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Integrative analysis of ChIP-Seq and Gene Expression Data


EXPANDER provides the following tools for the joint analysis after loading both ChIP-seq and gene expression data:

1)   Examining gene expression distribution within ChIP-Seq-associated genes: this is done via Visualization>>ChIP-seq GE distribution. Upon selecting this option, the following dialog box will appear:

In the dialog box select the relevant ChIP-seq data set name, the base-condition and the test-condition, and click OK. A box plot showing the distribution of test-base GE ratios will be displayed for the set of chip-seq genes (right) and the rest of the genes in the gene-expression data set (left).

2)   Extracting a grouping solution from chIP-seq-gene-groups intersection: this is done via Supervised Grouping >> ChIP-Seq Intersection. Upon selecting this option the following dialog box is displayed:

In the dialog box select the relevant grouping solution and ChIP-seq data set name, and click OK. A grouping solution visualization tab will be added to the main window. It will contain a gene-group for each non-empty intersection between a gene-group in the original solution and the chIP-Seq genes. Visualization is similar to clustering visualization.

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