Module number 2653

Database revision : gnsdb28.10
Date : Tue Feb 25 17:27:33 2003
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mSIN4:involved in positive and negative regualtion of transcriptio\nn, possibly via changes in chromatin structure,RNA polymeras\ne II holoenzyme/mediator subunit,Null mutant is viable, temp\nerature sensitive, displays defects in both positive and neg\native regulation of transcription, suppresses Ty insertion m\nutations (Spt-), exhibits decreased superhelical density of \ncircular DNA molecules, exhibits expression from promoters l\nacking UAS elements; associated with a defect in RME1-depend\nent repression and a methionine or cysteine requirement, exh\nibits flocculant/lacy colony morphology, suppressor of snf/s\nwi mutations\n mOAF1:transcription factor,transcription factor,\n Meiosis.Series0:The core meiotic transcriptome in budding yeasts.  Nat Genet\n. 2000 Dec;26(4):415-23.\n Cond708:t0+SSD1\n Cond725:t4-SSD1,M31\n Cond711:t2+Vec\n Cond780:Peroxide_10'\n mYLR253W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYLR057W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mHNT3:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mTUS1:TOR unique function suppressor,1307 amino acid hydrophilic p\nrotein,Null mutant is viable; shows temperature sensitive gr\nowth above 37^*C, but no detectable secretory or endocytosis\n defect.\n mRHC18:Protein involved in recombination repair, homologous to S. p\nombe rad18,,Null mutant is inviable\n Cond712:t4+SSD1\n SGD.GO:Functional classification via a compendium of knockouts. Hug\nes, cell 2000.\n mYJL051W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n Cond723:t2-SSD1,M31\n Cond483:Low-Pi_vs_High-Pi_in_WT_(NBW7)_exp1\n Cond808:Na15'\n Cond724:t4+SSD1,H44\n Cond714:t0+SSD1wt\n Cond940:6h\n mSKM1:Serine/threonine protein kinase with similarity to Ste20p an\nd Cla4p,,Null mutant is viable. skm1 null mutations show no \ndouble mutant phenotypes in combination with Ste20 or Cla4 m\nutations. Skm1p can complement the mating defect of a ste20 \nmutant strain\n Cond715:t0-SSD1\n pho.Pho:New components of a system for phosphate accumulation and po\nlyphosphate metabolism in Saccharomyces cerevisiae revealed \nby genomic expression analysis.  Mol Biol Cell. 2000 Dec;11(\n12):4309-21.\n COMP.:Functional classification via a compendium of knockouts. Hug\nes, cell 2000.\n Cond812:Na+FK15'\n mROM2:Gdp-GTP Exchange Protein (GEP) for the Rho1p Small GTP-bindi\nng Protein; high copy suppressor of cik1 and kar3 deletion m\nutants.,,Null mutant is viable but shows temperature- and co\nld-sensitive growth defects at 37 and 11 degrees, increased \nsensitivity to benomyl, and elongated buds and abnormal mati\nng projections at the permissive temperature; synthetically \nlethal with rom1\n Calcin.Na:Genome-wide analysis of gene expression regulated by the cal\ncineurin/Crz1p signaling pathway in Saccharomyces cerevisiae\n.  J Biol Chem. 2002 Aug 23;277(34):31079-88\n Cond718:t4+SSD1wt\n mMSB4:Multicopy Suppressor of Bud Emergence,,Null mutant is viable\n. msb3/msb4 double mutant exhibits slow growth and disorgani\nzed actin cytoskeleton\n mSUV3:putative ATP-dependent helicase,ATP dependent helicase (puta\ntive),Null mutant is viable\n Calcin.NaFK:Genome-wide analysis of gene expression regulated by the cal\ncineurin/Crz1p signaling pathway in Saccharomyces cerevisiae\n.  J Biol Chem. 2002 Aug 23;277(34):31079-88\n Y-Stre.Peroxide:Remodeling of yeast genome expression in response to environ\nmental changes.  Mol Biol Cell. 2001 Feb;12(2):323-37.\n Cond466:steady_state_17_dec_C_ct-2\n Cond709:t0+Vec\n Cond710:t2+SSD1\n mCNE1:Functions in endoplasmic reticulum protein quality control,c\nalnexin and calreticulin homolog,Null mutant is viable, incr\nease of cell-surface expression of ste2-3p, increase in secr\netion of heterologously expressed mammalian alpha 1-antitryp\nsin\n Stress.tempsteady:Genomic expression programs in the response of yeast cells t\no environmental changes.  Mol Biol Cell. 2000 Dec;11(12):424\n1-57\n

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Computational Genomics Lab, Tel-Aviv uniresity