Lab news

November 2020: Dan and Omer win poster prize in Safra retreat

Congratulations to Dan and Omer, who won the second best poster prize in the 15th annual Retreat of the Edmond J. Safra Center for Bioinformatics, for their poster “A predictive model for deterioration of Covid-19 patients”.  Poster winners were selected out of 53 posters based on the retreat’s participants voting. The retreat took place on…

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October 2020: ATGA course translated to Catalan

The lecture notes of Ron Shamir’s course “Advanced topics in Graph Algorithms” have been translated to Catalan. See link. This is the sixteenth translation of the course, following Ukrainian, Indonesian, Russian, Estonian, Bulgarian, French, Czech, Swedish, Spanish, German, Dutch, Punjabi, Greek, Armenian and Chinese.

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Sept 2020: Monet is published

Read the PLoS CB paper by Nimrod and Roy on Monet, a new multi-omic module discovery algorithm allowing different omic subsets for different modules.

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Sept 2020: Welcome to Eran

We welcome Eran Shpigelman who is joining the group as a master student. Eran did his BSc in the Hebrew University and is coming back to research after a period in the hi-tech industry.

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