Module number 2485

Database revision : gnsdb28.10
Date : Tue Feb 25 17:24:45 2003
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mSPC2:subunit of signal peptidase complex, homologous to mammalian\n protein SPC25,signal peptidase complex subunit , similar to\n mammalian protein SPC25,Null mutant is viable. spc1 spc2 do\nuble deletion mutants grow relatively well as compared to wi\nld-type. spc2 sec11 double deletion mutant is inviable. Spc2\np is important for cell viability and signal peptidase activ\nity at high temperatures (42 degrees celsius).\n mMET30:F-box protein involved in sulfur metabolism and protein ubiq\nuitination,contains five copies of WD40 motif and interacts \nwith and regulates Met4p,Null mutant is inviable\n mBCK2:Serine/threonine protein kinase of the protein kinase C path\nway,,\n mYDL010W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYBL009W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mPOP3:RNase P and RNase MRP subunit,,Null mutant is inviable.\n mYPL157W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mPOP5:Processing Of Precursors - refer to a group of proteins that\n appear to be components of both RNase P and RNase MRP,RNase\n MRP subunit (putative) , RNase P integral subunit,Null muta\nnt is inviable; transient depletion of Pop5p causes loss of \nRNase P and RNase MRP function\n mMRPL33:essential for mitochondrial function,ribosomal protein (YmL3\n3) (E. coli L30),Null mutant is viable\n mBUD8:involved in bud site selection,,A bud8 bud9 double mutant bu\nds almost exclusively from the proximal pole\n mMRPL37:Probable mitochondrial protein L37,ribosomal protein L37 (pu\ntative),\n mSTE18:gamma subunit of G protein coupled to mating factor receptor\ns,G protein gamma subunit , coupled to mating factor recepto\nr,The null mutant is viable but sterile. Sst1 sst2 double mu\ntants and scg1 mutants can be suppressed by a null allele of\n ste18.\n mVMA21:Protein involved in vacuolar H-ATPase assembly or function,,\nNull mutant is viable but grows slowly and exhibits increase\nd calcium sensitivity. Null mutants also cannot grow on glyc\nerol or at pH 7.5\n mMRPL38:mitochondrial ribosomal protein L14,ribosomal protein L14,\n mVMA22:Required for V-ATPase activity,,Null mutant is viable but is\n defective in vacuolar H(+)-ATPase activity, sensitive to ca\nlcium, cyclosporin A, and FK506, and requires calcineurin fo\nr viability\n mLST8:Required for amino acid permease transport from the Golgi to\n the cell surface,,Reduced activity of a broad set of amino \nacid permeases\n mYJR141W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mTUF1:Translation elongation factor Tu, mitochondrial,translation \nelongation factor Tu, mitochondrial,Null mutant is viable, b\nlocks mitochondrial translation and destabilizes mitochondri\nal genome.\n mRSM10:mitochondrial ribosome small subunit component,mitochondrial\n ribosome small subunit component,\n mSWF1:Hypothetical ORF,,Profilin synthetic lethal\n mRPB4:fourth-largest subunit of RNA polymerase II,RNA polymerase I\nI fourth largest subunit,Null mutant is viable, rbp4 mutants\n are heat and cold sensitive, exhibit slow growth at interme\ndiate temperatures\n mYPL034W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mUBC1:ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme,ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme,Nu\nll mutant is viable but exhibit moderately slow growth.\n mCDC7:Required for mitotic DNA synthesis but dispensable for preme\niotic DNA synthesis and spindle pole body duplication; requi\nred for synaptonemal complexes, meiotic recombination, spind\nle pole body separation and spindles,,Null mutant is inviabl\ne. cdc7 mutant arrests at G(sub)1/S phase with duplicated sp\nindle pole bodies and no spindles; the spindle pole bodies e\nventually enlarge, invaginate from the nuclear envelope into\n the center of the nucleus, sometimes fragmenting into three\n or four smaller spindle pole bodies. In heterozygotes, cdc7\n spores fail to germinate.\n mYBL089W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mLRP1:Unknown ,, Unknown\n Cond724:t4+SSD1,H44\n mGPM3:converts 3-phosphoglycerate to 2-phosphoglycerate in glycoly\nsis,phosphoglycerate mutase,Null mutant is viable, gpm3 gpm2\n double deletion mutants exhibit no synthetic phenotypes\n mYMR289W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n COMP.:Functional classification via a compendium of knockouts. Hug\nes, cell 2000.