Lab news
May 2017: Roye Rozov wins the Deutsch Excellence Scholarship
Congratulations to Roye Rozov for being awarded the Deutsch Excellence Scholarship for PhD students in the School of Computer Science, TAU. The awarding ceremony will take place on Thursday May 18, at 15:15, in the Open Space Lab in the School of Computer Science.
Read MoreMay 2017: Copy number evolution paper published
Read the paper by Ron, Meirav and colleagues on complexity and algorithms for copy number evolution models – between two genomes, and for k genomes forming a tree phylogeny.
Read MoreApril 2017: Gene expression buffered on the protein level
Read Kobi Perl’s paper on the connection between the transcriptome and proteome in non-proliferating tissues.
Read MoreMarch 2017: Farewell to Didi!
Didi Amar has left the group for a postdoc in Stanford. Didi has been a leader in the group for a long time – as a master, doctoral and postdoctoral student. We wish him great success in the next steps.
Read MoreMarch 2017: Faucet accepted to RECOMB-seq
Roye Rozov’s new paper “Faucet: streaming de novo assembly graph construction” was accepted to RECOMB-seq 2017 and will be presented in Hong Kong in May.
Read MoreMarch 2017: Minimizers paper accepted to ISMB
David Pellow’s paper on improving the performance of minimizers, with Y. Oresntein and C. Kingsford’s team, has been accepted to ISMB 2017 and will be presented in Prague in July.
Read MoreFebruary 2017: The interplay of DNA sequence and shape in regulatory motifs
Read our new paper in Molecular Systems Biology in collaboration with Rohs and Taipale groups analyzing shape readout for over 400 transcription factors using HT-Selex data.
Read MoreFebruary 2017: Welcome to Nimrod Rapoport
We welcome Nimrod who is joining the group as an MSc student, after a BSc in Computer Science from TAU.
Read MoreJanuary 2017: New analysis of minimizers and universal hitting sets
Read our new report with colleagues from MIT and CMU on the properties of minimizers using lexicographic, random k-mer ordering and small universal hitting sets. Our analysis shows how to significantly improve the performance of minimizers.
Read MoreJanuary 2017: Mutation-based cancer classification paper in Oncogene.
Read Didi Amar’s and Shai Izraeli’s paper on classifying 20 different cancer subtypes based on mutations only, with applications to cancer of unknown primary, genetic interactions and more.
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