Module number 1098

Database revision : gnsdb28.10
Date : Tue Feb 25 17:45:48 2003
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mMAF1:Mod5 protein sorting,,Mislocalizes Mod5p to the nucleus\n mYNL134C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mVPS70:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mCPT1:Phospholipid biosynthesis,sn-1,2-diacylglycerol cholinephosp\nhotransferase,Null mutant is viable, cpt1 ept1 double deleti\non mutants are viable\n mVPS73:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYOL083W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n Jelinski.Jelinski:Regulatory networks revealed by transcriptional profiling of\n damaged Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells: Rpn4 links base exc\nision repair with proteasomes.  Mol Cell Biol. 2000 Nov;20(2\n1):8157-67.\n mPPM1:carboxy methyl transferase for protein phosphatase 2A cataly\ntic subunit,carboxy methyl transferase for protein phosphata\nse 2A catalytic subunit,Mutant is rapamycin resistant, benom\nyl supersensitive, and nocodazole sensitive.\n mGYP7:GTPase-activating protein,GTPase activating protein (GAP),Nu\nll mutant is viable\n mHYR1:Hydroperoxide resistance conferring gene,glutathione-peroxid\nase (putative),Null mutant is hypersensitive to oxidative st\nress\n mYDR319C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYHL021C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mFET5:ferrous iron transport,multicopper oxidase , type 1 integral\n membrane protein,overexpression of FET5 suppresses a fet3 n\null mutant.\n mUTR1:associated with ferric reductase,,Null mutant is viable\n mSTV1:Stv1p and Vph1p may be equivalent subunits for vacuolar-type\n H(+)-ATPases located on different organelles,110 kDa subuni\nt; not in vacuole membrane , vacuolar H-ATPase,Null mutant i\ns viable, displays additive phenotypes in combination with v\nph1 null mutations\n mUBP15:putative deubiquitinating enzyme,deubiquitinating enzyme (pu\ntative),\n mYDR391C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mWWM1:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYIL152W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mRSM10:mitochondrial ribosome small subunit component,mitochondrial\n ribosome small subunit component,\n mNCR1:Niemann-Pick Type C homologous gene,transmembrane protein (p\nutative),Null mutant is viable.\n mRRD2:Resistant to Rapamycin Deletion 2,,Null mutant is viable and\n shows rapamycin resistance; synthetic lethal with RRD1 (YIL\n153w)\n mGPM2:Similar to GPM1 (phosphoglycerate mutase); converts 3-phosph\noglycerate to 2-phosphoglycerate in glycolysis,,Null mutant \nis viable, gpm2 gpm3 double deletion mutants exhibit no synt\nhetic phenotypes\n mYJR149W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mNMD4:putative Upf1p-interacting protein,,\n Cond873:10min\n mYLR252W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mAMD1:putative alpha-mannosidase,alpha-mannosidase (putative),Null\n mutant is viable\n mDFG5:Protein required for filamentous growth, cell polarity, and \ncellular elongation,,Null mutant is viable and defective in \nfilamentous growth\n mSTE24:zinc metallo-protease that catalyzes the first step of N-ter\nminal processing of the yeast a-factor precursor,zinc metall\no-protease,Null mutant is viable, exhibits a mating efficien\ncy of ~5% that of a wild-type strain and an a-factor process\ning defect\n mPEP8:Plays a role in delivery of proteins to the vacuole,vacuolar\n protein similar to mouse gene H<beta>58,Null mutant is viab\nle but is defective in processing of soluble vacuole proteas\nes due to inability of soluble vacuolar hydrolase to reach t\nhe vacuole\n mHMX1:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mSNC1:Involved in mediating targeting and transport of secretory p\nroteins; forms a complex with Snc2p and Sec9p,Snc2p homolog \n, synaptobrevin homolog,Null mutant is viable; snc1 snc2 mut\nants are deficient in normal bulk secretion, accumulate larg\ne numbers of post-Golgi vesicles, and display a variety of c\nonditional lethal phenotypes; snc1 mutations suppress loss o\nf cap in strains possessing an activated ras2 allele\n mMIG1:Transcription factor involved in glucose repression,C2H2 zin\nc finger protein that resembles the mammalian Egr and Wilms \ntumour proteins,Null mutant is viable, exhibits partial dere\npression of numerous glucose regulated transcripts; MIG1 ove\nrexpression and deletion studies suggest that other represso\nrs such as MIG2 may act in a redundant fashion with MIG1\n mYJR142W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mCOQ4:Involved