\n mTAF14:Protein required for actin cytoskeleton assembly or function\n,transcription initiation factor TFIIF small subunit,Null mu\ntant is viable but has a depolarized actin cytoskeleton.\n mROM1:Gdp-GTP Exchange Protein (GEP) for the Rho1p Small GTP-bindi\nng Protein,,Synthetically lethal with ROM2 (growth arrest wi\nth small bud and cell lysis)\n mMRPL40:Mitochondrial ribosomal protein MRPL40 (YmL40),ribosomal pro\ntein (YmL40),\n mPNT1:Involved in targeting of proteins to the mitochondrial inner\n membrane; Pentamidine resistance protein,,Null mutant is vi\nable and shows slightly increased susceptibility to pentamid\nine (an anti-Pneumocystis carinii drug) and related compound\ns; confers resistance to pentamidine when present in high co\npy number\n Cond718:t4+SSD1wt\n mARL3:Similar to ADP-ribosylation factor,,Null mutant is viable, d\nisplays cold-sensitive growth\n Cond722:t2+SSD1,H44\n mMRPL49:mitochondrial ribosomal protein of the large subunit,ribosom\nal protein large subunit,\n mYOR044W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mIES4:Ino Eighty Subunit 4,,Null: non essential.\n mRDH54:genetic interaction with DMC1,helicase (putative) , similar \nto RAD54,Required for meiosis. Early meiotic induction of ge\nne conversion is wild-type in a tid1 deletion but mature cro\nssover products form slowly and cells block with single nucl\nei even though the spindle pole bodies duplicate and separat\ne twice, as if progressing to entry into the second meiotic \ndivision.\n mYGL159W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYBR194W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mISA2:Iron Sulfur Assembly -- IscA/NifA homolog,,null mutant is vi\nable; exhibits dependency on lysine and glutamate for growth\n, an increase in mitochondrial iron concentration, and a res\npiratory deficiency due to accumulation of mutations in mito\nchondrial DNA\n mCSM1:Hypothetical ORF,,missegregates chromosomes in meiosis\n mYKR027W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mAAD10:high degree of similarity with the AAD of P. chrysosporium,a\nryl-alcohol dehydrogenase (putative),\n mRSM28:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mSSU72:functionally related to TFIIB, affects start site selection \nin vivo,,Null mutant is inviable\n mYMR007W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mPRI2:p58 polypeptide of DNA primase,DNA primase p58 polypeptide,l\nethal\n Cond720:t0+SSD1,H44\n mBSD2:metal homeostasis protein; putative membrane protein,,Null m\nutant is viable; suppressor of oxygen toxicity in sod1 mutan\nts, increased sensitivity to copper and cadmium toxicity, el\nevation in copper ion accumulation\n mSNZ2:Snooze: stationary phase-induced gene family,,hypersporulati\non\n mCTR1:High affinity copper transporter into the cell, probable int\negral membrane protein,copper transport protein,Null mutant \nis viable, deficient in ferrous iron uptake\n Cond716:t2+SSD1wt\n mMED4:Member of RNA Polymerase II transcriptional regulation media\ntor,RNA polymerase II holoenzyme/mediator subunit,Null mutan\nt is inviable\n mODC2:Hypothetical ORF,mitochondrial 2-oxodicarboxylate transport \nprotein,\n Cond708:t0+SSD1\n mYJR114W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mCBC2:cap binding complex,nuclear cap binding complex subunit,muta\nnts exhibit promiscuous 3'-end formation; sae-1 mutation cau\nses temporary cell cycle arrest in meiotic prophase\n mTRI1:Topoisomerase 1 and RAD52 epistasis group Interactions,,Null\n mutant is viable.\n mTRX3:mitochondrial thioredoxin,thioredoxin,Null mutant is viable,\n normal sensitivity to hydrogen peroxide\n mYHR083W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYNL063W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n SGD.GO:Functional classification via a compendium of knockouts. Hug\nes, cell 2000.\n mGTR1:Involved in the function of the Pho84 phosphate transporter,\nsmall GTPase (putative),Null mutant is viable but grows slow\nly, is cold-sensitive, and has defects in phosphate uptake\n mYNL056W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mVPS24:involved in secretion,,Null mutant missorts vacuolar hydrola\nses and accumulates a late endosomal compartment; Class E vp\ns mutant\n mAPC11:subunit of the Anaphase Promoting Complex; all known APC sub\nunits co-immunoprecipitate with epitope-tagged Apc11p,anapha\nse promoting complex (APC) subunit,Null mutant is inviable a\nt 25 C\n mRFC2:RFC is a DNA binding protein and ATPase that acts as a proce\nssivity factor for DNA polymerases delta and epsilon and loa\nds proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) on