Module number 2780

Database revision : gnsdb28.10
Date : Tue Feb 25 17:35:09 2003
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mYNL134C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYNR064C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYGL114W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mSET5:,,\n mYNL047C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mCEG1:mRNA guanylyltransferase (mRNA capping enzyme), alpha subuni\nt,mRNA capping enzyme alpha subunit , mRNA guanylyltransfera\nse,Null mutant is inviable\n mOXR1:OXidation Resistance,,Null mutant is sensitive to hydrogen p\neroxide.\n mSNX4:Sorting NeXin,,\n mGYP5:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mUBC13:ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme,ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme,\n mQRI1:UDP-N-acetylglucosamine pyrophosphorylase,UDP-N-acetylglucos\namine pyrophosphorylase,\n mGYP8:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mSTE11:involved in the mating signalling pathway,,Null mutant is vi\nable but sterile\n mYOR138C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mTRS120:targeting complex (TRAPP) component involved in ER to Golgi \nmembrane traffic,,Null mutant is inviable\n mYDR239C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mQRI8:ubiquitin conjugating enzyme,ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme,Nu\nll mutant is viable\n mNUP116:Involved in nucleocytoplasmic transport; may be required for\n biogenesis of tRNA,nuclear pore complex subunit,Null mutant\n grows slowly, accumulates unspliced pre-tRNAs, acumulates p\noly(A)+ RNA in the nucleus, and is temperature-sensitive; at\n nonpermissive temperature, null mutants show membrane seals\n covering cytoplasmic face of nuclear pore complexes; synthe\ntically lethal with nsp1, nup100, and nup145\n mSTV1:Stv1p and Vph1p may be equivalent subunits for vacuolar-type\n H(+)-ATPases located on different organelles,110 kDa subuni\nt; not in vacuole membrane , vacuolar H-ATPase,Null mutant i\ns viable, displays additive phenotypes in combination with v\nph1 null mutations\n mLST8:Required for amino acid permease transport from the Golgi to\n the cell surface,,Reduced activity of a broad set of amino \nacid permeases\n mRLF2:Chromatin Assembly Complex, subunit 1: largest (p90) subunit\n of three-subunit protein complex (yeast CAF-I) involved in \nDNA-replication-linked nucleosome assembly. Homol. to p150 s\nubunit human Chromatin Assembly Factor-I (CAF-I),chromatin a\nssembly factor-I (CAF-I) p90 subunit,Null mutant is viable, \nsensitive to UV radiation. Rap1 localization is disrupted an\nd silencing of genes adjacent to telomeric DNA is decreased \nin rfl2 mutants.\n mPEX10:C3HC4 zinc-binding integral peroxisomal membrane protein,C3H\nC4 zinc-binding integral peroxisomal membrane protein,mutant\n lacks morphologically recognizable peroxisomes and shows cy\ntosolic mislocalization of peroxisomal matrix proteins\n mYOR022C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mBUL1:Involved in the ubiquination pathway, possibly by functionin\ng with Rsp5,,Null mutant is viable, but at high temperature \na minichromosome is unstable; respiration deficiency suppres\nsor\n mPEX14:Peroxisomal peripheral membrane protein (peroxin) involved i\nn import of peroxisomal matrix proteins,,Null mutant is viab\nle but is unable to grow on oleate and lacks peroxisomes\n mYKR012C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mLEA1:Looks Exceptionally like U2A,,Null mutant is viable but grow\ns slowly and is temperature sensitive. Null mutant also exhi\nbits defects in spliceosome formation.\n mYTA12:Mitochondrial ATPase (similar to E. coli FtsH protein) that \nresides in the innner mitochondrial membrane,ATPase , CDC48/\nPAS1/SEC18 (AAA) family,Null mutant is viable, petite grossl\ny deficient in mitochondrial respiratory and ATPase complexe\ns, yet synthesizes all proteins encoded by mitochondrial DNA\n Cond890:G1\n mYPL070W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mDCW1:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mRRD2:Resistant to Rapamycin Deletion 2,,Null mutant is viable and\n shows rapamycin resistance; synthetic lethal with RRD1 (YIL\n153w)\n mYIR003W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mBRF1:RNA polymerase III transcription factor with homology to TFI\nIB,RNA polymerase III transcription factor , similar to TFII\nB , RNA polymerase III transcription factor , similar to TFI\nIB,Null mutant is inviable\n mMSO1:multicopy suppressor of sec1; small hydrophilic protein, enr\niched in microsomal membrane fraction, interacts with Sec1p,\n,Null mutant is viable, exhibits accumulation of secretory v\nesicles in the bud; mso1 null mutants exhibit double mutant \ninviability in combinaiton with sec1, sec2, and sec4 mutants\n mNPR1:protein kinase homolog,protein kinase homolog,inactive ammon\nia-sensitive amino acid permeases\n mSCL1:Proteasome subunit YC7alpha/Y8 (protease yscE subunit 7),pro\nteasome subunit YC7alpha/Y8 (protease yscE subunit 7),Null m\nutant is inviable, SCL1 is a dominant suppressor of the ts l\nethality of crl3\n mASI2:Amino acid Sensor-Independent (ASI) genes encode membrane pr\noteins Asi1p, Asi2p and Asi3p.,,\n mYKL206C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mASI3:Amino acid Sensor-Independent (ASI) genes encode membrane pr\noteins Asi1p, Asi2p and Asi3p. Asi1p and Asi3p have conserve\nd ubiquitin ligase-like RING domains at their C-termini,,\n mSTE23:involved in a-factor processing,,effects a-factor secretion \nand mating by a cells\n mSLA2:Protein involved in membrane cytoskeleton assembly, required\n for cell polarization and endocytosis,transmembrane protein\n,Null mutant is viable and temperature sensitive\n mYOR059C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mRMS1:Transcription regulator,,null mutant is viable with no appar\nent defects\n mPHO2:Regulation of phosphate metabolism,homeobox transcription fa\nctor , positive regulator of PHO5 and other genes , homeobox\n transcription factor , positive regulator of PHO5 and other\n genes,The null mutant is viable but unable to sporulate. Ma\nny genes regulated by GRF10 are expressed at non-wild type l\nevels in GRF10 null mutants.\n mYLR427W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mPRP4:associated with the U4/U6 snRNP,associates with the U4/U6 sn\nRNP,Null mutant is inviable; other alleles are defective in \nRNA synthesis and unable to grow at 36 degrees C.\n mYJR142W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mPEX21:Peroxin; Pex18p and Pex21p are partially functionally redund\nant.,peroxin,Null mutant is viable.\n mYDR131C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mNAB2:nuclear polyadenylated RNA binding protein,polyadenylated RN\nA binding protein,Null mutant is inviable\n mDPP1:contains a novel phosphatase sequence motif found in a super\n family of phosphatases including mammalian PAP2,diacylglyce\nrol pyrophosphate phosphatase,Null mutant is viable, does no\nt exhibit any obvious growth defects\n mICY2:Interacting with the cytoskeleton,,\n mPEX25:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mNTG2:Endonuclease III-like glycosylase,endonuclease III DNA base \nexcision repair N-glycosylase,\n mLYS5:aminoadipate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase small subunit (alpha\n-aminoadipate reductase),aminoadipate-semialdehyde dehydroge\nnase small subunit (alpha-aminoadipate reductase),Lysine req\nuiring\n mPEX8:Required for peroxisome assembly,peroxisome associated prote\nin containing a PTS1 signal,mutant lacks morphologically rec\nognizable peroxisomes and shows cytosolic mislocalization of\n peroxisomal matrix proteins\n mAAD14:aryl-alcohol dehydrogenase located on chromosome 14,aryl-alc\nohol dehydrogenase (putative),\n mSSU72:functionally related to TFIIB, affects start site selection \nin vivo,,Null mutant is inviable\n mSNZ1:Snooze: stationary phase-induced gene family; may be involve\nd in cellular response to nutrient limitation and growth arr\nest,highly conserved 35 kDa protein that shows increased exp\nression after entry into stationary phase,Null mutant is via\nble, sensitive to 6-azauracil and methylene blue.