in ubiquinone biosynthesis,,Unable to produce ubiqu\ninone, hypersensitivity to polyunsaturated fatty acid treatm\nent\n mYFL006W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mCNE1:Functions in endoplasmic reticulum protein quality control,c\nalnexin and calreticulin homolog,Null mutant is viable, incr\nease of cell-surface expression of ste2-3p, increase in secr\netion of heterologously expressed mammalian alpha 1-antitryp\nsin\n mYGR111W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYPL159C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mDPP1:contains a novel phosphatase sequence motif found in a super\n family of phosphatases including mammalian PAP2,diacylglyce\nrol pyrophosphate phosphatase,Null mutant is viable, does no\nt exhibit any obvious growth defects\n mGRH1:Yeast (GR)ASP65 (H)omologue,mammalian GRASP protein homolog,\nNull mutation is viable, exhibits defects in spindle checkpo\nint\n mPYK2:Pyruvate kinase, glucose-repressed isoform,,Null mutant is v\niable and shows no obvious phenotypes; however, a pyk1 pyk2 \ndouble-deletion mutant shows growth defects more pronounced \nthan in the pyk1 mutant strain\n mYMR181C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mALO1:D-arabinono-1,4-lactone oxidase,D-arabinono-1,4-lactone oxid\nase,Null mutant is viable, shows increased sensitivity towar\nds oxidative stress\n mTRP1:Note that the sequence of TRP1 from strain S228C, which is t\nhe sequence stored in SGD, contains an ochre mutation at cod\non 67.,N-(5'-phosphoribosyl)-anthranilate isomerase,tryptoph\nan requiring\n mPEX8:Required for peroxisome assembly,peroxisome associated prote\nin containing a PTS1 signal,mutant lacks morphologically rec\nognizable peroxisomes and shows cytosolic mislocalization of\n peroxisomal matrix proteins\n mYDR247W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mRCK2:Serine/threonine protein kinase,,Null mutant is viable\n mYAL053W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYFR024C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYLR224W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mMDG1:multicopy suppressor of bem1 mutation, may be involved in G-\nprotein mediated signal transduction; binds cruciform DNA,,N\null mutant is viable. Deletion of MDG1 causes sterility in c\nells in which the wild-type G beta has been replaced by part\nly defective G beta derivatives\n mMSP1:40 kDa putative membrane-spanning ATPase,40 kDa membrane-spa\nnning ATPase,Null mutant is viable, exhibits no observable g\nrowth defects\n mGPI12:N-acetylglucosaminylphosphatidylinositol de-N-acetylase,N-ac\netylglucosaminylphosphatidylinositol de-N-acetylase,Null mut\nation is inviable\n mSBA1:SBA1p binds to Hsp90 and is important for pp60v-src activity\n in yeast, shows similarity to the mammalian P-Twenty-Three \nproteins,HSP90 associated co-chaperone,Null mutant is viable\n, exhibits slow growth at 18 degrees and 37 degrees; synthet\nic growth defects in SBA1-1/sti1-1 double mutant\n SGD.GO:Functional classification via a compendium of knockouts. Hug\nes, cell 2000.\n mYNL136W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mAPS2:Related to the sigma subunit of the mammalian plasma membran\ne clathrin-associated protein (AP-2) complex,clathrin associ\nated protein complex small subunit,null mutant is viable; sl\night effect on chc1-ts cell growth\n mYMR073C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYFR003C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mMRL1:Mannose 6-phosphate Receptor Like,,\n mMMS2:Member of error-free postreplication DNA repair pathway,,Nul\nl mutant is viable and is sensitive to MMS and UV\n mOST6:Putative new 37kDa subunit of N-oligosaccharyltransferase co\nmplex,N-oligosaccharyltransferase complex 37kDa subunit (put\native),\n mECM19:ExtraCellular Mutant,,A Tn3 insertion into this gene causes \nhypersensitivity to the cell surface polymer perturbing agen\nt calcofluor white.