DNA,replicat\nion factor C subunit 2 , similar to human RFC 37 kDa subunit\n,Null mutant is inviable\n mREF2:RNA-binding protein involved in cleavage step of mRNA 3'-end\n formation, prior to polyadenylation,,mutants grow slowly\n mCAF130:Hypothetical ORF,,Null mutant is viable\n mYBR210W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYNL158W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mDPB3:C and C' subunits of DNA polymerase II,DNA polymerase II C a\nnd C' subunits,Null mutant is viable, shows increased sponta\nneous mutation rate\n mCBK1:cell wall biosynthesis kinase,protein kinase,Null mutation i\ns viable; shows alpha factor resistance; in liquid culture l\narge aggregates of cells are formed\n mARF3:GTP-binding ADP-ribosylation factor,GTP-binding ADP-ribosyla\ntion factor,null mutant is viable\n mRAD57:Required for X-ray damage repair, meiotic recombination, wil\nd-type levels of sporulation and viable spores,RecA homolog \n, interacts with Rad 55p by two-hybrid analysis , similar to\n DMC1, RAD51, and RAD55,Null mutant is viable, radiation sen\nsitive\n mYCL005W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mRIB7:Protein involved in the biosynthesis of riboflavin, second s\ntep in the riboflavin biosynthesis pathway,,\n mYJL184W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mSNL1:Suppressor of nup116-C lethal,18.3 kDa integral membrane pro\ntein,Null mutant is viable; SNL1 is a high copy suppressor o\nf nup116, gle2 and nic96 alleles\n mKTR4:Putative alpha-1,2-mannosyltransferase,alpha-1,2-mannosyltra\nnsferase (putative),\n mYGL080W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYBR225W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYJR013W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mGIM4:Prefoldin subunit 2; putative homolog of subunit 2 of bovine\n prefoldin, a chaperone comprised of six subunits,bovine pre\nfoldin subunit 2 homolog (putative),Null mutant is viable, s\nensitive to anti-microtubule drugs benomyl and nocadazole; s\nynthetically lethal with tub4-1 mutations\n mPPA2:mitochondrial inorganic pyrophosphatase,inorganic pyrophosph\natase,Null mutant is viable but is unable to grow on respira\ntory carbon sources and lacks mitochondrial DNA\n mESC2:Establishes Silent Chromatin,,\n mGIM5:Prefoldin subunit 5; putative homolog of subunit 5 of bovine\n prefoldin, a chaperone comprised of six subunits,bovine pre\nfoldin subunit 5 homolog (putative),Null mutant is viable, c\nold sensitive, benomyl and nocadazole sensitive and fails to\n grow on YPD+1.2M KCl or YPD+1.8M sorbitol ; synthetically l\nethal with tub4-1 mutations\n mCSN12:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mPNG1:de-N-glycosylation enzyme,peptide:N-glycanase,Null mutant is\n viable and shows no growth or viability defect under experi\nmental conditions\n mYHR048W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mPET100:cytochrome c oxidase-specific assembly factor,cytochrome c o\nxidase-specific assembly factor,Respiration deficient\n mRGP1:Reduced growth phenotype,,reduced growth\n Cond710:t2+SSD1\n mMYO2:class V myosin,class V myosin,Null mutant is inviable. myo2-\n66 (E511K), a temperature-sensitive allele, accumulates secr\netory vesicles and exhibits defects in initiation of new bud\ns and delocalized chitin.\n mKRE21:Killer toxin REsistant,,Null mutant is K1 killer toxin resis\ntent\n mREV1:Protein required for mutagenesis by physical and chemical ag\nents,deoxycytidyl transferase,Null mutant is viable, exhibts\n decreased revertibility\n mYHR121W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mMOG1:Required for nuclear-protein import,nuclear protein that int\neracts with GTP-Gsp1p,Null mutant is viable, temperature sen\nsitive, exhibits defects in nuclear-protein import; MOG1 ove\nrexpression supresses the temperature sensitivity of gsp1 st\nrains; overexpression of NTF2 or GSP1 can suppress the ts ph\nenotype of mog1\n mRAD3:DNA helicase component of transcription factor b (yeast homo\nlog of human TFIIH),,Null mutant is inviable; rad3 mutants a\nre radiation sensitive\n mATP20:Protein associated with mitochondrial ATP Synthase; essentia\nl for dimeric state of ATP synthase,ATP synthase subunit g h\nomolog,Null mutant is viable but exhibits a reduced growth r\nate on respiratory substrates\n mRAD6:Involved in DNA repair and sporulation. Rad6p interacts with\n Ubr1 and Rad18p. mRNA is induced early in meiosis and peaks\n at meiosis I.,ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme,Radiation sensit\nive. Defective for postreplication repair, repression of ret\nrotransposition, meiotic gene conversion and sporulation. Mu\ntations in srs2 suppress rad6 radiation-sensitivity but not \nthe sporulation defect. rad6 forms recombination intermediat\nes.