We present here some examples of data-analysis and visualizations performed
by EXPANDER version 3.2. Under each image, there is a paragraph explaining its
1) GE data displays
2) Hierarchical Clustering Dendrogram display
3) Principal Component Analysis (PCA) display
4) Clustering results display
5) Biclustering results display
6) Functional analysis results display
7) Promoter analysis results display
8) TF binding sites display
1) GE data displays:


Data display provided by EXPANDER. (A). The
“Preprocessed Data Matrix” tab is selected on the right panel. It displays
for each probe and condition in the filtered data, the corresponding expression
level (rendered to green-red color scale) after all preprocessing operations. (B).
The “Box Plots” tab is selected on the right panel for the same dataset as
in (A).

2) Hierarchical Clustering Dendrogram

The results of Hierarchical clustering performed by EXPANDER. Visualization
contains dendrogram trees displayed next to and above
the expression matrix. The rows and
columns in the matrix are ordered according to the hierarchical clustering dendrograms.

3) Principal Component Analysis (PCA) display:

analysis result is displayed on an X-Y scatter plot. Probes with similar
expression patterns are located close to each other in the plane. If clustering
was performed, points can be coloured according to the cluster to which the
corresponding probes are assigned.

4) Clustering results display:

A display
automatically generated after operating a clustering algorithm. The panel on the
left contains information regarding the clustering algorithm, quality and number
& size of clusters. The central panel contains mean patterns of all clusters
(with error bars of size ±STD). Upon selecting a cluster (either from the
clusters table or from the central panel) its content is displayed on the right
panel, along with a matrix visualization of the corresponding probes (not

5) Biclustering results

Bi-clustering display in EXPANDER. Given a
bi-clustering solution (can be calculated via EXPANDER)
EXPANDER displays a table of all bi-clusters, which can be
filtered and sorted according to the user's selection. Upon selecting a
row in the table, the content of the bi-cluster is displayed in the panel on
the right, using an expression matrix, as well as a list of probes
and their patterns as in clustering solution (not shown here).

6) Functional analysis results display:
Functional enrichment in EXPANDER. Given a
clustering/bi-clustering solution and a functional categorization of the genes, EXPANDER
identifies clusters/bi-clusters that are significantly overpopulated with genes
of specific functional categories. In the example, cluster #2 is enriched with
genes in the `growth factor activity` category,
while cluster #4 is enriched with genes in the `regulation of cellular
physiological process`, `DNA binding`, `transcription factor activity`,
`regulation of transcription/DNA dependent`,
`negative regulation of cellular physiological process` and
`sequence specific DNA binding` categories.

7) Promoter analysis results display:

analysis in EXPANDER. Given a clustering/bi-clustering solution and a TF
binding site fingerprints file of an organism (supplied with EXPANDER for human,
mouse, ray, fly, worm, and yeast ), EXPANDER uses the PRIMA software to
identify clusters/bi-clusters that are significantly overpopulated with specific
transcription factor binding sites. In the example, cluster #1 is enriched with
genes that contain a binding site for `LEF1` and `MAZR` and cluster #4 is
enriched with genes that contain a binding sites for `ATF`, `SRF` and `ZF5`.

binding sites display:

TFBS viewer can be opened via EXPANDER to view binding site
locations of
enriched TFs (i.e. TFs
that were found to be enriched with a specific set of genes according to PRIMA)
. Horizontal and vertical zooming are available up to sequence level
(promoter sequences are provided for all supported organisms).