Module number 1481

Database revision : gnsdb28.10
Date : Tue Feb 25 17:14:59 2003
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Cond158:sir2\n Cond663:mec1_plus_gamma_10_min\n Cond217:yer050c\n Cond277:AUR1(tetpromoter)\n Cond476:GCN4C/GCN4(R4760/R6257)\n Jelinski.Jelinski:Regulatory networks revealed by transcriptional profiling of\n damaged Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells: Rpn4 links base exc\nision repair with proteasomes.  Mol Cell Biol. 2000 Nov;20(2\n1):8157-67.\n Cond221:yer083c\n Cond791:Sorbitol_30'\n Cond13:ase1(**12)\n Cell Cycle.alpha:Comprehensive identification of cell cycle-regulated genes o\nf the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae by microarray hybridiza\ntion.  Mol Biol Cell. 1998 Dec;9(12):3273-97.\n GCR1.gcr1:Understanding the growth phenotype of the yeast gcr1 mutant \nin terms of global genomic expression patterns.  J Bacteriol\n. 2000 Sep;182(17):4970-8.\n Cond730:hda1\n Stress.HypoOsmot:Genomic expression programs in the response of yeast cells t\no environmental changes.  Mol Biol Cell. 2000 Dec;11(12):424\n1-57\n Cond364:dtt_030_min__dtt-2\n Cond30:clb6\n Cond391:aa_starv_1_h\n Cond310:Heat_Shock_000_minutes_hs-2\n COMP.:Functional classification via a compendium of knockouts. Hug\nes, cell 2000.\n Cond769:Acid_80'\n Cond805:Ca/Ca+FK30'\n Cond393:aa_starv_4_h\n Stress.aa_starv:Genomic expression programs in the response of yeast cells t\no environmental changes.  Mol Biol Cell. 2000 Dec;11(12):424\n1-57\n Cond966:swi1,_YPD_(a)\n Cond245:ymr014w\n Cond480:WT+/-100mM3AT(SetA)(R491)\n Cond184:ubr1\n Cond897:STATMMS\n Cond123:rad57\n Cond395:Nitrogen_Depletion_30_min.\n Cond279:ERG11(tetpromoter)\n Cond752: TorRama.Series0:Partitioning the transcriptional program induced by rapamyci\nn among the effectors of the Tor proteins. Curr Biol. 2000 D\nec 14-28;10(24):1574-81\n Cond216:yer044c(haploid)\n Cond479:WT+/-100mM3AT(SetD)(R491)\n Cond569:cdc15_10\n Cond226:yhl029c\n Cond482:WT+/-100mM3AT(SetC)(KNY164)\n Cond306:Heat_Shock_60_minutes_hs-1\n Cond145:rts1\n Cond716:t2+SSD1wt\n Cond777:msn2/4_acid_0'\n Cond767:Acid_40'\n Stress.Heat1:Genomic expression programs in the response of yeast cells t\no environmental changes.  Mol Biol Cell. 2000 Dec;11(12):424\n1-57\n Cond481:WT+/-100mM3AT(SetB)(491)\n Stress.Heat2:Genomic expression programs in the response of yeast cells t\no environmental changes.  Mol Biol Cell. 2000 Dec;11(12):424\n1-57\n Cond54:erg3(haploid)\n Cond293:HU\n Cond233:yhr039c\n Cond68:gas1\n Cond904:(77i3)_HBY4_YPGL+G_NormInt\n Cond69:gcn4\n SGD.GO:Functional classification via a compendium of knockouts. Hug\nes, cell 2000.\n Cond108:pac2\n Cond205:yel033w\n Y-Stre.Alkali:Remodeling of yeast genome expression in response to environ\nmental changes.  Mol Biol Cell. 2001 Feb;12(2):323-37.\n Cond27:ckb2\n Cond394:aa_starv_6_h\n Cond162:spf1\n Cond634:DES460_+_0.02%_MMS_-_15_min\n Cond230:yhr022c\n Cond475:0.5x/1xAA(MildLeu,HisStarvation)(R176)\n mTHP1:Hypothetical ORF,,Null mutant is viable and shows transcript\nion-associated hyper-recombination and transcription elongat\nion impairment, and is unable to transcribe the bacterial la\ncZ ORF\n Calcin.Ca/Ca:Genome-wide analysis of gene expression regulated by the cal\ncineurin/Crz1p signaling pathway in Saccharomyces cerevisiae\n.  J Biol Chem. 2002 Aug 23;277(34):31079-88\n Cond25:cin5\n Cond787:NaCl_45'\n Cond727:rpd3\n Cond461:21_deg_growth_ct-1\n Chromo.chromo:Genomewide studies of histone deacetylase function in yeast.\n  Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2000 Dec 5;97(25):13708-13.\n Cond650:wt_plus_gamma_5_min\n Cond564:alpha91\n Cond39:dig1\n Cond135:rpl20a\n Cond477:GCN4/gcn4Din100mM3AT(KNY164/KNY124)\n Cond790:Sorbitol_15'\n Cond397:Nitrogen_Depletion_2_h\n Cond102:mrt4\n Cond390:aa_starv_0.5_h\n Cond368:dtt_480_min_dtt-2\n Cond462:25_deg_growth_ct-1\n Cond396:Nitrogen_Depletion_1_h\n Cond305:Heat_Shock_40_minutes_hs-1\n Meiosis.Series0:The core meiotic transcriptome in budding yeasts.  Nat Genet\n. 2000 Dec;26(4):415-23.\n Cond130:rml2(**13)\n Cond29:clb2\n Cond552:alpha7\n Cond89:isw2\n Cond263:ymr269w\n Cond941:SK1_YPD\n Cond224:CMD1(tetpromoter)\n Cond770:Acid_100'\n Cond190:vps8\n Y-Stre.msn2/4acid:Remodeling of yeast genome expression in response to environ\nmental changes.  