discriminates between acute viral and bacterial infections in patients who present with relatively low CRP concentrations
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Classification of node-positive melanomas into prognostic subgroups using keratin, immune and melanogenesis expression patterns
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Using the kinetics of C-reactive protein response to improve the differential diagnosis between acute bacterial and viral infections
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PlasClass improves plasmid sequence classification
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MONET: Multi-omic patient module detection by omic selection
N. Rappoport, R. Safra, R. Shamir.
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Melanoma-secreted lysosomes trigger monocyte-derived dendritic cell apoptosis and limit cancer immunotherapy
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CT-FOCS: a novel method for inferring cell type-specific enhancer-promoter maps
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Personalized prediction of adverse heart and kidney events using baseline and longitudinal data from SPRINT and ACCORD
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Inaccuracy of the log‐rank approximation in cancer data analysis
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Prodigy: personalized prioritization of driver genes
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PROMO: an interactive tool for analyzing clinically-labeled multi-omic cancer datasets
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Unravelling plasmidome distribution and interaction with its hosting microbiome
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The EXPANDER integrated platform for transcriptome analysis
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