Lab news
Feb 2022: Prediction of deterioration of COVID-19 inpatients
Read the paper by Omer, Dan Coster, Maya and our clinical colleagues on early prediction of deterioration in hospitalized COVID-19 patients using machine learning.
Read MoreFebruary 2022: Domino web-server paper is published
Read the Bioinformatics note by Hagai and Nima describing the Domino active module discovery server.
Read MoreJanuary 2022: Tom’s CT-FOCS paper was published by NAR
Read Tom Hait’s paper in Nucleic Acids Research on discovering cell-type specific promoter-enhancer links across hundreds of cell types.
Read MoreJan 2022: Better long read mapping with syncmers
Read the preprint of David Pellow and Abhinav Dutta broadening the theory of syncmer and applying it to improve the long read mappers minimap and winnowmap.
Read MoreDecember 2021: Congrats to Yael
Congratulations to Yael Ben-Ari, who completed her MSc degree! Yael’s thesis “Improving the efficiency of de Bruijn graph construction using compact universal hitting sets” is available here.
Read MoreDecember 2021: Adaptive minimizer order
Read Dan Flomin and David’s new preprint on using adaptive minimizer order to cut the memory size of Gerbil k-mer counter by 30-50%.
Read MoreNovember 2011: Domino web server is online.
A new online service enabling network-based active module discovery is now operational. The server, developed by Hagai and Nima, applies the DOMINO algorithm. See the manuscript.
Read MoreNovember 2021: A new metagenomic 3-way classifier
Lianrong’s manuscript describing a classifier of metagenomic contigs into viral, plasmidic and bacterial is now available in BioRxiv.
Read MoreOctober 2021: Nimrod wins excellence award from the Herczeg Institute
Nimrod Rappoport won an excellence award from the Herczeg Institute on Aging for an outstanding doctoral research proposal in the field of aging. Congrats Nimrod!
Read MoreOct 2021: Welcome to Ron
We welcome Ron Saad who is joining the group as a Master student. Ron has a BSc from the Technion and is completing his service in the IDF.
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