\n mHBS1:Protein related to translation elongation factor EF-1alpha a\nnd to Suf12p/Sup2p/Gst1p/Sup35p,,\n Cond879:MMC\n mYJR136C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mMSP1:40 kDa putative membrane-spanning ATPase,40 kDa membrane-spa\nnning ATPase,Null mutant is viable, exhibits no observable g\nrowth defects\n mGCV1:Required for metabolizing glycine as a nitrogen source,glyci\nne decarboxylase complex T subunit,Null mutant is viable but\n cannot use glycine as sole nitrogen source\n mGCV2:Glycine CleaVage system,glycine cleavage system P subunit , \nglycine decarboxylase complex P subunit , glycine synthase P\n subunit,Inability to convert glycine to serine (ser1 backgr\nound); Inability to utilize glycine as a nitogen source.\n mFZF1:involved in sulfite resistance,contains five zinc fingers , \ntranscription factor (putative) , contains five zinc fingers\n , transcription factor (putative),Null mutant is viable, su\nlfite sensitive. FZF1 is a high copy suppressor of grr1 muta\nnts\n mCMP2:calmodulin binding protein homologous to mammalian calcineur\nin,calcineurin subunit A,Null mutant is viable (no obvious p\nhenotype)\n mYFR039C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mKAE1:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYLR225C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYPR148C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mAPS2:Related to the sigma subunit of the mammalian plasma membran\ne clathrin-associated protein (AP-2) complex,clathrin associ\nated protein complex small subunit,null mutant is viable; sl\night effect on chc1-ts cell growth\n mPGD1:Probable transcription factor, polyglutamine domain protein,\n,Suppresses hyper-deletion phenotype of hpr1 null mutant; re\nduces frequency of deletions in rad52-1 mutant\n mGTR1:Involved in the function of the Pho84 phosphate transporter,\nsmall GTPase (putative),Null mutant is viable but grows slow\nly, is cold-sensitive, and has defects in phosphate uptake\n mSSL2:DNA helicase homolog; homolog of human XPBC, ERCC3,DNA helic\nase , human XPBC, ERCC3 homolog , DNA helicase , human XPBC,\n ERCC3 homolog,Null mutant is inviable\n mCTK2:cyclin-related subunit of the kinase complex that phosphoryl\nates the RPO21 CTD (carboxy-terminal domain); also called CT\nDK-I beta subunit,RNA polymerase II C-terminal domain kinase\n beta subunit, similar to cyclin,Null mutant is viable, disp\nlays slow growth and cold sensitive phenotypes in combinatio\nn with ctk1 and ctk3 null mutants\n mCTK3:CTD kinase-I gamma subunit,RNA polymerase II C-terminal doma\nin kinase gamma subunit, similar to cyclin-dependent kinase,\nNull mutant is viable, displays slow growth and cold sensiti\nve phenotypes in combination with ctk1 and ctk2 null mutants\n mYFR003C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mGSF2:Glucose Signaling Factor,,A Tn3 insertion into this gene cau\nses hypersensitivity to the cell surface polymer perturbing \nagent calcofluor white; Defective in glucose repression; mut\nants decrease transcriptional repression by MIG1; alter gluc\nose-regulated subunit interactions within the Snf1 protein k\ninase complex; the effects of eff1 and eff2 on SUC2 repressi\non are strongly synergistic.\n mYMR073C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mFAD1:Flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) synthetase, which performs\n second step in synthesis of FAD from riboflavin,FAD synthet\nase,Null mutant is inviable\n mYLR290C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mNTH1:hydrolyzes trehalose; may be inolved in growth transition fr\nom glucose to glycerol; shows significant sequence similarit\ny to Nth2p,neutral trehalase,Null mutant is viable\n mYNL100W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mRSC2:RSC2 is a member of RSC complex, which remodels the structur\ne of chromatin,RSC complex member,Null mutant is viable, exh\nibits slow growth.\n mMAI1:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mPCP1:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYKL047W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n Cond891:G1MMS\n mPBS2:Involved in osmoregulation, member of the HOG1 mitogen-activ\nated protein kinase (MAPK) cascade,MAP kinase kinase (MEK) ,\n may act as a scaffolding protein for Sho1p, Ste11p, and Hog\n1p , MAP kinase kinase (MEK) , may act as a scaffolding prot\nein for Sho1p, Ste11p, and Hog1p , MAP kinase kinase (MEK) ,\n may act as a scaffolding protein for Sho1p, Ste11p, and Hog\n1p,Null mutant is viable, sensitive to high osmolarity, sens\nitive to the antibiotic polymyxin B; shows marked decreased \ninduction of transcription by osmotic stress that is mediate\nd by stress response elements; a deletion in RGA1 and PBS2 a\nctivates the pheromone-dependent signal transduction pathway\n independently of the G protein\n mYGR127W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mUSA1:Identified by its interaction with the U1 snRNP-specific pro\ntein, Snp1p.,pre-mRNA splicing factor (putative),\n mRSC9:Remodels the Structure of Chromatin,,Null: Lethal.\n mYKL215C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYMR160W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n Cond881:4NQO\n mSNU71:associated with U1 snRNP (no counterpart in mammalian U1 snR\nNP; contains few SR-, RE- and RD-dipeptides,,Null mutant is \ninviable\n mCCP1:Cytochrome-c peroxidase,cytochrome c peroxidase,\n mNBP35:NBP35 encodes an essential evolutionary conserved protein wi\nth homology to bacterial partitioning ATPases,35 kDa nucleot\nide binding protein,Null mutant is inviable\n mCSN12:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYKR065C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mPPH21:serine-threonine protein phosphatase 2A,,Null mutant is viab\nle, pph21 pph22 mutants produce very small spores in some st\nrain backgrounds and are inviable in others, pph21 pph22 pph\n3 mutants are inviable\n mYGR011W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mPPH22:serine-threonine protein phosphatase 2A,,Null mutant is viab\nle, pph21 pph22 mutants produce very small spores in some st\nrain backgrounds and are inviable in others, pph21 pph22 pph\n3 mutants are inviable\n mVPS30:Required for sorting and delivery of soluble hydrolases to t\nhe vacuole.,,Vacuolar hydrolases sorting receptor Vps10p is \nmislocalized in vps30 mutants.\n mPHB2:Possible role in aging,mammalian BAP37 and S. cerevisiae Phb\n1p homolog , prohibitin homolog,Null mutant is viable, exhib\nits a slightly decreased lifes span; phb1 phb2 double deleti\non mutants exhibit a more decreased replicative lifespan and\n a defect in mitochondrial membrane potential\n mMON1:Product of gene unknown,,null mutant is sensitive to monensi\nn and brefeldin A\n mGTS1:Protein homologous to Drosophila clock protein,glycine-threo\nnine-serine repeat protein,Null mutant is viable; shows redu\nced lag phase\n mMYO3:myosin I,myosin I,Null mutant is viable, myo3 myo5 double de\nletion mutants exhibit severe defects in growth and actin cy\ntoskeletal organization\n mVPS34:phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase,phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase,\ntemperature sensitive, defective vacuolar protein sorting\n mTHI6:thiamin biosynthetic bifunctional enzyme,TMP pyrophosphoryla\nse , hydroxyethylthiazole kinase,\n mVPS35:Protein involved in vacuolar sorting,retromer complex compon\nent,Null mutant is viable, exhibits defects in sorting of va\ncuolar carboxypeptidase Y, proteinase A, proteinase B, and a\nlkaline phosphatase\n mCTL1:CET1-Like Gene ,1 (CET1 = capping enzyme triphosphatase 1),R\nNA triphosphatase,Null mutant is viable at 15/30/37C, on med\nia lacking inositol, and on media containing 15nM caffeine. \nCTL1 shows no genetic interaction with ceg1-250, cet1-4, nor\n CTD truncation mutants and does not suppress (in high copy)\n any of these mutants.