Lab news
June 2023: Congrats to Dr. Pellow!
Congratulations to David Pellow, who doctorate has been confirmed.
Read MoreJune 2023: Congrats to Omer, Nimrod, Hagai and Tal!
Congrats to Omer, Nimrod, Hagai and Tal who all won poster prizes in the annual Safra Retreat in Ginosar!
Read MoreJune 2023: welcome to Gideon
We welcome Gideon Shaked, an undergrad from U Michigan who joined us as a summer student.
Read MoreJune 2023: Cardio-covid study in Scientific Reports
Read Eran’s paper in Scientific Reports (link) (jointly with Aviram Hochber, Yan Topilsky and others) presenting cluster analysis of EMR and echocardiographic measurements of covid inpatients.
Read MoreMay 2023: manuscript available
A preprint describing the interfacing of multiple platforms, including our Domino, with the flexible infrastructure developed in Hamburg University for systems medicine has been posted in Arxiv (link)
Read MoreApril 23: Imputation article in arxiv
Omer Noy’s paper “Time-dependent Iterative Imputation for Multivariate Longitudinal Clinical Data”, which will be presented in ICLR workshop, is now online in arxiv.
Read MoreMarch 2023: Hagai wins the Deutsch Prize
Congratulations to Hagai Levi, who won the Deutsch Prize for PhD students in Computer Science. Congrats Hagai!
Read MoreMarch 2023: Nimrod wins talk prize in NCI conference
Congratulations to Nimrod who won best lightning talk prize at the SSACB conference for his talk “Natural and age-related variation in circulating human hematopoietic stem cells”.
Read MoreMarch 2023: Congratulations to Hadar Amira Haham, who passed the MSc exam
Congratulations to Hadar Amira Haham, who passed the MSc exam for her work (co-supervised by Prof. Rani Elkon) analyzing the spatial organization of the genome.
Read MoreMarch 2023: Omer awarded MSc with distinction
Congratulations to Omer Noy who will be awarded her MSc degree with distinction. The award ceremony of the School of CS will be held in May.
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