Algorithms in



at TAU

We develop algorithms and tools for analysis ofgenomic and systems biology data. Areas include:
March 2025: Omer’s paper on ML for clinical trials is published
Omer's paper on using ML for clinical trials (in collaboration with Shalit and van der Schaar groups) has been accepted to AISTATS2025 and will appear in the PMLR proceedings. It is now available on arXiv (link).
February 2025: Aneuploidy paper is online
Ron Saad's paper on identifying genes that drive recurrent chromosome arm losses has been posted on BioRxiv (link). Ron's work is co-supervised by Prof. Uri Ben-David.
February 2025: welcome to Shira
We welcome Shira Einy, who will be doing her bioinformatics undergrad project in the lab (jointly with Roded Sharan's lab) on adapting Prodigy to directed graphs.
February 2025: Antibiotic paper is published
The paper by Ella Ranon, Ella Goldschmidt, Dan Coster and colleagues from Ichilov and Rambam hospitals on early prediction of the appropriateness of antibiotic treatment has been published in npj Digital Medicine (link).
January 2025: Hagai wins Safra excellence prize
Congrats to Hagai Levi, who won the annual prize for an excellent research student, awarded by the Edmond J. Safra Center for Bioinformatics. Way to go!
December 2024: Congrats and Welcome to Tal
Congratulations to Tal for completing his MSc studies - and welcome Tal to the PhD program in CS, co-supervised by Uri Ben-David (Medicine).
November 2024: Assaf wins APPD scholarship
Congrats to Assaf Ben Shimon who received a scholarship from the Aufzien Family Center for the Prevention and Treatment of Parkinson’s Disease (APPD).
November 2024: Tal defends his MSc thesis
Congrats to Tal who submitted his MSc thesis (co-supervised by Prof. Uri Ben-David) on chromothripsis and passed the MSc exam.
October 2024: welcome to Maya
We welcome Maya Metzger, who is joining the group as an MSc student. Maya has previously been a research assistant in the group.
September 2024 Omer Noy PhD proposal approved
Congrats to Omer Noy, who passed her PhD Proposal Exam!!