\n mMAI1:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mAUT1:Protein involved in autophagocytosis during starvation,,Null\n mutant is viable, defective in starvation-induced bulk flow\n transport of cytoplasmic proteins to the vacuole, exhibits \ndecreased survival rates during starvation, defective in pro\ntein degradation in the vacuoles induced by nitrogen starvat\nion, homozygous diploids fail to sporulate\n mAPL2:Beta-adaptin, large subunit of the clathrin-associated prote\nin (AP-1) complex,beta-adaptin , clathrin associated protein\n complex large subunit,null mutant is viable\n mYMR110C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mPBS2:Involved in osmoregulation, member of the HOG1 mitogen-activ\nated protein kinase (MAPK) cascade,MAP kinase kinase (MEK) ,\n may act as a scaffolding protein for Sho1p, Ste11p, and Hog\n1p , MAP kinase kinase (MEK) , may act as a scaffolding prot\nein for Sho1p, Ste11p, and Hog1p , MAP kinase kinase (MEK) ,\n may act as a scaffolding protein for Sho1p, Ste11p, and Hog\n1p,Null mutant is viable, sensitive to high osmolarity, sens\nitive to the antibiotic polymyxin B; shows marked decreased \ninduction of transcription by osmotic stress that is mediate\nd by stress response elements; a deletion in RGA1 and PBS2 a\nctivates the pheromone-dependent signal transduction pathway\n independently of the G protein\n mYGR127W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYMR160W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYGR106C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYJL163C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYMC1:putative mitochondrial carrier protein,carrier protein (puta\ntive),\n mBAT2:Branched-Chain Amino Acid Transaminase,branched-chain amino \nacid transaminase,Null mutant is viable; ILV auxotrophy in b\nat1 bat2 double mutants\n mARN1:Product of gene unknown,,\n mYNL195C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYOL087C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mRCE1:Protease involved in ras and a-factor terminal proteolysis,p\nrotease,Null mutant is viable, has defects in Ras localizati\non and signaling, and suppresses the activated phenotype of \nthe RAS2val19 allele\n mPPH21:serine-threonine protein phosphatase 2A,,Null mutant is viab\nle, pph21 pph22 mutants produce very small spores in some st\nrain backgrounds and are inviable in others, pph21 pph22 pph\n3 mutants are inviable\n mYOR097C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mPHB1:antiproliferative protein involved in determination of repli\ncative life span,Phb2p homolog , mitochondrial protein,Null \nmutant is viable, exhibits a slightly decreased lifes span; \nphb1 phb2 double deletion mutants exhibit a more decreased r\neplicative lifespan and a defect in mitochondrial membrane p\notential\n mPPH22:serine-threonine protein phosphatase 2A,,Null mutant is viab\nle, pph21 pph22 mutants produce very small spores in some st\nrain backgrounds and are inviable in others, pph21 pph22 pph\n3 mutants are inviable\n mPRC1:dispensable for haploidization and sporulation, but required\n for full protein degradation during sporulation,carboxypept\nidase Y (proteinase C),Null mutant is viable,proteinase C de\nficient\n mTGL1:triglyceride lipase-cholesterol esterase,cholesterol esteras\ne , triglyceride lipase,\n mYJL178C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYMR074C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mMMT2:Protein involved in mitochondrial iron accumulation,,Null mu\ntant is viable, mmt1 mmt2 double deletion mutants exhibit a \ngrowth defect on low iron medium\n mKHA1:putative K+/H+ antiporter,,\n mMPD1:Disulfide isomerase related protein,disulfide isomerase rela\nted protein,Null mutant is viable. MPD1 overexpression can s\nuppress the maturation defect of carboxypeptidase Y caused b\ny PDI1 deletion\n mYOL153C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mHOM6:catalyzes third step in common pathway for methionine and th\nreonine biosynthesis,L-homoserine:NADP oxidoreductase , homo\nserine dehydrogenase,Homoserine requiring\n mPMC1:May be involved in depleting cytosol of Ca2+ ions,Ca2+ ATPas\ne (putative),Null mutant is viable but fails to grow in high\n Ca2+ medium; this death in high calcium is suppressed by mu\ntations in calcineurin (CNA1, CNA2, CNB1) and calmodulin (CM\nD1); pmc1 vcx1 double mutant is even more sensitive to Ca2+\n mAPM1:medium subunit of the clathrin-associated protein complex,cl\nathrin associated protein complex medium subunit,Null mutant\n is viable, enhances the slow growth and late Golgi sorting \ndefects of a chc1-ts mutant\n Cond887:t-BuOOH\n mINP53:Synaptojanin-like protein,inositol polyphosphate 5-phosphata\nse,Null mutant is viable but has abnormal vacuoles\n mAPM4:Clathrin associated protein, medium subunit,clathrin associa\nted protein complex medium subunit,\n mATX1:antioxidant protein and metal homeostasis factor, protects a\ngainst oxygen toxicity,copper binding homeostasis protein (p\nutative),hypersensitive toward paraquat (a generator of supe\nroxide anion)\n mRAS2:Ras proto-oncogene homolog. Ras2 is involved in growth on no\nn-fermentable carbon sources, the starvation response, sporu\nlation, pseudohyphal growth and aging.,small GTP-binding pro\ntein,Loss of function mutants grow poorly on nonfermentable \ncarbon sources, sporulate in rich media, are unable to diffe\nrentiate into a pseudohyphal form and exhibit an increased l\nife span.