Lab news
April 2019: Congratulations to Lianrong!
Congratulations to Lianrong Pu who won the China Israel postdoctoral fellowship!
Read MoreMarch 2019: welcome to Lianrong!
Dr. Lianrong Pu has joined the lab as a postdoc. She did her PhD in Shandong University, China. She spent two years of the PhD at Pavel Pevzner’s lab at UCSD. Lianrong has specialized in genome rearrangements and segmental duplications. In the group, she will work on genome rearrangements in cancer and on algorithms for…
Read MoreMarch 2019: Congratulations to Dr. Ron Zeira!
Congrats to Ron Zeira, whose doctorate titled “Models for Structural and Numerical Alterations in Cancer” was approved by TAU. Ron is continuing to a postdoc in Ben Raphael’s lab in Princeton.
Read MoreMarch 2019: Expander in Russian
The Expander website has been translated to Russian. See here.
Read MoreFebruary 2019: NEMO article published
Nimrod Rappoport’s new method for cancer subtyping using multi-omic data appeared in Bioinformatics.
Read MoreFebruary 2019: FOCS paper accepted to RECOMB highlight track
The paper on identifying enhancer-promoter links was accepted to the highlight track of RECOMB 2019 and will be presented by Tom Hait in the conference on May 2019 in Washington DC.
Read MoreJanuary 2019: ATGA course translated to Armenian
The lecture notes of Ron Shamir’s course “Advanced topics in Graph Algorithms” have been translated to Armenian. See link. This is the fourteenth translation of the course, following Ukrainian, Indonesian, Russian, Estonian, Bulgarian, French, Czech, Swedish, Spanish, German, Dutch, Punjabi and Greek.
Read MoreDecember 2018: Kobi Perl’s PhD thesis approved
Kobi Perl, MD student, has done PhD research jointly in our lab and in Prof. Karen Avraham’s lab (Medicine). His thesis “Understanding of Developmental and Physiological Conditions of the Inner Ear using Transcriptome and Proteome Analysis” has now been approved and is available here. Congratulations Kobi!
Read MoreNovember 2018: Welcome to Roy
Roy Safra, a senior Bioinformatics BSc student, has joined the group as a programmer. He will be working with Nimrod on multiomics analysis methods.
Read MoreOctober 2018: Prodigy algorithm is out
Read the new report by Gal describing a new method for prioritizing mutated genes as drivers in a cancer patient.
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