A Tale of three Tales
      Eytan Ruppin, Schools of Computer Science and Medicine, TAU


   In this talk I shall survey three recent ongoing studies,
   addressing the following questions:

     1. Genetic robustness in metabolic networks: what is its architecture?
     how many genes contribute to it? What mechanisms underlie metabolic
     robustness and what are its evolutionary origins?
     [ with Dudi Deutscher and Isaco Meilijson ]

     2. Network motifs in regulatory networks: Are they evolutionary conserved?
     Are over-expressed motifs over-selected? Are they more lethal?
     [ with Ofer Meshi and Tomer Shlomi ]

     3. From gene expression to behavior (via C elegans neurons): Is there a
     correlation/mapping between these two disparate levels? Are there subsets
     of genes that may yield a significant correlation? If so, who are they?
     [ work in progress, with Alon Kaufman ]

     Hopefully, some tentative answers will be given..