\n mYEL015W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mCBT1:Subunit of complex involved in processing of the 3' end of c\nytochrome b pre-mRNA,,Null mutant is viable, shows results i\nn a respiratory deficiency\n mECM7:Involved in cell wall maintenance,,A Tn3 insertion into this\n gene causes hypersensitivity to the cell surface polymer pe\nrturbing agent calcofluor white.\n mHRT1:High level expression Reduces Ty3 Transposition,Skp1-Cullin-\nF-box ubiquitin protein ligase (SCF) subunit,Null mutant is \ninviable.\n mRNH35:RNase H(35), a 35 kDa ribonuclease H,,Null mutant is viable \nbut shows 75% reduction of RNase H activity in cell extracts\n Cond719:t4-SSD1\n mYOL146W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYML014W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mMRPS28:Mitochondrial ribosomal protein MRPS28 (E. coli S15),ribosom\nal protein (E. coli S15),Null mutant is viable, unable to re\nspire, spontaneously loses portions of its mitochondrial gen\nomes at a high frequencY\n mYHR122W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mSRB6:involved in transcription as part of Srb/Mediator complex,pa\nrt of Srb/Mediator complex , transcription factor,Null mutan\nt is inviable; temperature sensitive mutants are associated \nwith decreased total polyA+ RNA levels\n mCAP1:capping - addition of actin subunits,capping protein,Null mu\ntant is viable; severe deficit of actin cables and increased\n number of actin spots in the mother; round, relatively larg\ne cells\n mMAK3:N-acetyltransferase,N-acetyltransferase,deficient in mainten\nance of killer\n mYPT32:probably involved in intra-Golgi transport or in the formati\non of transport vesicles at the most distal Golgi compartmen\nt,GTPase , YPT31 homolog , ras homolog,Null mutant is viable\n; ypt31 ypt32 double deletion mutants are inviable\n mYCR060W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mSIF2:Sir4p-Interacting Factor,,Null mutant is viable, exhibits in\ncreased telomeric silencing\n mYNL320W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mCTF4:May function in DNA synthesis,DNA polymerase alpha binding p\nrotein,Null mutant is viable but shows increase in the rate \nof mitotic chromosome loss, increased mitotic recombination,\n shift toward cells with G2 DNA content, and large budded ce\nlls with the nucleus in the bud neck; shows synthetic intera\nctions with rad52, pol1, rad9, and esr1\n mYCR082W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYGL010W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n Cond709:t0+Vec\n mYMR184W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mRHO2:Gtp-binding protein of the rho subfamily of ras-like protein\ns,GTP-binding protein , rho subfamily,null is viable\n mYDR316W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mRHO3:ras homolog--GTP binding protein,GTP-binding protein , ras h\nomolog,severe growth delay and decrease in cell viability\n mYMR003W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYOR091W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mENT1:epsin N-terminal homology-containing protein,,Null mutant is\n viable, synthetically lethal with ent2 (YLR206w). ent1/2 do\nuble mutants have endocytosis and actin cytoskeleton defects\n.\n Cond717:t2-SSD1\n mBRR6:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mTFB4:RNA polymerase transcription initiation TFIIH (factor b), 37\n kDa subunit,transcription initiation factor TFIIH subunit,N\null mutant is inviable\n mSRP14:Signal recognition particle subunit,,Null mutant is viable\n mYKR074W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYAR1:YAR1 encodes a 200-amino-acid protein with two ANK repeat mo\ntifs and an acidic C terminus rich in PEST-like sequences,20\n0-amino-acid protein with two ANK repeat motifs and an acidi\nc C terminus rich in PEST-like sequences,Null mutant is viab\nle, grow slowly at low temperature. YAR1 overexpression has \nno phenotype\n mSEC11:signal peptidase subunit,,Null mutant is inviable\n mMRPL11:Mitochondrial ribosomal protein MRPL11 (YmL11),ribosomal pro\ntein (YmL11),Null mutant is viable, respiratory deficient ac\ncompanied by a loss of mitochondrial DNA\n mYPR100W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYGR064W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mTHI22:THI for thiamine metabolism. Transcribed in the presence of \nlow level of thiamine (10-8M) and turned off in the presence\n of high level (10-6M) of thiamine. Under the positive contr\nol of THI2 and THI3.,,null mutant is viable\n mSTE5:Protein of the pheromone pathway,,Null mutant is viable but \nsterile. Overexpression of STE5 suppresses the temperature s\nensitivity of a cdc25 allele.