\n mSNU114:involved in splicing,U5 snRNP-specific protein related to EF\n-2,Null mutant is inviable; growth inhibitory when over-expr\nessed; required for pre-mRNA splicing in vivo\n mMYO5:contains proline-rich tail homology 2 (TH2) and SH3 domains,\nmyosin I,Null mutant is viable; myo3 myo5 double deletion mu\ntants exhibit loss of actin polarity, growth arrest at 37 de\ngrees or high osmotic strength, accumulation of intracellula\nr membranes, and loss of polarized cell surface growth; myo3\n myo5 double mutants have longer doubling times and thicker \ncell walls\n mMMT2:Protein involved in mitochondrial iron accumulation,,Null mu\ntant is viable, mmt1 mmt2 double deletion mutants exhibit a \ngrowth defect on low iron medium\n mYMR067C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mECM29:ExtraCellular Mutant,,A Tn3 insertion into this gene causes \nhypersensitivity to the cell surface polymer perturbing agen\nt calcofluor white.\n mYAP1:jun-like transcription factor,jun-like transcription factor,\npleiotropic drug resistance\n mTOS5:Hypothetical ORF,,\n mYPL009C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mIKS1:ira1* kinase suppressor,serine/threonine kinase (putative),N\null mutant is heat shock sensitive\n mYDR504C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYNR068C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYMR031C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mGOD1:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYOR112W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYKL063C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mAAD6:high degree of similarity with the AAD of P. chrysosporium,a\nryl-alcohol dehydrogenase (putative),Responds to oxidative s\ntress induced by diamide and di-ethyl maleic acid ester in Y\nAP1 dependant manner\n mYGR223C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mURE2:Nitrogen catabolite repression regulator that acts by inhibi\ntion of GLN3 in good nitrogen source.  Altered form of Ure2p\n creates [URE3] prion.,glutathione transferase (putative) , \nprion , transcriptional regulator,Null mutant is viable but \nexhibits defects in nitrogen catabolite repression (NCR), an\nd null mutant diploids are defective in pseudohyphal growth \nand display an increased incidence of random bud patterns.\n mARO3:DAHP synthase; a.k.a. phospho-2-dehydro-3-deoxyheptonate ald\nolase, phenylalanine-inhibited; phospho-2-keto-3-deoxyhepton\nate aldolase; 2-dehydro-3-deoxyphosphoheptonate aldolase; 3-\ndeoxy-D-arabine-heptulosonate-7-phosphate synthase,DAHP synt\nhase; a.k.a. phospho-2-dehydro-3-deoxyheptonate aldolase, ph\nenylalanine-inhibited; phospho-2-keto-3-deoxyheptonate aldol\nase; 2-dehydro-3-deoxyphosphoheptonate aldolase; 3-deoxy-D-a\nrabine-heptulosonate-7-phosphate synthase,null mutant is via\nble\n mYGR266W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYGR012W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mHRT1:High level expression Reduces Ty3 Transposition,Skp1-Cullin-\nF-box ubiquitin protein ligase (SCF) subunit,Null mutant is \ninviable.\n mAFT2:Activator of Iron (Fe) Transcription,,Null: Deletion of AFT2\n exacerates iron deficiency of AFT1 disruption.\n mERG8:Involved in isoprene and ergosterol biosynthesis pathways,48\n kDa phosphomevalonate kinase,Null mutant is inviable\n mVPS45:Protein of the Sec1p family essential for vacuolar protein s\norting,,Null mutant is viable, defective in the segregation \nof vacuolar material into the developing daughter cell, has \nlarge central vacuoles\n mYJL055W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mTFA2:Small subunit of TFIIE transcription factor,transcription fa\nctor TFIIE subunit,Null mutant is inviable\n mGSH1:Glutathione biosynthesis,gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase,N\null mutant is viable, exhibits alteration of glutathione con\ntent and reduction in growth rate\n mYKL070W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n Cond872:Zero1\n mVTI1:Involved in cis-Golgi membrane traffic,interacts with two t-\nSNARES, Sed5p and Pep12p , v-SNARE,Null mutant is inviable\n mGSH2:Glutathione Synthetase,glutathione synthetase,Null mutant is\n viable, growth was poor under aerobic conditions in minimum\n medium\n mEND3:Required for endocytosis and organization of the cytoskeleto\nn,,Null mutant is viable and defective in endocytosis\n mRNA14:Protein with a role in mRNA stability and/or poly(A) tail le\nngth,cleavage and polyadenylation factor CF I component invo\nlved in pre-mRNA 3'-end processing,Null mutant is inviable\n mRNA15:Protein with a role in mRNA stability and/or poly(A) tail le\nngth,cleavage and polyadenylation factor CF I component invo\nlved in pre-mRNA 3'-end processing,Null mutant is inviable\n mPNP1:purine nucleoside phosphorylase, specifically metabolizes in\nosine and guanosine nucleosides,purine nucleoside phosphoryl\nase,null mutants excrete inosine and guanosine into the grow\nth medium\n mYGL060W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mSRB5:subunit of RNA polymerase II holoenzyme/mediator complex,RNA\n polymerase II holoenzyme/mediator subunit,Null mutant is vi\nable\n mYDR003W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYJU3:Product of gene unknown,,\n mGPB2:G-Protein Effector,G protein effector,\n mYNR069C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mOYE3:Old yellow enzyme,NADPH dehydrogenase,\n mRPN1:Subunit of 26S Proteasome (PA700 subunit),26S proteasome PA7\n00 subunit,Null mutant is inviable; hrd2-1 mutation slows de\ngradation of Hmg2p. hrd2-1 strains are sensitive to canavani\nne and show a global accumulation of ubiquitin-conjugated pr\noteins, but are not temperature-sensitive\n mRPN2:involved in tRNA processing and degradation of ubiquitinated\n proteins,,Null mutant is inviable/null mutant is viable, bu\nt shows temperature sensitivity (conflicting reports)\n mSCP1:homolog of chicken calponin, thus the name S. cerevisiae Cal\nPonin,calponin homolog,Null mutant is viable and shows no ap\nparent phenotype\n mRPN3:proteasome subunit,26S proteasome regulatory module componen\nt , similar to human p58 subunit,Null mutant is inviable. RP\nN3 is a high copy suppressor of the nin1-1 temperature sensi\ntive phenotype\n mRPN7:Regulatory Particle Non-ATPase, homolog of mammalian proteas\nomal subunit S10/p44,proteasome regulatory particle subunit,\n mHUL5:ubiquitin-protein ligase (E3),ubiquitin ligase (E3),Null mut\nant is viable\n mRPN8:Regulatory Particle Non-ATPase, homolog of mammalian proteas\nomal subunit S12/p40,proteasome regulatory particle subunit,\n mARP2:Involved in endocytosis and membrane growth and polarity,act\nin related protein,Null mutant is inviable\n mRPN9:Regulatory Particle Non-ATPase,proteasome regulatory particl\ne subunit,Null mutant is viable, temperature sensitive; rpn9\n rpn10 double deletion mutants are viable\n mNMA2:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mECM40:ExtraCellular Mutant,acetylornithine acetyltransferase,A Tn3\n insertion into this gene causes hypersensitivity to the cel\nl surface polymer perturbing agent calcofluor white.\n mVPS53:Required for Vacuolar Protein Sorting,hydrophilic protein th\nat is peripherally associated with the late Golgi and forms \na stable complex with Vps52p and Vps54p,Null mutant is viabl\ne but is defective for growth at 37^*C. vps53 null mutants h\nave fragmented vacuoles, missort and secrete CPY, and misloc\nalize late Golgi membrane proteins to the vacuole.