Computational Design of RNA Switches
Danny Barash
Ben-Gurion University
Recent discoveries about various capabilities of small RNAs to affect gene
expression have led to some biotechnological advances and medical
applications. In this talk, I will start with a brief overview on these
discoveries, the diverse roles of RNAs, and their potential use. I will then
focus on the phenomenon of RNA conformational switching and how it relates
to function, introducing the bioinformatics methods that are involved in RNA
folding predictions and the design and search for novel RNA switches. I will
concentrate on a matrix representation of the RNA secondary structure, using
its properties to identify conformational RNA switching by a single point
mutation (RNAMute, available at as well
as other slight changes in the environment.
Finally, I will describe how computer-aided RNA switch design can
potentially be performed in the future from an assembly of small RNA
building blocks.