What is 4CAC?
4CAC is a 4-class classifier of metagenome contigs using machine learning and assembly graphs. 4CAC aims to classify contigs in metagenome assemblies into viruses, plasmids, prokaryotic chromosomes, and eukaryotic chromosomes. It generates an initial classfication by XGBoost classfier and further refine the classification using structure of assembly graph.
4CAC was developed by Lianrong Pu and Ron Shamir.
Where is the 4CAC paper and software?
4CAC is available on Github.
4CAC paper has been accepted by NAR and is available in 4CAC.
How to cite 4CAC?
Lianrong Pu, Ron Shamir. 4CAC: 4-class classifier of metagenome contigs using machine learning and assembly graphs. Nucleic Acids Research, 2024;. gkae799, https://doi.org/10.1093/nar/gkae799
How can I get help?
For questions or suggestions please contact Lianrong Pu (lianrong.pu@gmail.com).