\n mPRE5:alpha-type of subunit of 20S proteasome,20S proteasome alpha\n-type subunit,Null mutant is inviable\n mMDR1:Mac1-dependent regulator,GTPase activating protein (GAP)  fo\nr Ypt6,Null mutant is viable\n mPRE6:alpha-type of subunit of 20S proteasome,20S proteasome alpha\n-type subunit,Null mutant is inviable\n mRAM2:CAAX farnesyltransferase alpha subunit,CAAX farnesyltransfer\nase alpha subunit,lethal\n mSIN3:DNA binding protein involved in transcriptional regulation,D\nNA binding protein , involved in transcriptional regulation \n, DNA binding protein , involved in transcriptional regulati\non , DNA binding protein , involved in transcriptional regul\nation , DNA binding protein , involved in transcriptional re\ngulation , DNA binding protein , involved in transcriptional\n regulation , DNA binding protein , involved in transcriptio\nnal regulation,inviable, reduced potassium dependency\n mSIN4:involved in positive and negative regualtion of transcriptio\nn, possibly via changes in chromatin structure,RNA polymeras\ne II holoenzyme/mediator subunit,Null mutant is viable, temp\nerature sensitive, displays defects in both positive and neg\native regulation of transcription, suppresses Ty insertion m\nutations (Spt-), exhibits decreased superhelical density of \ncircular DNA molecules, exhibits expression from promoters l\nacking UAS elements; associated with a defect in RME1-depend\nent repression and a methionine or cysteine requirement, exh\nibits flocculant/lacy colony morphology, suppressor of snf/s\nwi mutations\n mPRE8:proteasome component Y7,proteasome component Y7,\n mLPD1:an FAD flavoprotein which contains a pair of redox-active cy\nsteines involved in the transfer of reducing equivalents fro\nm the FAD cofactor to the substrate,dihydrolipoamide dehydro\ngenase precursor (mature protein is the E3 component of alph\na-ketoacid dehydrogenase complexes),unable to utilize glycin\ne as sole nitrogen source\n mYKL071W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mWHI2:Protein involved in growth regulation,,Null mutant is viable\n mYPL105C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mENT3:epsin N-terminal homology-containing protein,,unknown\n mSGT1:G2 allele of skp1 suppressor,,\n mMRPL10:Mitochondrial ribosomal protein MRPL10 (YmL10),ribosomal pro\ntein (YmL10),\n mLEU4:leucine biosynthesis,alpha-isopropylmalate synthase (2-isopr\nopylmalate synthase),Null mutant is viable, Leu+\n mCHS5:Involved in chitin synthase III activity, also required for \nhomozygosis in the first stages of mating,,Null mutant is vi\nable, cells exhibit a strong mating defect; sensitive to Cal\ncofluor, reduced amount of chitin in the cell wall\n mABC1:multicopy suppressor of a cytochrome b mRNA translation defe\nct, essential for the electron transfer in the bc1 complex,,\nnull mutant is viable, no oxygen uptake and no growth on non\n-fermentable media\n mYTH1:Yeast 30kDa Homologue,polyadenylation factor subunit,null is\n inviable; other mutations result in polyadenylation deficie\nncy\n Cond882:zero3\n mSPT16:global regulator of transcription,,suppression of Ty inserti\non mutations\n mYLR199C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mSNO1:SNZ1 proximal ORF, stationary phase induced gene,,Null mutan\nt is viable, sensitive to 6-azauracil and methylene blue.\n mYMR090W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n Cond886:g-ray\n mYKL195W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mCDC21:cell division cycle blocked at 36 degree C,thymidylate synth\nase,defective in continued replication during S phase of the\n cell cycle; temperature-sensitive thymidylate auxotroph\n mYPR093C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mASN2:Asn1p and Asn2p are isozymes,asparagine synthetase,Null muta\nnt is viable; L-asparagine auxotrophy occurs upon mutation o\nf both ASN1 and ASN2\n mYJR111C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mFOL2:First enzyme in biosynthetic pathway for folic acid and tetr\nahydrobioptern,GTP-cyclohydrolase I,Folinic acid requiring\n mFOL3:FOLinic acid requiring,dihydrofolate synthetase,Null mutant \nis viable; requires folinic acid for growth\n mYFL061W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mTFC3:transcription factor tau (TFIIIC) subunit 138,138 kDa , tran\nscription factor tau (TFIIIC) subunit , 138 kDa , transcript\nion factor tau (TFIIIC) subunit,Null mutant is inviable\n mYIL137C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mAPG13:autophagy,,Defective in autophagy\n mARC18:Arp2/3 complex subunit,,\n mSPT20:Transcription factor,histone acetyltransferase SAGA complex \nmember , transcription factor,Null mutant is viable, exhibit\ns growth defects on glucose and galactose, fails to grow on \nmedia lacking inositol\n mYJL072C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mKEM1:Kar1-1 nuclear-fusion-defect Enhancing Mutation. Plays a rol\ne in cytoplasmic mRNA degradation.,5'-3' exonuclease,Null mu\ntant is viable but grows poorly. kem1 mutants exhibit aberra\nnt mRNA turnover and are are thought to be very pleiotropic \nas a result; elongated morphology, defective in spindle-pole\n-body duplication/separation and telomere maintenance, benom\nyl hypersensitive, 10-20-fold elevation in chromosome loss, \ndecreased mitotic recombination and inviable upon nitrogen s\ntarvation includes a partial list of phenotypes.\n mYMR114C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYDR267C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mHLJ1:Homologous to E coli dnaJ protein,,\n mYPR174C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mUGT51:Udp-glycosyltransferase,UDP-glucose:sterol glucosyltransfera\nse,Null mutant is viable and unable to synthesize sterol glu\ncoside\n mPRP12:Integral membrane mitochondrial protein,integral membrane pr\notein,Null mutant is viable but shows increased rate of DNA \nescape from mitochondria to the nucleus and, in some strains\n, shows a growth defect on nonfermentable carbon sources; rn\na12-1 is a dominant, thermosensitive allele that results in \ndefects in RNA maturation at the restrictive temperature; ym\ne1 cold sensitivity is suppressed by prp1; yme1 prp12 double\n mutant has synthetic growth defect on ethanol-glycerol medi\num at 30 degrees\n mSMD1:Homolog of human core snRNP protein D1, involved in snRNA ma\nturation,,Null mutant is inviable\n mPTP1:phosphotyrosine-specific protein phosphatase,phosphotyrosine\n-specific protein phosphatase,viable\n mCCT2:cytoplasmic chaperonin of the Cct ring complex related to Tc\np1p; subunit beta,,Null mutant is inviable; some mutant alle\nles exhibit defects in microtubule and actin assembly.\n mCCT3:Homolog of mammalian CCT family of chaperonin proteins; requ\nired for assembly of microtubules and actin in vivo,gamma ch\naperonin subunit,Defects in microtubule and actin assembly i\nn vivo, abberant chromosome segregation, supersensitivity to\n benomyl\n mBET3:Hydrophilic protein that acts in conjunction with SNARE prot\neins in targeting and fusion of ER to Golgi transport vesicl\nes,transport protein particle (TRAPP) component,Null mutant \nis inviable\n mCDC36:Required for Start B in mitosis and for meiosis I spindle po\nle body separation,basal transcription inhibitor , transcrip\ntional regulator , basal transcription inhibitor , transcrip\ntional regulator,Null mutant is viable, cdc36 mutant arrests\n in G(sub)1; forms shmoo morphology at restrictive temperatu\nre, arrests at pachytene at the mononucleate stage with dupl\nicated spindle pole bodies and no spindles\n Cond884:10\n mHSE1:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mHIS2:Histidinolphosphatase,histidinolphosphatase,Null mutant is v\niable and requires histidine\n mHIS3:imidazoleglycerol-phosphate dehydratase,imidazoleglycerol-ph\nosphate dehydratase,Null mutant is viable and requires histi\ndine\n mCCT8:Required for assembly of microtubules and actin in vivo,chap\neronin containing T-complex subunit eight component,\n mCAK1:binds and phosphorylates Cdc28p,cyclin-dependent kinase-acti\nvating kinase,Null mutant is inviable; temperature-sensitive\n mutant confers a G2 delay accompanied by low Cdc28p protein\n kinase activity\n mPDR10:Putative ABC transporter highly similar to Pdr5p,ABC transpo\nrter (putative) , highly similar to Pdr5p,\n mPEP12:integral membrane protein; c-terminal TMD; located in endoso\nme,c-terminal TMD , integral membrane protein , c-terminal T\nMD , integral membrane protein , c-terminal TMD , integral m\nembrane protein,proteinase deficient\n mMOR1:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mHIS5:responsive to control of general amino acid biosynthesis,his\ntidinol-phosphate aminotransferase,Null mutant is viable and\n requires histidine\n Jelinski.Jelinski:Regulatory networks revealed by transcriptional profiling of\n damaged Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells: Rpn4 links base exc\nision repair with proteasomes.  