Module number 1010

Database revision : gnsdb28.10
Date : Tue Feb 25 17:30:53 2003
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mRRP5:Ribosomal RNA Processing,required for processing of pre-rRNA\n,Overexpression of RRP5 facilitates mitochondrial import of \nhydrophobic proteins; overexpression of an RRP5 mutant compl\nements the rRNA processing defect of the null alllele, but d\noes not facilitate mitochondrial import\n mKSP1:Serine/threonine kinase similar to casein kinase II and othe\nr serine/threonine protein kinases,,Null mutant is viable\n mKHA1:putative K+/H+ antiporter,,\n mELG1:enhanced frequency of direct-repeat recombination,,Null muta\nnt is viable, not sensitive to MMS or UV.\n mRGT1:transcriptional repressor and activator,transcriptional acti\nvator , transcriptional repressor,Null mutant is viable, sho\nws consitutive expression of glucose-induced HXT geness\n Cond451:raffinose_vs._reference_pool_car-1\n mUSO1:involved intracellular protein transport, coiled-coil protei\nn necessary for protein transport from ER to Golgi,integrin \nanalogue gene,Null mutant is inviable\n mGEA1:component of a complex guanine nucleotide exchange activity \nfor the ADP-ribosylation factor ARF,GDP/GTP exchange factor,\nMutant exhibits defective ER to Golgi transport; synthetical\nly lethal with gea2::HIS3.\n Cond388:Hypo-osmotic_shock_-_60_min\n mPUF4:member of the PUF protein family,,\n mNEW1:This gene encodes a protein with an Q/N-rich amino terminal \ndomain that acts as a prion, termed [NU]+.,,Null mutant is v\niable\n mYDR186C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mKAP104:Karyopherin of 103,613 Da. Similar to yeast karyopherin beta\n (Kap95p; YLR347c),karyopherin beta 2,Null mutant is viable \nat 23 degrees C, but fails to germinate and dies at 30 C, sh\nows severe nuclear envelope defects\n Stress.HypoOsmot:Genomic expression programs in the response of yeast cells t\no environmental changes.  Mol Biol Cell. 2000 Dec;11(12):424\n1-57\n mZDS1:Negative regulator of cell polarity,,High-copy suppressor of\n ceg-ts mutations\n SGD.GO:Functional classification via a compendium of knockouts. Hug\nes, cell 2000.\n mECM10:ExtraCellular Mutant,,A Tn3 insertion into this gene causes \nhypersensitivity to the cell surface polymer perturbing agen\nt calcofluor white.\n Cond661:DES460_(wt)_-_mock_irradiation_-_90_min\n Cond746: mYDR128W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYIL090W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n Stress.Carbon:Genomic expression programs in the response of yeast cells t\no environmental changes.  Mol Biol Cell. 2000 Dec;11(12):424\n1-57\n mGDA1:converts nucleoside diphosphates to nucleoside monophosphate\ns to recycle nucleosides and promote transport of additional\n nucleotide sugars into golgi,guanosine diphosphatase of Gol\ngi membrane,Null mutant is viable and has partial block in m\nannosylation of proteins and sphingolipids\n COMP.:Functional classification via a compendium of knockouts. Hug\nes, cell 2000.\n Cond668:mec1_plus_gamma_90_min\n mOCT1:mitochondrial protein import machinery component involved in\n the biogenesis of the oxidative phosphorylation system,inte\nrmediate peptidase , possesses octapeptidyl amino-peptidase \nactivity,Null mutant is viable, unable to grow on nonferment\nable substrates\n mPEP1:vacuolar protein sorting receptor for carboxypeptidase Y and\n proteinase A; related to Sortilin,Type I integral membrane \nprotein 166aa cytoplasmic tail, 1300 aa lumenal domain,prote\ninase deficient\n mPSK2:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mMET6:vitamin B12-(cobalamin)-independent isozyme of methionine sy\nnthase (also called N5-methyltetrahydrofolate homocysteine m\nethyltransferase or 5-methyltetrahydropteroyl triglutamate h\nomocysteine methyltransferase),vitamin B12-(cobalamin)-indep\nendent isozyme of methionine synthase (also called N5-methyl\ntetrahydrofolate homocysteine methyltransferase or 5-methylt\netrahydropteroyl triglutamate homocysteine methyltransferase\n),Null mutant is viable, and is a methionine auxotroph\n Cond659:DES460_(wt)_-_mock_irradiation_-_30_min\n mYND1:Yeast Nucleoside Diphosphatase,apyrase (NDPase/NTPase),Null \nmutant is viable but vanadate-resistant and hygromycin-sensi\ntive. The double mutant ynd1 gda1 exhibits slow growth and s\nubstantial defects in protein glycosylation and cell morphol\nogy.\n mRAV1:Regulator of (H+)-ATPase in vacuolar membrane,,\n Cond672:DES459_(mec1)_-_mock_irradiation_-_60_min\n mYAL048C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYLR454W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n Cond671:DES459_(mec1)_-_mock_irradiation_-_30_min\n Cond387:Hypo-osmotic_shock_-_45_min\n mSCT1:High copy suppresor of choline-transport mutants,,Null mutan\nt is viable\n fkh1,2sf.Series0:Two yeast forkhead genes regulate the cell cycle and pseudoh\nyphal growth.  Nature. 2000 Jul 6;406(6791):90-4.\n Cond660:DES460_(wt)_-_mock_irradiation_-_60_min\n mMKC7:protease involved in protein processing that shares function\ns with Yap3 and Kex2,aspartyl protease , related to Yap3p,Nu\nll mutant is viable, mkc7 yap3 double mutants are temperatur\ne sensitive, and mkc7 yap3 kex2 triple mutants are temperatu\nrea nd cold-sensitive\n Cond452:sucrose_vs._reference_pool_car-1\n mRAD26:May be involved in transcription-coupled DNA repair,DNA depe\nndent ATPase , human Cockayne syndrome B gene ERCC6 homolog,\nNull mutant is viable, defective in transcription-coupled re\npair, and hypermutable following exposure to UV light and sh\nows delayed recovered of growth after UV exposure; rad7 rad2\n6 and rad16 rad26 double mutants show enhanced sensitivity t\no UV light\n mYDR476C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mECM10 mRAD26

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Computational Genomics Lab, Tel-Aviv uniresity