HTS-IBIS - Motif finding from high-throughput SELEXHTS-IBIS (short for Inferring Binding Sites from HT-SELEX) is a software for inferring binding site motifs from high-throughput SELEX (HT-SELEX). HTS-IBIS takes as input a list of sequence files (in fastq format), correspdonging to each iteration in the experiment and outputs the binding site of the TF as a potision weight matrix. Further details on the functionality of HTS-IBIS are available in the paper listed below.HTS-IBIS was developed by Yaron Orenstein in Ron Shamir's Computational Genomics group at Tel Aviv University. |
This distribution is our officially supported executable for HTS-IBIS. This binary is completely self-contained and should work out of the box without any issues. The package includes a small test dataset.
The software is freely available under the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3, or any later version at your choice.
HTS-IBIS is a research tool, still in the development stage. Hence, it is not presented as error-free, accurate, complete, useful, suitable for any specific application or free from any infringement of any rights. The Software is licensed AS IS, entirely at the user's own risk.
java -jar HTS-IBIS.jar <output_file> <List of ordered HT-SELEX file from first cycle to last>
HT-SELEX files can be downloaded from ENA, accession numbers ERP001824 and ERP001826.
Example run:
java -jar HTS-IBIS.jar LMX1A.pwm ZeroCycle_TCTGGT20NGGG_0_0.fastq LMX1A_TCTGGT20NGGG_Z_1.fastq LMX1A_TCTGGT20NGGG_Z_2.fastq LMX1A_TCTGGT20NGGG_Z_3.fastq LMX1A_TCTGGT20NGGG_Z_4.fastq
A: 0.183147132396698 0.22810086607933044 0.11032721400260925 0.8135622143745422 0.9158732891082764 . . . C: 0.2849732041358948 0.14351284503936768 0.32613304257392883 0.028032639995217323 0.017520010471343994 . . . G: 0.26065367460250854 0.10847616195678711 0.21236343681812286 0.11921338737010956 0.04402954876422882 . . . T: 0.2712264955043793 0.5199114084243774 0.35117655992507935 0.03919265791773796 0.022574998438358307 . . .Each line is of the form
nucleotide: [tab] probability_pos_1 [tab] probability_pos_2 [tab] . . .
HTS-IBIS: fast and accurate inference of binding site motifs from HT-SELEX data
Yaron Orenstein, Ron Shamir.