Module number 2968

Database revision : gnsdb28.10
Date : Tue Feb 25 17:41:41 2003
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mHIS5:responsive to control of general amino acid biosynthesis,his\ntidinol-phosphate aminotransferase,Null mutant is viable and\n requires histidine\n mHAP5:Regulates respiratory functions; subunit of a heterotrimeric\n complex required for CCAAT binding,CCAAT-binding transcript\nion factor component (along with Hap2p and Hap3p),Null mutan\nt is viable\n Jelinski.Jelinski:Regulatory networks revealed by transcriptional profiling of\n damaged Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells: Rpn4 links base exc\nision repair with proteasomes.  Mol Cell Biol. 2000 Nov;20(2\n1):8157-67.\n mSAP30:Hypothetical ORF,,\n mYPL208W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mCEG1:mRNA guanylyltransferase (mRNA capping enzyme), alpha subuni\nt,mRNA capping enzyme alpha subunit , mRNA guanylyltransfera\nse,Null mutant is inviable\n mYLR404W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n Meiosis.Series0:The core meiotic transcriptome in budding yeasts.  Nat Genet\n. 2000 Dec;26(4):415-23.\n Cond711:t2+Vec\n mSEN15:Trna splicing endonuclease 15kDa subunit,tetrameric tRNA spl\nicing endonuclease 15kDa subunit,Null mutant is inviable\n mSRP102:Signal recognition particle receptor beta subunit,,Null muta\nnt is viable but exhibits slow growth and cannot grow on non\nfermentable carbon sources. Temperature-sensitive alleles ex\nhibit defects in translocation of some ER proteins at the no\nnpermissive temperature.\n mROT1:Reversal of tor2 lethality,membrane protein (putative),Null \nmutant is inviable; rot1 mutations can suppress tor2 mutatio\nns; synthetically lethal with rot2\n Cond883:5\n mRPB4:fourth-largest subunit of RNA polymerase II,RNA polymerase I\nI fourth largest subunit,Null mutant is viable, rbp4 mutants\n are heat and cold sensitive, exhibit slow growth at interme\ndiate temperatures\n Cond898:RPN4\n Cond872:Zero1\n Cond940:6h\n Cond724:t4+SSD1,H44\n mGSH2:Glutathione Synthetase,glutathione synthetase,Null mutant is\n viable, growth was poor under aerobic conditions in minimum\n medium\n mYML014W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mTAF10:TFIID subunit (TBP-associated factor) with predicted molecul\nar weight of 23 kD.,TFIID subunit,Null mutant is inviable\n Cond713:t4+Vec\n mYGR125W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYDR003W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYMR115W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n COMP.:Functional classification via a compendium of knockouts. Hug\nes, cell 2000.\n mTAF14:Protein required for actin cytoskeleton assembly or function\n,transcription initiation factor TFIIF small subunit,Null mu\ntant is viable but has a depolarized actin cytoskeleton.\n mMOD5:transfer RNA isopentenyl transferase,transfer RNA isopenteny\nl transferase,Null mutant is viable but temperature sensitiv\ne and cannot grow on nonfermentable carbon sources.\n mSEY1:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mCKB1:beta (38kDa) subunit of casein kinase II (CKII),casein kinas\ne II beta subunit,Null mutant is viable, exhibits salt sensi\ntivity specific to NaCl and LiCl\n Cond948:W303_ume6_YPA_\n mSLA2:Protein involved in membrane cytoskeleton assembly, required\n for cell polarization and endocytosis,transmembrane protein\n,Null mutant is viable and temperature sensitive\n Cond718:t4+SSD1wt\n mPOB3:binds to catalytic subunit of DNA polymerase alpha (Pol1p),D\nNA polymerase delta binding protein,Null mutant is inviable\n mYUH1:ubiquitin hydrolase,ubiquitin hydrolase,\n mARL3:Similar to ADP-ribosylation factor,,Null mutant is viable, d\nisplays cold-sensitive growth\n mYNL026W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYME1:Mitochondrial protein of the CDC48/PAS1/SEC18 family of ATPa\nses,,Null mutant is viable, exhibits an elevation in the rat\ne at which copies of TRP1 and ARS1, integrated into the mito\nchondrial genome, escape to the nucleus; a heat-sensitive re\nspiratory-growth defect; a cold-sensitive growth defect on r\nich glucose medium; and synthetic lethality in rho- (cytopla\nsmic petite) cells; yme1 (osd1) mutants fail to degrade newl\ny synthesized subunits of cytochrome c\n mSCP1:homolog of chicken calponin, thus the name S. cerevisiae Cal\nPonin,calponin homolog,Null mutant is viable and shows no ap\nparent phenotype\n mVID27:Vacuole import and degradation,,Null mutant is viable but ex\nhibits vacuole degradation of cytosolic proteins\n mHRB1:an ORF of unknown function located in a centromeric region d\nuplicated between chromosomes III and XIV,hypothetical RNA-b\ninding protein,\n mPRP4:associated with the U4/U6 snRNP,associates with the U4/U6 sn\nRNP,Null mutant is inviable; other alleles are defective in \nRNA synthesis and unable to grow at 36 degrees C.