Module number 967

Database revision : gnsdb28.10
Date : Tue Feb 25 17:17:27 2003
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mYMR316C-A:Unknown ,, Unknown\n Cond281:HMG2(tetpromoter)\n mYGR131W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYKL160W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mRTA1:involved in 7-aminocholesterol resistance,,Null mutant is vi\nable; overexpression confers resistance to 7-aminocholestero\nl\n mAQY2:aquaporin water channel in yeast,MIP family member , aquapor\nin (putative),\n mYOL037C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYJL215C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mDIA1:may be involved in invasive growth, pseudohyphal growth,,Nul\nl mutant is viable and causes invasive growth in haploids an\nd pseudohyphal growth in diploids\n mYMR009W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mGYP7:GTPase-activating protein,GTPase activating protein (GAP),Nu\nll mutant is viable\n mSIT1:Siderophore Iron Transport,ferrioxamine B permease,Viable. C\nells deleted from the gene are unable to take up ferrioxamin\ne B\n mTIR1:cold-shock induced protein of the Srp1p/Tip1p family of seri\nne-alanine-rich proteins,,\n mMCH5:Unknown ,, Unknown\n Cond121:qcr2(haploid)\n mTIR3:TIP1-related,cell wall mannoprotein,inviable under unaerobic\n conditions\n mTIR4:Hypothetical ORF,cell wall mannoprotein,inviable under anaer\nobic conditions\n mFET4:Putative transmembrane low-affinity Fe(II) transporter,low a\nffinity Fe2+ transport protein,Mutant lacks low affinity Fe(\nII) transport but has more active high affinity Fe(II) trans\nport activity\n mYKL161C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mHSP12:induced by heat shock, entry into stationary phase, depletio\nn of glucose, and addition of lipids (fatty acids),heat shoc\nk protein 12,Null mutant is viable, but shows induction of h\neat shock response under conditions normally associated with\n low-level HSP12 expression\n mURE2:Nitrogen catabolite repression regulator that acts by inhibi\ntion of GLN3 in good nitrogen source.  Altered form of Ure2p\n creates [URE3] prion.,glutathione transferase (putative) , \nprion , transcriptional regulator,Null mutant is viable but \nexhibits defects in nitrogen catabolite repression (NCR), an\nd null mutant diploids are defective in pseudohyphal growth \nand display an increased incidence of random bud patterns.\n mYPL088W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYIL102C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mFRE1:Ferric (and cupric) reductase,cupric reductase , ferric redu\nctase,Null mutant is viable, fre1-1 mutants are deficient in\n the uptake of ferric iron and are extremely sensitive to ir\non deprivation\n mFIT1:Facilitator of Iron Transport,Cell wall protein involved in \niron uptake,Impaired siderophore-iron uptake, activation of \nthe major iron-dependent transcription factor AFT1.\n mAQR1:multidrug resistance transporter,multidrug resistance transp\norter,Null mutant is viable, but exhibits increased suscepti\nbility to low-chain organic acids (C2-C6), azoles, antimalar\nial quinoline-ring containing drugs, malachite green and cry\nstal violet\n mFIT2:Facilitator of iron transport,Cell wall protein involved in \niron transport,impaired siderophore-iron uptake, activation \nof the major iron -dependent transcription factor, AFT1\n mSYS1:Multicopy suppressor of ypt6 null mutation,,Null mutant is v\niable. sys1 ypt6 double mutant displays enhanced defects in \nvacuolar sorting and cell growth\n mFIT3:Facilitator of Iron Transport,Cell wall protein involved in \niron transport,impaired siderophore iron uptake, activation \nof the major iron-dependent transcription factor, AFT1\n mYHR126C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYBR005W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYPR197C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mRSM19:mitochondrial ribosome small subunit component,mitochondrial\n ribosome small subunit component,\n mCUP1-2:copper-binding metallothionein,copper binding metallothionei\nn,Copper resistance\n mYLR194C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mCMK2:Calmodulin-dependent protein kinase,calmodulin-dependent pro\ntein kinase,Null mutant is viable, exhibits slow rate of spo\nre germination\n mYOR135C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYOR338W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n Cond166:ste11(haploid)\n Mating.Mating:Signaling and circuitry of multiple MAPK pathways revealed b\ny a matrix of global gene expression profiles.  Science. 