Lab news

May 2022: Adaptive minimizer order

Read Dan Flomin and David’s new paper in JCB on using adaptive minimizer order to cut the memory size of Gerbil k-mer counter by 30-50%. The paper is included in a special issue in honor of M. Waterman’s 80th birthday.

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May 2022: Omer moves to the PhD program.

Congratulations to Omer for completing her MSc – and continuing to the PhD program! Omer’s PhD thesis will develop computational methods for healthcare, and she will be co-supervised by Prof. Uri Shalit of the Technion.

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February 2022: Ron wins the ISCB Senior Scientist Award

Prof. Ron Shamir won the ISCB 2022 Accomplishment by a Senior Scientist Award. The award recognizes annually a senior member of the computational biology community who has made major contributions to the field of computational biology. Ron will give a keynote talk and receive the award at ISMB 2022 in Madison Wisconsin in July.

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