Lab news
August 2022: Tal Ben Yishay joins the group
We welcome Tal Ben Yishay, who is joining the group as an MSc student. Tal finished a BSc in bioinformatics at TAU. His work will be on chromothrypsis, co-supervised by Uri Ben David (Medicine). Welcome Tal!
Read MoreJune 2022: 3CAC accepted to ECCB
Lianrong’s paper on a 3-way classifier of contigs in metagenomic assembly graph has been accepted to ECCB 2022 and will appear in Bioinformatics.
Read MoreMay 2022: Dan Flomin is MSc
Congrats to Dan Flomin, who completed his MSc studies! Dan’s thesis was recently published in JCB.
Read MoreMay 2022: Adaptive minimizer order
Read Dan Flomin and David’s new paper in JCB on using adaptive minimizer order to cut the memory size of Gerbil k-mer counter by 30-50%. The paper is included in a special issue in honor of M. Waterman’s 80th birthday.
Read MoreMay 2022: Hagai wins poster prize in HGM
Congratulations to Hagai who won a prize at the 25th Human Genome Meeting 2022 for his poster “Genotype imputation strategy for improving disease risk prediction on diverse ethnic groups”.
Read MoreMay 2022: Omer moves to the PhD program.
Congratulations to Omer for completing her MSc – and continuing to the PhD program! Omer’s PhD thesis will develop computational methods for healthcare, and she will be co-supervised by Prof. Uri Shalit of the Technion.
Read MoreMarch 2022: Omer wins the Maus Prize
Congrats to Omer Noy, who won the 2021-2022 Celia and Marcus Maus Prize for MSc students in Computer Science.
Read MoreMarch 2022: Nimrod wins Youdim Cancer Prize
Congrats to Nimrod who won the Youdim Family Prize for outstanding student in cancer research for the year 2022.
Read MoreFebruary 2022: Ron wins the ISCB Senior Scientist Award
Prof. Ron Shamir won the ISCB 2022 Accomplishment by a Senior Scientist Award. The award recognizes annually a senior member of the computational biology community who has made major contributions to the field of computational biology. Ron will give a keynote talk and receive the award at ISMB 2022 in Madison Wisconsin in July.
Read MoreFebruary 2022: Nimrod wins Healthy Longevity Research Center scholarship
Congratulations to Nimrod who won the TAU Healthy Longevity Research Center scholarship for his research titled “Hematopoietic stem cell gene expression during aging at single cell resolution”.
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