\n Cond893:SMMS\n Cond709:t0+Vec\n mYGL101W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mATR1:aminotriazole resistance,very hydrophobic, has many membrane\n-spanning regions, several potential glycosylation sites, po\ntential ATP-binding site,Null mutant is viable, but is sensi\ntive to very low (5 mM) levels of aminotriazole and to 4-nit\nroquinoline-N-oxide (4-NQO); multiple copies of ATR1 confer \nhyper-resistance to 4-NQO; multiple copies of ATR1 in gcn4 b\nackground confer resistance to high (80mM) levels of aminotr\niazole\n mMNS1:specific alpha-mannosidase,alpha-mannosidase,Null mutant is \nviable\n UME6.ume6:The Ume6 regulon coordinates metabolic and meiotic gene expr\nession in yeast.  Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2002 Oct 15;99(2\n1):13431-6.\n Cond717:t2-SSD1\n mSIN4:involved in positive and negative regualtion of transcriptio\nn, possibly via changes in chromatin structure,RNA polymeras\ne II holoenzyme/mediator subunit,Null mutant is viable, temp\nerature sensitive, displays defects in both positive and neg\native regulation of transcription, suppresses Ty insertion m\nutations (Spt-), exhibits decreased superhelical density of \ncircular DNA molecules, exhibits expression from promoters l\nacking UAS elements; associated with a defect in RME1-depend\nent repression and a methionine or cysteine requirement, exh\nibits flocculant/lacy colony morphology, suppressor of snf/s\nwi mutations\n mPTC7:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mPRI2:p58 polypeptide of DNA primase,DNA primase p58 polypeptide,l\nethal\n mMED4:Member of RNA Polymerase II transcriptional regulation media\ntor,RNA polymerase II holoenzyme/mediator subunit,Null mutan\nt is inviable\n Cond725:t4-SSD1,M31\n Cond708:t0+SSD1\n Cond877:MMS\n mYLR326W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n Cond886:g-ray\n mYOR223W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n Cond712:t4+SSD1\n SGD.GO:Functional classification via a compendium of knockouts. Hug\nes, cell 2000.\n mMTF1:Mitochondrial RNA polymerase specificity factor,mitochondria\nl RNA polymerase specificity factor,Null mutant is viable, d\nefective in respiration, and lacks mtDNA.\n mABZ1:para-aminobenzoate synthase, PABA synthase,para-aminobenzoat\ne synthase (PABA synthase),Null mutant is viable and PABA au\nxotroph\n mGLO2:Cytoplasmic glyoxylase-II,glyoxylase-II,Null mutant is viabl\ne but shows increased sensitivity to methylglyoxal\n mFOL3:FOLinic acid requiring,dihydrofolate synthetase,Null mutant \nis viable; requires folinic acid for growth\n Cond723:t2-SSD1,M31\n mRFC3:RFC is a DNA binding protein and ATPase that acts as a proce\nssivity factor for DNA polymerases delta and epsilon and loa\nds proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) on DNA,replicat\nion factor C subunit 3 , similar to human RFC 36 kDa subunit\n,Null mutant is inviable\n mYNL165W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mMRL1:Mannose 6-phosphate Receptor Like,,\n mECM19:ExtraCellular Mutant,,A Tn3 insertion into this gene causes \nhypersensitivity to the cell surface polymer perturbing agen\nt calcofluor white.\n Cond714:t0+SSD1wt\n Cond885:20\n mCBK1:cell wall biosynthesis kinase,protein kinase,Null mutation i\ns viable; shows alpha factor resistance; in liquid culture l\narge aggregates of cells are formed\n Cond715:t0-SSD1\n Cond891:G1MMS\n mYJL184W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mUSA1:Identified by its interaction with the U1 snRNP-specific pro\ntein, Snp1p.,pre-mRNA splicing factor (putative),\n mYMR160W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mDST1:Meiotic DNA recombination factor,RNA polymerase II elongatio\nn factor , transcription elongation factor,Null mutant is vi\nable; reduced induction of DNA strand transfer; sensitivity \nto 6-azauracil\n Cond721:t0-SSD1,M31\n mMSB4:Multicopy Suppressor of Bud Emergence,,Null mutant is viable\n. msb3/msb4 double mutant exhibits slow growth and disorgani\nzed actin cytoskeleton\n mCSN12:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mSMD1:Homolog of human core snRNP protein D1, involved in snRNA ma\nturation,,Null mutant is inviable\n mYKR007W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n Cond710:t2+SSD1\n Cond884:10\n mCDC36:Required for Start B in mitosis and for meiosis I spindle po\nle body separation,basal transcription inhibitor , transcrip\ntional regulator , basal transcription inhibitor , transcrip\ntional regulator,Null mutant is viable, cdc36 mutant arrests\n in G(sub)1; forms shmoo morphology at restrictive temperatu\nre, arrests at pachytene at the mononucleate stage with dupl\nicated spindle pole bodies and no spindles\n mTAF10 mTAF14

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Computational Genomics Lab, Tel-Aviv uniresity