Module number 1270

Database revision : gnsdb28.10
Date : Tue Feb 25 17:04:14 2003
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mKRE23:Killer toxin REsistant,,Null mutant is K1 killer toxin resis\ntent\n mCPR4:cyclophilin homolog,cyclophilin , peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans \nisomerase (PPIase) , cyclophilin , peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans\n isomerase (PPIase),suppressor of cdc65\n Cond273:yor078w\n mFAT2:Fatty acid transporter, very similar to FAT1,,\n Cond102:mrt4\n Cond141:rps24a(haploid)\n Cond136:rpl27a(**4)\n mUGP1:Uridinephosphoglucose pyrophosphorylase,uridinephosphoglucos\ne pyrophosphorylase,Null mutant is inviable, probably due to\n inability to properly form the cell wall\n mYDL193W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n Cond139:rpl8a\n mSIT1:Siderophore Iron Transport,ferrioxamine B permease,Viable. C\nells deleted from the gene are unable to take up ferrioxamin\ne B\n mSRV2:70-kDa adenylyl cyclase-associated protein,70 kDa adenylyl c\nyclase-associated protein,Null mutant is inviable.\n Cond130:rml2(**13)\n COMP.KO:Functional classification via a compendium of knockouts. Hug\nes, cell 2000.\n mYEL064C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mPMT3:Transfers mannose residues from dolichyl phosphate-D-mannose\n to specific serine/threonine residues of proteins in the se\ncretory pathway,dolichyl phosphate-D-mannose:protein O-D-man\nnosyltransferase,Null mutant is viable; pmt2 pmt3 pmt4 tripl\ne mutant is inviable\n mYEL073C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n Cond263:ymr269w\n mRNQ1:Rich in asparagine (N) and glutamine (Q),transferable epigen\netic modifier,\n mLAP3:aminopeptidase of cysteine protease family; bleomycin hydrol\nase,aminopeptidase of cysteine protease family,Null mutant i\ns viable with no obvious growth defects but is leucine amino\npeptidase deficient and hypersensitive to bleomycin; overexp\nression confers resistance to bleomycin\n Cond134:rpl12a\n Cond143:rrp6\n SGD.GO:Functional classification via a compendium of knockouts. Hug\nes, cell 2000.\n Cond140:rps24a(**9)\n mDLD3:D-lactate dehydrogenase,D-lactate dehydrogenase,\n Cond205:yel033w\n Cond244:ymr010w\n Cond283:KAR2(tetpromoter)\n mSUL2:Sulfate uptake,high affinity sulfate permease,\n Cond142:rps27b(**11)\n mYLR232W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n Cond206:yel044w\n mKTR3:Putative alpha-1,2-mannosyltransferase,alpha-1,2-mannosyltra\nnsferase (putative),\n Cond245:ymr014w\n mGPD1:glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase,glycerol-3-phosphate dehy\ndrogenase,lethal under conditions of osmotic stress, unable \nto grow on glycerol\n mSVS1:involved in vanadate resistance,,Null mutant is viable, show\ns increased sensitivity to vanadate, but not other metallic \nions or drugs\n COMP.TE:Functional classification via a compendium of knockouts. Hug\nes, cell 2000.\n Cond180:top1(haploid)\n mPRC1:dispensable for haploidization and sporulation, but required\n for full protein degradation during sporulation,carboxypept\nidase Y (proteinase C),Null mutant is viable,proteinase C de\nficient\n mPHO8:repressible alkaline phosphatase,repressible alkaline phosph\natase,phosphatase deficient\n mWSC4:cell wall integrity and stress response component 4,contains\n novel cysteine motif , integral membrane protein (putative)\n , similar to SLG1 (WSC1), WSC2 and WSC3,\n Cond11:arg5,6\n mEUG1:ER protein functionally likely involved in interacting with \nnascent polypeptides in the ER,protein disulfide isomerase h\nomolog,Null mutant is viable\n

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Computational Genomics Lab, Tel-Aviv uniresity