200\n0 Feb 4;287(5454):873-80\n mDAN1:Delayed Anaerobic,cell wall mannoprotein , induced during an\naerobic growth,Null mutant is viable\n mCRH1:congo red hypersensitive,cell wall protein,Null mutant is vi\nable and hypersensitive to Congo Red and Calcofluor White\n mYDL157C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mDFG5:Protein required for filamentous growth, cell polarity, and \ncellular elongation,,Null mutant is viable and defective in \nfilamentous growth\n mYGR035C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYOR385W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mSLT2:Suppressor of lyt2,,Null mutant is viable but temperature se\nnsitive. At elevated temperatures or in the presence of caff\neine, mull mutants exhibit cell wall defects that result in \ncell lysis. Lysis is prevented by addition of 1M sorbitol.\n mCCC2:copper-transporting P-type ATPase with similarity to human M\nenkes and Wilsons genes,,Null mutant is viable, exhibits def\nects in respiration and iron uptake\n mYCR043C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mHSP26:heat shock protein 26,heat shock protein 26,Null mutant is v\niable; hsp26 hsp42 double deletion mutants are viable\n mYPS3:Gpi-anchored aspartic protease (Yapsin 3),GPI-anchored aspar\ntic protease,Null mutant is viable\n Cond524:ste5D/wtlog10(intensity)\n mAPG5:Involved in autophagy,,reduced viability upon nutrient starv\nation; defective in autophagy\n mPMP3:plasma membrane protein involved in salt tolerance,hypotheti\ncal transmembrane protein,Null mutant is viable and sensitiv\ne to cations such as sodium\n mYPL025C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYMR102C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYGR050C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n COMP.KO:Functional classification via a compendium of knockouts. Hug\nes, cell 2000.\n mTIS11:Zinc finger containing homolog of mammalian TIS11, glucose r\nepressible gene,,Null mutant is viable but alters metabolism\n that is reflected by a pH change on YPD plates.\n mPAU5:member of the seripauperin protein/gene family (see Gene_cla\nss PAU),,\n mPRM7:pheromone-regulated membrane protein,,\n mYER121W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYGP1:may be involved in cellular adaptations prior to stationary \nphase,gp37, a glycoprotein synthesized in response to nutrie\nnt limitation which is homologous to the sporulation-specifi\nc SPS100 gene,\n mYPL272C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n SGD.GO:Functional classification via a compendium of knockouts. Hug\nes, cell 2000.\n mYDL241W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mIDH2:NAD+-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase,NAD-dependent isocit\nrate dehydrogenase,Null mutant is viable\n mENB1:Siderophore transporter for enterobactin; AFT1 regulon,enter\nobactin transporter,Null mutants are viable but are unable t\no take up and utilize iron from enterobactin\n mSED1:putative cell surface glycoprotein,cell surface glycoprotein\n (putative),Null mutant is viable; during stationary phase, \nnull mutants exhibit increased sensitivity to Zymolyase.\n mYHR087W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mNCA3:With NCA2, regulates proper expression of subunits 6 (Atp6p)\n and 8 (Atp8p ) of the Fo-F1 ATP synthase,,Null mutant is vi\nable\n mYNL144C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mISU1:Iron-sulfur cluster nifU-like protein,,Null mutant is viable\n on YPD at 30 degrees C, and is synthetically lethal with is\nu2 null.\n mPCA1:Putative P-type Cu(2+)-transporting ATPase,P-type ATPase Cu(\n2+)-transporting (putative),Null mutant is viable but ceases\n growth earlier when grown in minimal medium with high coppe\nr concentration; overexpression of PCA1 causes poor growth; \nmulticopy PCA1 results in slower growth on synthetic medium \nwith 0.3 mM CuSO4\n Cond129:rip1\n mEFR4:PHO _E_ighty _F_ive _R_equiring,,Transposon insertion allele\n is synthetically lethal with pho85-delta\n mYBL044W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mHXT1:High-affinity hexose (glucose) transporter,high affinity hex\nose (glucose) transporter,Null mutant is viable\n mYMR251W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mGPD2:Involved in glycerol production via conversion of glyerol-3-\nphosphate and NAD+ to glycerol phosphate and NADH,glycerol-3\n-phosphate dehydrogenase (NAD+),Null mutant is viable\n mHXT10:high-affinity hexose transporter,high affinity hexose transp\norter,\n Cond173:ste5(haploid)\n mHES1:Protein implicated in ergosterol biosynthesis,similar to hum\nan oxysterol binding protein,pleiotropic sterol-related phen\notypes\n mDSE4:Hypothetical ORF,,\n mARN1:Product of gene unknown,,\n mARN2:Siderophore transporter for triacetylfusarinine C,triacetylf\nusarinine C transporter,YHL047c disrupted cells are unable t\no take up and utilize iron from triacetylfusarinine C und fu\nsigen\n mYMR317W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n COMP.TE:Functional classification via a compendium of knockouts. Hug\nes, cell 2000.\n mHAL5:Protein kinase homolog, mutant is salt and pH sensitive,,\n Cond526:ste11D/wtlog10(intensity)\n

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Computational Genomics Lab, Tel-Aviv uniresity