What is 3CAC?
3CAC is a 3-Class Adjacency based Classifier designed to classify contigs in metagenome assemblies into phage, plasmid and chromosomal sequences. It uses structure of assembly graph to assist the classification.
3CAC was developed by Lianrong Pu and Ron Shamir.
Where is the 3CAC paper and software?
3CAC is available on Github.
3CAC paper is under review and available in bioRxiv.
It can be cited as follows:
Pu L, Shamir R. 3CAC: improving the classification of phages and plasmids from metagenomic assemblies using assembly graphs. bioRxiv. 2021. doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.11.05.467408
How can I get help?
For questions or suggestions please contact Lianrong Pu (lianrong.pu@gamil.com).