Mol Cell Biol. 2000 Nov;20(2\n1):8157-67.\n mYLR201C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYKL146W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mSGV1:CDC28/cdc2 related protein kinase,CDC28/cdc2 related protein\n kinase,Null mutant is inviable.\n mMCH4:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mPDR1:general positive regulator of permeability genes,zinc finger\n transcription factor of the Zn(2)-Cys(6) binuclear cluster \ndomain type,pleiotropic drug resistance, resistant to borrel\nidin, oligomycin, antimycin, cycloheximide, antibiotic, thio\nisoleucine, sulfometuron methyl; accumulation of neutral red\n mNSP1:Nucleoskeletal protein found in nuclear pores and spindle po\nle body,nuclear pore complex subunit,Null mutant is inviable\n.\n mYLR164W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYJR083C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mGFD1:Great for FULL DEAD box protein activity,,Null mutant is via\nble; high copy suppressor of rat8-2\n mASP3-2:nitrogen catabolite-regulated cell-wall L-asparaginase II,ni\ntrogen catabolite-regulated cell-wall L-asparaginase II,\n mYHR198C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mASP3-3:nitrogen catabolite-regulated cell-wall L-asparaginase II,ni\ntrogen catabolite-regulated cell-wall L-asparaginase II,\n mNPY1:hydrolyzes the pyrophosphate linkage in NADH and related nuc\nleotides,NADH pyrophosphatase 1,No readily detected phenotyp\ne\n mRFA1:Required for DNA-damage repair, full levels of gene conversi\non and sporulation,heterotrimeric RPA (RF-A) single-stranded\n DNA binding protein 69 kDa subunit; binds URS1 and CAR1,Nul\nl mutant is inviable; cells lacking RFA1 accumulate as multi\nply budded cells with a single nucleus suggesting a defect i\nn DNA replication; rfa1 repair defects are suppressed by hig\nh copy RAD52\n mRFA2:Involved in nucleotide excision repair,29% identical to the \nhuman p34 subunit of RF-A , replication factor RF-A subunit \n2,Null mutant is inviable; arrests as budded and multiply bu\ndded cells; rfa2 (ts) cells have a mutator and a hyper-recom\nbination phenotype and are more sensitive to hydroxyurea and\n methyl-methane-sulfonate than wild-type cells\n mBUD32:Hypothetical ORF,,Diploid mutants exhibit random budding\n mYOR131C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYFR008W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mCDC4:Init. of DNA synthesis & spindle pole body separation; dispe\nnsable for both mitotic and meiotic spindle pole body dupl.;\n essential for mitotic but not premeiotic DNA synth.; wt lev\nels of synaptonemal complexes and intragenic recombination,u\nbiquitin ligase subunit,Null mutant is inviable. cdc4 mutant\ns arrest in meiosis at the mononucleate stage with duplicate\nd spindle pole bodies.\n mAHC1:Ada Histone acetyltransferase complex component ,Ada histone\n acetyltransferase complex component,Null mutant is viable\n mCDC46:Member of complex that acts at ARS's to initiate replication\n,,Null mutant is inviable; at nonpermissive temperature cdc4\n6(ts) mutants arrest with a large bud and a single nucleus a\nnd exhibit a high rate of recombination\n mYNR029C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mHSF1:heat shock transcription factor,heat shock transcription fac\ntor,Null mutant is inviable\n mCDC48:Microsomal protein of CDC48/PAS1/SEC18 family of ATPases; fu\nll length homology to mammalian protein VCP; involved in sec\nretion, peroxisome formation and gene expression,,Null mutan\nt is inviable\n mYJR149W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mNMD4:putative Upf1p-interacting protein,,\n mYLR202C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYMR115W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mARC35:Arp complex subunit,,Null mutant is viable, but exhibits sev\nere growth defects\n mRTF1:Directly or indirectly regulates the DNA-binding properties \nof Spt15p, the TATA box-binding protein, and the relative ac\ntivities of different TATA elements,nuclear protein,Null mut\nant is viable and can suppress TATA box-binding protein muta\nnts (SPT15) in an allele-specific fashion\n mPYC1:converts pyruvate to oxaloacetate,pyruvate carboxylase,Null \nmutant is viable but shows greatly reduced pyruvate decarbox\nylase activity and cannot grow on ethanol in the absence of \naspartate; pyc1 pyc2 double mutant is unable to grow on gluc\nose as sole carbon source unless aspartate is added to the m\nedium\n mYHR112C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mCST6:Chromosome STability; contains an ATF/CREB-like bZIP domain;\n transcriptional activator,basic leucine zipper (bZIP) trans\ncription factor,Overexpression of CSTs induces chromosome lo\nss\n mHYS2:Putative role in DNA replication,DNA polymerase delta 55 kDa\n subunit,Null mutant is inviable\n mPOB3:binds to catalytic subunit of DNA polymerase alpha (Pol1p),D\nNA polymerase delta binding protein,Null mutant is inviable\n mRPN11:Suppressor of mutant (ts on glycerol) tRNA gene deficient in\n the processing of its 3'-end; homologous to S. pombe PAD1 g\nene - global positive regulator of nuclear transcription and\n is involved in maintenance of chromatin structure,,Null mut\nant is inviable\n mYNL026W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n Cond894:G2\n mRPN12:Part of 26S proteasome complex that may activate Cdc28p,32-3\n4 kDa protein,Null mutant is inviable; nin1-1 mutant is temp\nerature-sensitive mutant that shows i) higher rates of recom\nbination and chromosome and plasmid loss; ii) greater sensit\nivity to UV irradiation; iii) at restrictive temperature, ar\nrest in G2, failure to activate histone H1 kinase, and accum\nulation of polyubiquinated proteins\n mYHR162W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mPEP8:Plays a role in delivery of proteins to the vacuole,vacuolar\n protein similar to mouse gene H<beta>58,Null mutant is viab\nle but is defective in processing of soluble vacuole proteas\nes due to inability of soluble vacuolar hydrolase to reach t\nhe vacuole\n mVID27:Vacuole import and degradation,,Null mutant is viable but ex\nhibits vacuole degradation of cytosolic proteins\n mDCP2:Mrna Decapping. essential suppressor of the respiratory defi\nciency of a pet mutant,,\n mYHR199C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYFL057C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYAF9:Yeast homolog of the human leukemogenic protein AF9; member \nof a large protein complex,,Null mutant is viable\n mAIP1:Protein localizes to actin cortical patches. Probable bindin\ng site on actin lies on front surface of subdomain 3 and 4.,\nactin cortical patch component,Null mutant is viable\n mYGR111W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYRB2:Ran-GTPase-binding protein involved in nuclear export,nuclea\nr