The quest for viral 'photosynthesis' using both metagenomics and environmental genomics
Oded Beja
Genes that encode the photosystem II D1 protein (psbA) were
recently found in several cultured cyanophage genomes. These
viral photosynthesis genes may provide a beneficial trait to
the viruses or to their photosynthetic cyanobacterial hosts,
or even represent a previously unrecognized gene pool for
formation of photosynthetic apparati.
Using both BAC based approaches (environmental Genomics) and
Metagenomics we observe that between 44% (Sargasso Sea) to
at least 59% (Atlantic Ocean) of environmental D1 sequences
are of viral origin. Moreover, viral signatures were also
detected in D1 mRNA, indicating that these photosynthetic viral
genes are actively expressed in the marine environment.
Overall, our environmental observations raise the possibility
that marine viruses actively participate in and influence
oceanic photosynthesis on a global scale. The possible
implications to oceanic photosynthesis and to the carbon
cycle will be discussed.