Inferring Phylogenies via LCA-distances
Ilan Gronau
CS, Technion
Inferring the evolutionary history of a given set of species is one of the most
fundamental problems in Computational Biology. Our research specifically deals
with algorithms which reconstruct phylogenetic trees from pairwise distances.
One of the major issues addressed in this approach is the ability to
reconstruct the correct tree given noisy distance estimates.
In the first part of the talk, we present a new approach for reconstructing
phylogenetic trees using distances to LCAs (Least Common Ancestors). This
approach leads to a family of very simple and efficient algorithms called
Deepest LCA Neighbor-Joining (DLCA in short). We present a technique which
leads to an optimal running time of $O(n^2)$. This technique is also used to
speed up the running time of well-known clustering algorithms such as UPGMA. In
the second part, we discuss the performance of these algorithms on noisy
distance estimates. Specifically, we compare these algorithms to Saitou & Nei's
famous neighbor joining algorithm (AKA NJ) both through their performance
guarantees and through actual experiments on simulated phylogenetic data.
The talk touches upon core issues in distance-based phylogenetic reconstruction
and does not assume any prior biological/mathematical knowledge. It is based
on two papers, which can be found at
"Neighbor joining algorithms for inferring phylogenies via LCA-distances" and
"Optimal Implementations of UPGMA and Other Common Clustering Algorithms".