protein that interacts with Gsp1p and Crm1p,Null mutant is\n viable, cold sensitive, synthetically lethal with rna1-1 bu\nt not nup2 deletion mutants; mutants are defective in nuclea\nr export\n mYJL161W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mCDC54:essential for initiation of DNA replication; homolog of S. p\nombe CDC21,,Null mutant is inviable; at nonpermissive temper\nature cdc54(ts) mutants arrest with a large bud and a single\n nucleus and exhibit a high rate of recombination\n mUFO1:F-box protein,F-box protein,Null mutant is viable and UV sen\nsitive\n mYNL077W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYOR052C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mPTC5:Phosphatase type Two C,type 2C Protein Phosphatase,\n mTRP1:Note that the sequence of TRP1 from strain S228C, which is t\nhe sequence stored in SGD, contains an ochre mutation at cod\non 67.,N-(5'-phosphoribosyl)-anthranilate isomerase,tryptoph\nan requiring\n mTRP3:anthranilate synthase Component II and indole-3-phosphate (m\nultifunctional enzyme),anthranilate synthase component II , \nindole-3-phosphate,Null mutant is viable, tryptophan auxotro\nph\n mCWC15:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYPL260W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mTRP5:tryptophan synthetase,tryptophan synthetase,Null mutant is v\niable and requires tryptophan\n mSTP3:Involved in pre-tRNA splicing and in uptake of branched-chai\nn amino acids,,\n mMED4:Member of RNA Polymerase II transcriptional regulation media\ntor,RNA polymerase II holoenzyme/mediator subunit,Null mutan\nt is inviable\n mYOR088W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mRTG2:Protein involved in interorganelle communication between mit\nochondria, peroxisomes, and nucleus,,Null mutant is viable, \nfails to grow on acetate as a sole carbon source, auxotrophi\nc for glutamate and aspartate; respiratory competent\n mYOR256C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYML107C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n SGD.GO:Functional classification via a compendium of knockouts. Hug\nes, cell 2000.\n mMTF1:Mitochondrial RNA polymerase specificity factor,mitochondria\nl RNA polymerase specificity factor,Null mutant is viable, d\nefective in respiration, and lacks mtDNA.\n mPUP1:putative proteasome subunit,proteasome subunit (putative),\n mRFC1:RFC is a DNA binding protein and ATPase that acts as a proce\nssivity factor for DNA polymerases delta and epsilon and loa\nds proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) on DNA,replicat\nion factor C subunit 1 , similar to human RFC 140 kDa subuni\nt,Null mutant is inviable, rfc1 conditional mutants arrest b\nefore mitosis\n mYMR087W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mTAF3:TAF(II) complex (TBP-associated protein complex) component,T\nAF(II) complex component,Null mutant is inviable\n mYNL165W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYDR531W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mTAF6:TATA-binding protein-associated-factor,TATA-binding protein-\nassociated-factor,Null mutant is inviable\n mTOM70:Translocase of Outer Mitochondrial membrane,70 kDa mitochond\nrial specialized import receptor of the outer membrane,Null \nmutant is viable but exhibits defects in mitochondrial impor\nt\n mCOX20:COX: cytochrome oxidase, 20: 20th gene involved in cytochrom\ne oxidase activity,required for maturation and assembly of c\nytochrome oxidase subunit II,Null mutant is respiratory-defi\ncient and has no cytochrome oxidase activity or accumulation\n of precursor of CoxII\n mRNY1:RiboNuclease from Yeast,ribonuclease, T2 family,\n mYLR297W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYNL158W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mTAF8:TBP Associated Factor 65 KDa,TFIID subunit,Null mutant is in\nviable\n mYJL199C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mCBK1:cell wall biosynthesis kinase,protein kinase,Null mutation i\ns viable; shows alpha factor resistance; in liquid culture l\narge aggregates of cells are formed\n mAPL2:Beta-adaptin, large subunit of the clathrin-associated prote\nin (AP-1) complex,beta-adaptin , clathrin associated protein\n complex large subunit,null mutant is viable\n mYMR298W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mAPL4:Gamma-adaptin, large subunit of the clathrin-associated prot\nein (AP) complex,clathrin associated protein complex large s\nubunit , gamma-adaptin,\n mTFG1:Transcription factor TFIIF large subunit,transcription facto\nr TFIIF large subunit,Null mutant is inviable\n mIDP1:Mitochondrial form of NADP-specific isocitrate dehydrogenase\n,NADP-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase,Null mutant is viab\nle\n mTFG2:transcription initiation factor TFIIF middle subunit,transcr\niption initiation factor TFIIF middle subunit,Null mutant is\n inviable\n mAPL6:beta3-like subunit of the yeast AP-3 complex which functions\n in transport of alkaline phosphatase to the vacuole via the\n alternate pathway, suppressor of loss of casein kinase 1 fu\nnction,clathrin assembly complex beta adaptin component (put\native),Null mutant is viable, null rescues yck1 yck2 double \nmutant\n mYMC1:putative mitochondrial carrier protein,carrier protein (puta\ntive),\n mYGL226W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mCUP9:homeobox domain similar human proto-oncogene PBX1,DNA bindin\ng protein (putative),Null mutant is viable, associated with \nloss of copper resistance\n mRIM11:Required for Ime1p phosphorylation, association of the Ime1p\n-Ume6p meiotic activator, early meiotic gene expression, and\n sporulation,,Null mutant is viable; some alleles are Spo+ a\nnd sporulate slowly; rim11 is epistatic to the lethality of \nIME1 overexpression in haploids and permits Ime1p accumulati\non; RIM11 is a high copy suppressor of mck1 (cs) mutants\n mYPR097W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mMVP1:Protein required for sorting proteins to the vacuole,,MVP1 w\nas identified as a multicopy suppressor of dominant-negative\n vps1 mutations, as well as an extragenic suppressor of a te\nmperature-sensitive pma1 mutation (sop gene)\n mPOS5:involved in oxidative stress,,pos5 mutants are peroxide sens\nitive\n mYKL091C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYMR262W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mSRP68:part of the signal recognition particle (SRP) ribonucleoprot\nein (RNP) complex that functions in protein targeting to the\n endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane,signal recognition part\nicle component,Null mutant is viable, associated with slow c\nell growth and inefficient protein translocation across the \nER membrane\n mYGL161C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mMUD2:Involved in early pre-mRNA splicing,,Null mutant is viable\n mDCR1:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mCPA2:carbamyl phosphate synthetase,carbamyl phosphate synthetase,\nNull mutant is viable\n mYNL253W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mRPT1:Required for degradation of ubiquitinated substrates and for\n anaphase chromosome separation,26S protease subunit compone\nnt (putative) , ATPase , 26S protease subunit component (put\native) , ATPase,Null mutant is inviable\n mYGR237C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mLCB5:involved in sphingolipid biosynthesis,sphingoid long chain b\nase (LCB) kinase,Null mutant is viable, exhibits approximate\nly 97% of wild-type LCB kinase activity; lcb4 lcb5 double de\nletion mutants exhibit no LCB kinase activity\n mYLR408C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mRPT4:Proteasome Cap Subunit,26S proteasome cap subunit component \n, ATPase , 26S proteasome cap subunit component , ATPase , 2\n6S proteasome cap subunit component , ATPase,Null mutant is \ninviable; ts mutant strain arrests as large-budded cells aft\ner 1, 2, 3 divisions with a G2 content of DNA and a monopola\nr spindle; unduplicated spindle pole body is enlarged as in \nother monopolar mutants; they also fail to arrest at G1 when\n starved for a single amino acid (but do arrest at G1 when d\neprived of all nitrogen), are resistant to cyclohexamide, an\nd are hypersensitive to amino acid analogs, hygromycin B and\n 3-aminotriazole\n mRPT5:Probable 26S protease subunit and member of the CDC48/PAS1/S\nEC18 family of ATPases,,Null mutant is inviable\n mRPT6:member of the 26 S proteasome,ATPase,Null mutant is inviable\n mNEO1:ATPase that leads to neomycin-resistant protein when overexp\nressed,P-type ATPase,Null mutant is inviable. When overexpre\nssed, Neo1 confers neomycin resistance.