Mol Biol Cell. 2001 Feb;12(2):323-37.\n Cond729:sin3\n Cond586:cdc15_210\n Cond112:pep12\n Cond90:jnm1\n Cond967:swi1,_YPD_(c)\n GCN4.gcn4:Transcriptional profiling shows that Gcn4p is a master regul\nator of gene expression during amino acid starvation in yeas\nt.  Mol Cell Biol. 2001 Jul;21(13):4347-68.\n Cond384:Hypo-osmotic_shock_-_5_min\n Cond53:erg2\n Y-Stre.Acid:Remodeling of yeast genome expression in response to environ\nmental changes.  Mol Biol Cell. 2001 Feb;12(2):323-37.\n Stress.DTT2:Genomic expression programs in the response of yeast cells t\no environmental changes.  Mol Biol Cell. 2000 Dec;11(12):424\n1-57\n Cond6:anp1\n Cond937:t=0\n Cond635:DES460_+_0.02%_MMS_-_30_min\n mSRY1:Serine Racemase homolog in Yeast,pyridoxal-5'phosphate-depen\ndent enzyme , similar to mouse glial serine racemase,Null mu\ntant is viable\n Cond180:top1(haploid)\n COMP.CH:Functional classification via a compendium of knockouts. Hug\nes, cell 2000.\n Cond201:yel008w\n Cond768:Acid_60'\n Stress.NitroDepl:Genomic expression programs in the response of yeast cells t\no environmental changes.  Mol Biol Cell. 2000 Dec;11(12):424\n1-57\n Cond287:2-deoxy-D-glucose\n mMET13:putative methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (mthfr),methyle\nnetetrahydrofolate reductase (mthfr) (putative),Null mutant \nis viable and shows methionine auxotrophy; double disruption\n of MET12 and MET13 (the two putative mthfr genes) also conf\ners methionine auxotrophy, but has no other known phenotype \nat this time.\n UME6.ume6:The Ume6 regulon coordinates metabolic and meiotic gene expr\nession in yeast.  Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2002 Oct 15;99(2\n1):13431-6.\n Cond222:yer084w\n Cond48:ecm29\n Cond478:WT+/-10mM3AT(R491)\n Cond871:yhe710-ss\n mMET17:O-Acetylhomoserine-O-Acetylserine Sulfhydralase,O-acetylhomo\nserine (thiol)-lyase,Null mutant is viable, methionine auxot\nroph, becomes darkly pigmented in the presence of Pb2+ ions;\n resistant to methylmercury and exhibits increased levels of\n H2S\n Cond128:rgt1\n Y-Stre.Heat:Remodeling of yeast genome expression in response to environ\nmental changes.  Mol Biol Cell. 2001 Feb;12(2):323-37.\n Cond144:rtg1\n Cond150:sbh2\n Cond762:Heat_45'\n SwiSnf.swisnf:Whole-genome expression analysis of snf/swi mutants of Sacch\naromyces cerevisiae.  Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2000 Mar 28;\n97(7):3364-9.\n Cond47:ecm18(**7)\n Cond139:rpl8a\n Y-Stre.NaCl:Remodeling of yeast genome expression in response to environ\nmental changes.  Mol Biol Cell. 2001 Feb;12(2):323-37.\n Cond191:whi2\n COMP.KO:Functional classification via a compendium of knockouts. Hug\nes, cell 2000.\n Cond460:17_deg_growth_ct-1\n gala.+gal:Integrated genomic and proteomic analyses of a systematicall\ny perturbed metabolic network.  Science. 2001 May 4;292(5518\n):929-34.\n Cond24:cem1\n Cond171:ste24(haploid)\n Cond175:swi4\n Y-Stre.Sorbitol:Remodeling of yeast genome expression in response to environ\nmental changes.  Mol Biol Cell. 2001 Feb;12(2):323-37.\n Cond775:Alkali_80'\n Cond250:ymr031w-a\n Cond284:PMA1(tetpromoter)\n Cond685:wt-gal\n Cond153:sgs1\n Cond398:Nitrogen_Depletion_4_h\n Stress.tempgrow:Genomic expression programs in the response of yeast cells t\no environmental changes.  Mol Biol Cell. 2000 Dec;11(12):424\n1-57\n Cond294:Itraconazole\n mMET28:Transcriptional activator of sulfur amino acid metabolism,tr\nanscriptional activator in the Cbf1p-Met4p-Met28p complex,Nu\nll mutant is viable but is a methionine-auxotroph and resist\nant to toxic analogs of sulfate.\n Cond107:ost3\n Cond295:Lovastatin\n Cond576:cdc15_110\n Cond968:swi1,_YPD_(d)\n Cond721:t0-SSD1,M31\n Cond299:Tunicamycin\n Cell Cycle.cdc15:Comprehensive identification of cell cycle-regulated genes o\nf the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae by microarray hybridiza\ntion.  Mol Biol Cell. 1998 Dec;9(12):3273-97.\n COMP.TE:Functional classification via a compendium of knockouts. Hug\nes, cell 2000.\n Cond938:2h\n Cond392:aa_starv_2_h\n fkh1,2sf.Series0:Two yeast forkhead genes regulate the cell cycle and pseudoh\nyphal growth.  Nature. 2000 Jul 6;406(6791):90-4.\n

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Computational Genomics Lab, Tel-Aviv uniresity