\n mYKL063C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mAAD6:high degree of similarity with the AAD of P. chrysosporium,a\nryl-alcohol dehydrogenase (putative),Responds to oxidative s\ntress induced by diamide and di-ethyl maleic acid ester in Y\nAP1 dependant manner\n mHSP12:induced by heat shock, entry into stationary phase, depletio\nn of glucose, and addition of lipids (fatty acids),heat shoc\nk protein 12,Null mutant is viable, but shows induction of h\neat shock response under conditions normally associated with\n low-level HSP12 expression\n mYJL084C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYGR223C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mPTM1:Putative membrane protein,membrane protein (putative),Null m\nutant is viable, no observable phenotype\n mDDP1:Diadenosine and Diphosphoinositol Polyphosphate Phosphohydro\nlase,diadenosine and diphosphoinositol polyphosphate phospho\nhydrolase,none\n mYET1:Yeast BAP31 homolog,yeast endoplasmic reticulum 25 kDa trans\nmembrane protein,Null mutant is viable\n mYKL121W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mSYS1:Multicopy suppressor of ypt6 null mutation,,Null mutant is v\niable. sys1 ypt6 double mutant displays enhanced defects in \nvacuolar sorting and cell growth\n mYPL176C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mCOT1:Protein involved in cobalt accumulation; dosage dependent su\nppressor of cobalt toxicity,,Null mutant is viable, yet incr\neased sensitivity to cobalt\n Cond880:BCNU\n Cond872:Zero1\n mGSH1:Glutathione biosynthesis,gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase,N\null mutant is viable, exhibits alteration of glutathione con\ntent and reduction in growth rate\n mYIL135C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mEND3:Required for endocytosis and organization of the cytoskeleto\nn,,Null mutant is viable and defective in endocytosis\n mECM38:ExtraCellular Mutant; cik1 suppressor,gamma-glutamyltransfer\nase homolog,Null mutant is viable. A Tn3 insertion into this\n gene causes hypersensitivity to the cell surface polymer pe\nrturbing agent calcofluor white.\n mYLR241W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mTSA2:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mRCN1:Regulator of calcineurin,calcineurin inhibitor,Overexpressio\nn phenotype: decreased calcineurin function\n mYPL206C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYLR387C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mOYE3:Old yellow enzyme,NADPH dehydrogenase,\n mYDR330W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYOL111C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mTOM7:Involved in mitochondrial protein import,translocase of the \nouter mitochondrial membrane,Null mutant is viable\n mHXK1:Glucose phosphorylation,hexokinase I (PI) (also called hexok\ninase A),Null mutant is viable, is able to ferment fructose,\n and has little or no effect on glucose repression; hxk1, hx\nk2 double null mutant cannot ferment fructose and fails to s\nhow glucose repression at SUC2, CYC1, GAL10\n mYPL184C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mRHO2:Gtp-binding protein of the rho subfamily of ras-like protein\ns,GTP-binding protein , rho subfamily,null is viable\n mOPI3:Second and third steps of methylation pathway for phosphatid\nylcholine biosynthesis,methylene-fatty-acyl-phospholipid syn\nthase (unsaturated phospholipid N-methyltransferase),Null mu\ntant is viable, temperature sensitive in the presence of mon\nomethylethanolamine, exhibits an inositol secretion phenotyp\ne\n mRHO4:ras homolog--GTP binding protein,GTP-binding protein , ras h\nomolog,Null mutant is viable; rho3 rho4 cells are inviable a\nt 30 degrees C\n mNMA2:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYDR476C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYPS7:Gpi-anchored aspartic protease (Yapsin 7),GPI-anchored aspar\ntic protease,\n mTLG2:member of the syntaxin family of t-SNAREs,tSNARE that affect\ns a late Golgi compartment,Null mutant is viable in SEY6210,\n exhibits endocytosis defect and loss of Kex2p\n mSNG1:Involved in nitrosoguanidine resistance,,Null mutant is viab\nle, sensitive to various chemical mutagens\n mVPS55:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mMDR1:Mac1-dependent regulator,GTPase activating protein (GAP)  fo\nr