\n mCDC73:accessory factor associated with RNA polymerase II by affini\nty chromatography,,Mutations affect cell growth and the abun\ndance of transcripts from a subset of genes\n mARG2:First step in ornithine biosynthesis pathway,acetylglutamate\n synthase,\n mPSH1:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mTRR2:mitochondrial thioredoxin reductase,thioredoxin reductase,Nu\nll mutant is viable, increased sensitivity to hydrogen perox\nide\n mYJL149W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mSTR2:Sulfur TRansfer,cystathionine gamma-synthase,Null mutant is \nviable but unable to turn cysteine into homocysteine. Grows \nwhen supplied with cystathionine.\n mMPD2:protein disulfide isomerase related protein,protein disulfid\ne isomerase related protein,Null mutant is viable; overprodu\nction of Mpd2p suppresses lethality and carboxypeptidase Y m\naturation defect caused by pdi1 deletion -- this suppression\n depends on the CXXC sequence of Mpd2p\n mAPM1:medium subunit of the clathrin-associated protein complex,cl\nathrin associated protein complex medium subunit,Null mutant\n is viable, enhances the slow growth and late Golgi sorting \ndefects of a chc1-ts mutant\n mMDM34:Hypothetical ORF,,\n mSSU1:sensitive to sulfite,major facilitator superfamily,Null muta\nnt is viable; sulfite sensitive\n mDRE3:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYNL123W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYHR115C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mCAF16:CCR4 associated factor,ABC ATPase,Null mutant is viable\n mECM4:ExtraCellular Mutant,,A Tn3 insertion into this gene causes \nhypersensitivity to the cell surface polymer perturbing agen\nt calcofluor white.\n mMKS1:Pleiotropic regulatory factor involved in Ras-CAMP and lysin\ne biosynthetic pathways and nitrogen regulation,negative tra\nnsctiptional regulator,Null mutant is viable, fails to grow \non galactose media containing ethidium bromide at 25 degrees\n and on YPglycerol media at 37 degrees\n Cond892:S\n mSDT1:suppressor of deletion of TFIIS,,null mutant is viable, but \nis sensitive to 6-azauracil\n mYNL181W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mCOT1:Protein involved in cobalt accumulation; dosage dependent su\nppressor of cobalt toxicity,,Null mutant is viable, yet incr\neased sensitivity to cobalt\n mPAP1:poly(A) polymerase,poly(A) polymerase,lethal\n mROX1:The ROX1 gene encodes a heme-induced repressor of hypoxic ge\nnes in yeast.,HMG-domain site-specific DNA binding protein.,\nThe null mutant is viable but misexpresses several heme-regu\nlated genes.\n mOCA1:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYHR122W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mNUP84:component of nuclear pores; Part of complex with Nup120p, Nu\np85p, Sec13p, and a Sec13p homolog,similar to mammalian Nup1\n07p,Null mutant is viable but has defects in nuclear membran\ne and nuclear pore complex organization and in poly(A)+ RNA \ntransport\n mNUP85:Protein in nuclear pore complex; may function in nuclear env\nelope integrity; may also be involved in tRNA biogenesis,,Nu\nll mutant is viable but is temperature-sensitive; at nonperm\nissive temperature, null mutant accumulates poly(A)+ RNA and\n has fragmented nucleolus; at permissive temperature, nuclea\nr envelope of null mutant detaches from nucleus\n mYPL206C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mSTS1:restores protein transport when overexpressed and rRNA stabi\nlity to a sec23 mutation,,Null mutant is inviable\n mCAP1:capping - addition of actin subunits,capping protein,Null mu\ntant is viable; severe deficit of actin cables and increased\n number of actin spots in the mother; round, relatively larg\ne cells\n mMPE1:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYLR387C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mMDJ1:involved in protection against heat-induced protein aggregat\nion but not necessary for protein import into the mitochondr\nion,DnaJ homolog , involved in mitochondrial biogenesis and \nprotein folding,Null mutant is viable, displays a petite phe\nnotype, loss of mitochondrial DNA, and inviability at 37 deg\nrees C\n mRAT1:RNA trafficking protein; transcription activator,5'-3' exori\nbonuclease,Null mutant is inviable.\n mHEM12:fifth enzyme in the heme biosynthetic pathway,uroporphyrinog\nen decarboxylase,Null mutant is viable; auxotroph for heme a\nnd methionine\n mYME1:Mitochondrial protein of the CDC48/PAS1/SEC18 family of ATPa\nses,,Null mutant is viable, exhibits an elevation in the rat\ne at which copies of TRP1 and ARS1, integrated into the mito\nchondrial genome, escape to the nucleus; a heat-sensitive re\nspiratory-growth defect; a cold-sensitive growth defect on r\nich glucose medium; and synthetic lethality in rho- (cytopla\nsmic petite) cells; yme1 (osd1) mutants fail to degrade newl\ny synthesized subunits of cytochrome c\n mDPL1:dihydrosphingosine phosphate lyase (also known as sphingosin\ne phosphate lyase),dihydrosphingosine phosphate lyase (also \nknown as sphingosine phosphate lyase),Null mutant is viable \nbut is sensitive to exogenous D- erythro-sphingosine and phy\ntosphingosine and accumulates sphingosine 1-phosphate upon e\nxposure to exogenous sphingosine; overexpression confers res\nistance to sphingosine\n mULP1:Ubl (ubiquitin-like protein) - specific protease 1,Ulp1p-spe\ncific protease,Null mutant is lethal. Temperature-sensitive \nmutants accumulate in G2/M at the restrictive temperature\n mYDR330W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mGRS2:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mULA1:Required for activation of RUB1 (ubiquitin-like protein) tog\nether with UBA3. Related to AOS1 and to N-terminus of UBA1. \nCollaborates with UBC12 in conjugation of RUB1 to other prot\neins. Required for modification of CDC53/cullin with RUB1,,N\null mutant is viable with no obvious mutant phenotype, is sy\nnthetically lethal with cdc34(ubc3) ts mutant, and enhances \nthe phenotypes of cdc4, cdc53, and skp1 mutants\n mNIT1:nitrilase,nitrilase,\n mORC4:Part of complex that binds to origins of replication and the\nreby directs DNA replication and is also involved in transcr\niptional silencing,origin recognition complex (ORC) 56 kDa s\nubunit,\n Cond893:SMMS\n mNIT2:Nit protein, nitrilase superfamily member,,\n mMAS1:mitochondrial processing protease subunit,mitochondrial proc\nessing protease subunit,Null mutant is inviable; Elevated mi\ntotic recombination and chromosomal missegregation when over\nproduced\n mYAP1801:Yeast Assembly Polypeptide, member of AP180 protein family, \nbinds Pan1p and clathrin,,Null mutant is viable\n mYMR184W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mPET8:Member of family of mitochondrial carrier proteins,,petite; \nunable to grow on non-fermentable carbon sources\n mYHR029C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mMAD2:spindle checkpoint complex subunit,spindle checkpoint comple\nx subunit,Null mutant is viable, mitotic arrest deficient, s\nensitive to the anti-microtubule drug benomyl\n mRHO4:ras