DOMINO: Discovery of Modules In Networks using Omic
DOMINO is an active module identification (AMI) algorithm. It recieves a gene network and nodes' activity scores as input and report sub-networks (modules) that are putatively biologically meaningful in the context of the activity data.
In extensive evaluation conducted on gene expression and genome-wide association study data we discovered that AMI algorithms tended to over-reporting of enrichment: GO terms enriched in the modules on real data were often also enriched when the algorithms were run on randomly permuted activity scores.
In constrast, modules retrieved by DOMINO had high rate of empirically validated GO terms.
July 2023: Network exploration and drug repurposing capabilities via Drugst.One. Check it out!
Nov. 2021: Our new server enables running Domino online with no need for installation. See here
For details about the software and source code, see DOMINO's Github page.
DOMINO was developed by Hagai Levi, Ran Elkon and Ron Shamir.
The study is available at the Molecular Systems Biology.
How can I get help?
For questions or suggestions please contact Hagai Levi.