Ypt6,Null mutant is viable\n mDAK1:putative dihydroxyacetone kinase,dihydroxyacetone kinase (pu\ntative),Null mutant is viable and shows no growth defect in \nnormal medium; mutant lacking both dak1 and dak2 is sensitiv\ne to dihydroxyacetone during saline growth\n mUGA1:gamma-aminobutyrate (GABA) transaminase (4-aminobutyrate ami\nnotransferase),gamma-aminobutyrate (GABA) transaminase (4-am\ninobutyrate aminotransferase),\n mYJR001W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mSGE1:multi-copy suppressor of gal11 null; member of drug-resistan\nce protein family,,Null mutant is viable; shows decreased ex\npression of galactose-inducible genes; shows increased sensi\ntivity to crystal violet\n mYML131W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYGR268C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYMR258C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n Cond882:zero3\n mALD2:Expression induced in response to high osmotic stress. NAD+ \nis preferred coenzyme.,aldeyhde dehydrogenase,ald2 ald3 doub\nle mutants show reduced growth rate with ethanol as the sole\n carbon source.\n mYML117W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYIL041W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYKR046C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYKL086W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYFL054C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mMID2:Protein required for mating,,Null mutant is viable, dies whe\nn exposed to mating pheromone\n mRPL15B:Homology to rat L15,ribosomal protein L15B (YL10) (L13B) (rp\n15R),\n mSWD1:YAR003W,,\n mGRE3:Induced by osmotic stress; similar to xylose reductase from \nother fungi,,\n mABZ1:para-aminobenzoate synthase, PABA synthase,para-aminobenzoat\ne synthase (PABA synthase),Null mutant is viable and PABA au\nxotroph\n mOPY2:imparts Far- phenotype,,\n mYDR107C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYNL190W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYPL004C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYMR178W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mFSH3:Unknown ,, Unknown\n Cond876:zero2\n mYJL217W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYPL098C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYPL113C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYPL170W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mSHR5:Involved in RAS localization and palmitoylation,,Null mutant\n is viable; exhibits normal palmityltransferase activity in \nvitro and attenuates Ras function in cells with mutant Ras2 \nproteins that are not farnesylated or palmitoylated; shr5 mu\ntation originally isolated as suppressor of Ras function\n mGRD19:Functions in Golgi retention.,Grd19p contains the PX domain \nfound in human SNX1 (Sorting Nexin-1). Localized predominant\nly to the cytosol, however, a minor amount associates with m\nembranes. In vps27 mutant cells, Grd19p-HA localizes in the \nprevaculoar compartment.,Null mutant is viable but defective\n for retention of proteins in the trans-Golgi. grd19 null mu\ntants mislocalize DPAP A (Ste13p) and Kex2p to the vacuole.\n mYIR016W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYMR099C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mAPP1:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYPT52:rab5-like GTPase involved in vacuolar protein sorting and en\ndocytosis,,Null mutant is viable; ypt51 ypt52 double deletio\nn exacerbates the temperature sensitivity and vacuolar prote\nin sorting defects of ypt51 deletion\n mCUE1:Cue1p assembles with Ubc7p. Cue1p recruits Ubc7p to the cyto\nsolic surface of the endoplasmic reticulum. Assembly with Cu\ne1p is a prerequisite for the function of Ubc7p,Ubc7p bindin\ng and recruitment protein,Null mutant is viable and shows st\nabilization of ER degradation substrates\n mYPT53:Involved in vacuolar protein sorting and endocytosis,GTP-bin\nding protein , rab family,Null mutant is viable\n mRAV2:Regulator of (H+)-ATPase in Vacuolar membrane,,\n mSNA3:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mGSC2:Highly similar to FKS1 (GSC1). GSC2 and FKS1 encode redundan\nt catalytic components of 1,3-beta-glucan synthase. Deletion\n of both is lethal,1,3-beta-D-glucan synthase catalytic comp\nonent,Null mutant is viable and shows partially reduced 1,3-\nbeta-glucan synthase activity\n mYLR454W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mSGN1:contains one RNA recognition (RRM) domain,,\n mPPH21 mPPH22 mAPL2 mAPM1 mYPT52 mYPT53 mAPP1 mYPL004C

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