Module number 642

Database revision : gnsdb28.10
Date : Tue Feb 25 17:01:25 2003
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mYMR031W-A:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mREV1:Protein required for mutagenesis by physical and chemical ag\nents,deoxycytidyl transferase,Null mutant is viable, exhibts\n decreased revertibility\n mKNH1:46% identical at amino acid level to Kre9p; located extracel\nlularly,KRE9 homolog,Null mutant is viable; overexpression s\nuppresses kre9 mutation; knh1 kre9 double mutant is inviable\n mYLR428C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mRLM1:serum response factor-like protein that may function downstr\neam of MPK1 (SLT2) MAP-kinase pathway,,Null mutant is viable\n but shows caffeine sensitivity\n mYCR049C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mHAC1:Transcription factor that is required for the unfolded prote\nin-response pathway; binds to CRE motif; homologous to ATF/C\nREB 1,bZIP (basic-leucine zipper) protein,Null mutant is via\nble but is sensitive to caffeine (suppressed by high-copy SR\nA5) and stresses that produce unfolded proteins. High-copy H\nAC1 suppresses S. pombe cdc10-129\n mCOX17:Involved in copper metabolism and assembly of cytochrome oxi\ndase,cysteine-rich  protein,Null mutant is viable, respirato\nry defective, rescued by addition of copper to growth media \nand/or high copy expression of SCO1 and SCO2 genes\n mYLR023C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYOL046C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYDR326C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mPUF3:member of the PUF protein family, which is named for the fou\nnding members, PUmilio and Fbf,,\n mYMR102C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYNR068C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYHR125W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYMR158W-A:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mMCH5:Unknown ,, Unknown\n COMP.KO:Functional classification via a compendium of knockouts. Hug\nes, cell 2000.\n mTIS11:Zinc finger containing homolog of mammalian TIS11, glucose r\nepressible gene,,Null mutant is viable but alters metabolism\n that is reflected by a pH change on YPD plates.\n Cond527:ste12D/wtlog10(intensity)\n mTIR4:Hypothetical ORF,cell wall mannoprotein,inviable under anaer\nobic conditions\n mYDL099W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mHOS2:Protein with similarity to Hda1p, Rpd3p, Hos1p, and Hos3p,,\n mCOS12:Protein with strong similarity to subtelomerically-encoded p\nroteins including Cos2p, Cos4p, Cos8p, YIR040c, Cos5p, Cos9p\n, and Cos6p,,\n mHSP12:induced by heat shock, entry into stationary phase, depletio\nn of glucose, and addition of lipids (fatty acids),heat shoc\nk protein 12,Null mutant is viable, but shows induction of h\neat shock response under conditions normally associated with\n low-level HSP12 expression\n mYJL182C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYNR005C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mCRZ1:calcineurin responsive zinc-finger,transcription factor (put\native),Null mutant is viable\n mYPL088W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mFRE1:Ferric (and cupric) reductase,cupric reductase , ferric redu\nctase,Null mutant is viable, fre1-1 mutants are deficient in\n the uptake of ferric iron and are extremely sensitive to ir\non deprivation\n mYPR089W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n SGD.GO:Functional classification via a compendium of knockouts. Hug\nes, cell 2000.\n mYGR266W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYOL099C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mTPO4:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYGL239C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n Cond167:ste12(haploid)\n mYPR039W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYAL061W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYLR232W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYOR135C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mAPL1:beta-adaptin, large subunit of the clathrin-associated prote\nin complex,beta-adaptin , clathrin associated protein comple\nx large subunit,null mutant is viable\n mYBL012C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYVC1:Unknown ,, Unknown\n Mating.Mating:Signaling and circuitry of multiple MAPK pathways revealed b\ny a matrix of global gene expression profiles.  Science. 200\n0 Feb 4;287(5454):873-80\n mHCS1:DNA helicase 1,DNA helicase A,\n mSNL1:Suppressor of nup116-C lethal,18.3 kDa integral membrane pro\ntein,Null mutant is viable; SNL1 is a high copy suppressor o\nf nup116, gle2 and nic96 alleles\n mYDR112W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mSUR1:Involved in maintenance of phospholipid levels,integral memb\nrane protein , similar to YBR161w, Hoc1p, and Och1p , integr\nal membrane protein , similar to YBR161w, Hoc1p, and Och1p ,\n integral membrane protein , similar to YBR161w, Hoc1p, and \nOch1p,Null mutant is viable, calcium sensitive at 37 degrees\n C on YPD but calcium tolerant at 26 degrees C, accumulates \ngreatly reduced levels of several mannosylated sphingolipids\n; sur1 mutations have been isolated based on their ability t\no suppress certain phenotype of rvs161 mutants including red\nuced viability upon starvation and sensitivies to unrelated \ndrugs; SUR1 is a high copy suppressor of the calcium sensiti\nvity of csg2 mutants\n mYDR149C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYGR035C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mHXT5:Member of superfamily of monosaccharide transporters,hexose \ntransporter,Null mutant is viable\n mARN1:Product of gene unknown,,\n mARN2:Siderophore transporter for triacetylfusarinine C,triacetylf\nusarinine C transporter,YHL047c disrupted cells are unable t\no take up and utilize iron from triacetylfusarinine C und fu\nsigen\n mRDS1:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mCCC2:copper-transporting P-type ATPase with similarity to human M\nenkes and Wilsons genes,,Null mutant is viable, exhibits def\nects in respiration and iron uptake\n mCBF1:centromere binding factor; binds in vivo to CDE I sites in c\nentromeres (and some promoters), and induces DNA bending, re\nquired for mitotic segregation and normal growth rate,basic \nhelix-loop-helix protein,Null mutant is viable, but grows sl\nowly and causes partial loss of centromere function (increas\ned chromosome loss), benomyl and thiabendazole sensitivity, \nmethionine auxotrophy, and changes in chromatin structure at\n CENs and some promoters. Null mutation causes precocious si\nster segregation at MI, and reduced spore viability.\n mYDL023C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mSNC2:mediate the targeting and transport of secretory proteins,ve\nsicle-associated membrane protein (synaptobrevin) homolog,Nu\nll mutant is viable, snc1 snc2 double mutants are deficient \nin normal bulk secretion, accumulate large numbers of post-G\nolgi vesicles, and display a variety of conditional lethal p\nhenotypes\n mYPS6:Gpi-anchored aspartic protease (Yapsin 6),GPI-anchored aspar\ntic protease,\n

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Computational Genomics Lab, Tel-Aviv uniresity