\n mMSE1:Mitochondrial glutamyl-tRNA synthetase,glutamine-tRNA ligase\n,An uncharacterized allele is respiratory deficient.\n mSNF12:73 kDa subunit of the SWI/SNF transcription activation compl\nex, homolog of Rsc6p subunit of the RSC chromatin remodeling\n complex,RSC chromatin remodeling complex Rsc6p subunit homo\nlog , SWI/SNF transcription activation complex 73 kDa subuni\nt,Null mutant is viable but is temperature-sensitive, fails \nto transcribe SWI/SNF-dependent genes such as SUC2 and INO1,\n sucrose non-fermenting, defective in transcriptional activa\ntion by the glucocorticoid receptor; snf12 mutants are insen\nsitive to expression of Adenovirus E1A protein\n mMLC1:may stabilize Myo2p by binding to the neck region,myosin Myo\n2p light chain,Null mutant is inviable; MLC1 is halploinsuff\nicient, the haploinsufficiency exhibited by MLC1 is suppress\ned by reduced copies of MYO2; a diploid strain hemizygous fo\nr both MYO2 and MLC1 is viable\n mRIM2:Protein of the mitochondrial carrier (MCF) family that is re\nquired for respiration,,Null mutant is viable but lacks mito\nchondrial DNA and grows slowly on glucose\n mYDR128W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mTWF1:Twinfilin A is a member of a conserved family of actin monom\ner sequestering proteins. TWF1 is comprised almost entirely \nof two tandem repeats, each having sequence homology with co\nfilin (COF1).,twinfilin A, an actin monomer sequestering pro\ntein,Null mutant is viable, twf1 null cof1-22 mutants exhibi\nt synthetic lethality\n Cond723:t2-SSD1,M31\n mSYF1:SYnthetic lethal with cdcForty,,Null mutant is inviable.\n mYPL047W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n Cond715:t0-SSD1\n mIMP2:Inner membrane protease (mitochondrial protein),protease,\n mYOR013W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mMRPL23:mitochondrial ribosomal protein of the large subunit,ribosom\nal protein large subunit,\n mYKE2:Yeast nuclear gene encoding a protein showing homology to mo\nuse KE2 and containing a putative leucine-zipper motif,bovin\ne NABC complex component homolog , non-native actin binding \ncomplex polypeptide 6 , bovine NABC complex component homolo\ng , non-native actin binding complex polypeptide 6,Null muta\nnt is viable\n mDST1:Meiotic DNA recombination factor,RNA polymerase II elongatio\nn factor , transcription elongation factor,Null mutant is vi\nable; reduced induction of DNA strand transfer; sensitivity \nto 6-azauracil\n Cond721:t0-SSD1,M31\n mCUE1:Cue1p assembles with Ubc7p. Cue1p recruits Ubc7p to the cyto\nsolic surface of the endoplasmic reticulum. Assembly with Cu\ne1p is a prerequisite for the function of Ubc7p,Ubc7p bindin\ng and recruitment protein,Null mutant is viable and shows st\nabilization of ER degradation substrates\n mMRPL27:essential for mitochondrial function,ribosomal protein (YmL2\n7),Null mutant is viable, fails to grow on nonfermentable ca\nrbon sources\n mHLJ1:Homologous to E coli dnaJ protein,,\n mIOC4:Iswi One Complex,,\n mCDC31:Required for spindle pole body duplication and mitosis in me\niosis II; calcium-binding protein component of spindle pole \nbodies, localizes to half-bridges and interacts with KAR1,sp\nindle pole body calcium-binding protein component,Null mutan\nt is inviable. cdc31 mutants form reductional dyads with und\nuplicated spindle pole bodies\n mOGG1:Excises 7,8-dihydro-8-oxoguanine (8-OxoG) when 8-OxoG is opp\nposite cytosine or thymine (but not adenine),43 kDa 8-oxo-gu\nanine DNA glycosylase,\n mYNL155W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mCDC36:Required for Start B in mitosis and for meiosis I spindle po\nle body separation,basal transcription inhibitor , transcrip\ntional regulator , basal transcription inhibitor , transcrip\ntional regulator,Null mutant is viable, cdc36 mutant arrests\n in G(sub)1; forms shmoo morphology at restrictive temperatu\nre, arrests at pachytene at the mononucleate stage with dupl\nicated spindle pole bodies and no spindles\n mYDR316W mTHI22 mRAD3 mGIM4 mYKE2 mGIM5 mYEL015W mMET30 mMLC1 mMYO2 mHRT1

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