homolog--GTP binding protein,GTP-binding protein , ras h\nomolog,Null mutant is viable; rho3 rho4 cells are inviable a\nt 30 degrees C\n mYNL335W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mBRR1:Protein involved in snRNP biogenesis,spliceosomal snRNP comp\nonent,in brr1 mutants, newly synthesized snRNAs are destabil\nized and 3'-end processing is slowed\n mTLG2:member of the syntaxin family of t-SNAREs,tSNARE that affect\ns a late Golgi compartment,Null mutant is viable in SEY6210,\n exhibits endocytosis defect and loss of Kex2p\n mYDR229W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYDR411C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mATR1:aminotriazole resistance,very hydrophobic, has many membrane\n-spanning regions, several potential glycosylation sites, po\ntential ATP-binding site,Null mutant is viable, but is sensi\ntive to very low (5 mM) levels of aminotriazole and to 4-nit\nroquinoline-N-oxide (4-NQO); multiple copies of ATR1 confer \nhyper-resistance to 4-NQO; multiple copies of ATR1 in gcn4 b\nackground confer resistance to high (80mM) levels of aminotr\niazole\n mSEC6:cytoplasmic protein involved in fusion of post-Golgi vesicle\ns with the plasma membrane. The Exocyst complex is required \nfor exocytosis.,exocyst complex 88 kDa component,lethal\n mMSL1:involved in splicing,U2 snRNP component , YU2B,msl1 mutants \nexhibit synthetic lethality in combination with mud2 deletio\nn mutants\n mIST1:Similar to Nuf1p (spindle pole body component),,\n mDAK1:putative dihydroxyacetone kinase,dihydroxyacetone kinase (pu\ntative),Null mutant is viable and shows no growth defect in \nnormal medium; mutant lacking both dak1 and dak2 is sensitiv\ne to dihydroxyacetone during saline growth\n mSEC9:Putative t-SNARE of the plasma membrane,t-SNARE (putative),A\nn uncharacterized allele accumulates 100nm secretory vesicle\ns and berkeley bodies and is defective in proteint transport\n to the cell surface. The sec9-4 allele has diploid-specific\n bud site selection defects.\n mYJR001W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYML131W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n Cond895:G2MMS\n mUGA3:Transcriptional activator necessary for gamma-aminobutyrate \n(GABA)-dependent induction of GABA genes (such as UGA1, UGA2\n, UGA4),zinc finger transcription factor of the Zn(2)-Cys(6)\n binuclear cluster domain type,Null mutant is viable but exh\nibits defects in activation of UGA1 and UGA4.\n mUFD1:Ubiquitin fusion degradation protein,,Homozygous ufd1-1 muta\nnt diploids exhibit sporulation defects.\n mSEC12:Required for recruitment of Sar1p and vessicle formation at \nthe endoplasmic reticulum.,guanine nucleotide exchange facto\nr for Sar1p,Null mutant is inviable. Defective in endoplasmi\nc reticulum to Golgi transport.\n mUFD2:Ubiquitin fusion degradation protein,,Null mutant is viable \nbut exhibits increased sensitivity to ethanol stress.\n mYGL250W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYIL165C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mUFD4:Ubiquitin Fusion Degradation,,Null is viable; defective in p\nroteolysis of fusion proteins containing a 'nonremovable' N-\nterminal ubiquitin moiety\n Cond877:MMS\n Cond875:60min\n mQNS1:Hypothetical ORF,,\n mYKL086W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mECO1:Establishment of COhesion,,Null mutant is inviable; temperat\nure-sensitive allele prematurely separates sister chromatids\n, and sister chromatid separation occurs in the absence of f\nunctional APC or Esp1p.\n mIMH1:Product of gene unknown,,Null mutant is viable; imh1 ypt6 do\nuble disruption causes growth inhibition\n mYOR223W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mUBA1:ubiquitin activating enzyme, similar to Uba2p,ubiquitin acti\nvating enzyme, similar to Uba2p,Null mutant is inviable\n mUBP2:Ubiquitin-specific protease,ubiquitin-specific protease,Null\n mutant is viable. Null yuh1 ubp1 ubp2 ubp3 quadruple mutant\ns are viable and retain the ability to deubiquitinate ubiqui\ntin fusions.\n mPDX1:Plays a structural role in pyruvate dehydrogenase complex,py\nruvate dehydrogenase complex protein X component,Null mutant\n is viable\n mCRM1:Involved in nuclear export,chromosome region maintenance pro\ntein,Null mutant is inviable; a temperature sensitive crm1 a\nllele shows defects in nuclear protein export\n mABZ1:para-aminobenzoate synthase, PABA synthase,para-aminobenzoat\ne synthase (PABA synthase),Null mutant is viable and PABA au\nxotroph\n mDOA1:Required for normal intracellular ubiquitin metabolism and f\nor normal rates of proteolysis of ubiquitin-dependent proteo\nlytic substrates in vivo,,Null mutant is viable and defectiv\ne in degradation of ubiquitinated proteins; homozygous null \ndiploid shows sporulation defect\n mUBA4:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mUBP6:deubiquitinating enzyme (putative),,\n mSFA1:Long-chain alcohol dehydrogenase (glutathione-dependent form\naldehyde dehydrogenase),glutathione-dependent formaldehyde d\nehydrogenase , long-chain alcohol dehydrogenase,Null mutant \nis viable; sensitive to formaldehyde\n mNIF3:similar to Listeria monocytogenes major sigma factor (rpoD g\nene product),,\n mPHO85:involved in phosphate and glycogen metabolism and cell cycle\n progression,cyclin-dependent protein kinase,\n mYGL164C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mTWF1:Twinfilin A is a member of a conserved family of actin monom\ner sequestering proteins. TWF1 is comprised almost entirely \nof two tandem repeats, each having sequence homology with co\nfilin (COF1).,twinfilin A, an actin monomer sequestering pro\ntein,Null mutant is viable, twf1 null cof1-22 mutants exhibi\nt synthetic lethality\n Cond876:zero2\n mEAF3:Esa1p-Associated Factor,,\n mNGL2:DNase/RNase (putative); CCR4 C-terminal homolog; displays ho\nmology to drosophila Angelgene; homolog to ngl1 and ngl3 ,DN\nase (putative) , RNase (putative),Null mutant is viable.\n mISU1:Iron-sulfur cluster nifU-like protein,,Null mutant is viable\n on YPD at 30 degrees C, and is synthetically lethal with is\nu2 null.\n Cond885:20\n mISU2:Iron-sulfur cluster nifU-like protein,,Null mutant is viable\n on YPD at 30 degrees C, and is synthetically lethal with is\nu1 null.\n mDUN1:DNA damage response,protein kinase,Null mutant is viable, de\nfective in DNA damage repair and in DNA damage-resposive ind\nuction of RNR genes, and sensitive to DNA damaging agents\n mCCL1:essential for cell proliferation,TFIIK subunit, a subcomplex\n of transcription factor TFIIH , cyclin,Null mutant is invia\nble\n mCOG8:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYJR096W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mUFE1:t-SNARE that resides on the endoplasmic reticulum and mediat\nes retrograde traffic from the Golgi complex,t-SNARE (ER),Nu\nll mutant is inviable\n mCLP1:cleavage/polyadenylation factor IA subunit; interacts with P\ncf11p in the 2-hybrid system,,Null mutant is inviable\n mAPP1:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mCAC2:Involved in DNA-replication-linked nucleosome assembly; homo\nlogous to the p60 subunit of the Human CAF-I,chromatin assem\nbly factor-I (CAF-I) p60 subunit,Null mutant is viable, but \nis sensitive to UV irradiation\n mYLR345W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mIOC3:Iswi One Complex,,\n mYIL108W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mRAV2:Regulator of (H+)-ATPase in Vacuolar membrane,,\n mIOC4:Iswi One Complex,,\n mPFS2:Polyadenylation Factor I subunit 2,polyadenylation factor su\nbunit,Null mutant is inviable; conditionally lethal mutation\ns exhibit defects in 3'-end processing in vitro\n mSGN1:contains one RNA recognition (RRM) domain,,\n mYOL098C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n

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Computational Genomics Lab, Tel-Aviv uniresity