Module number 2679

Database revision : gnsdb28.10
Date : Tue Feb 25 17:30:30 2003
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Cond330:29C_+1M_sorbitol_to_33C_+_1M_sorbitol_-_15_minutes\n Cond796:Ca5'\n mSOF1:involved in rRNA processing,56 kDa nucleolar snRNP protein t\nhat shows homology to beta subunits of G-proteins and the sp\nlicing factor Prp4,Null mutant is inviable. sof1-56, a domin\nant suppressor of nop1 mutants can restore growth and pre-RN\nA processing at 35 degrees C. In vivo depletion of SOF1 lead\ns to impaired pre-rRNA processing and inhibition of 18S rRNA\n production.\n Cond399:Nitrogen_Depletion_8_h\n Cond798:Ca30'\n Pho85.pho85:Chemical inhibition of the Pho85 cyclin-dependent kinase rev\neals a role in the environmental stress response.  Proc Natl\n Acad Sci U S A. 2001 Oct 23;98(22):12578-83.\n Cond410:diauxic_shift_timecourse_18.5_h\n Cond302:Heat_Shock_15_minutes_hs-1\n Cond418:YPD_1_d_ypd-2\n mFPR4:Homolog of homolog of the nucleolar FKBP, Fpr3,peptidyl-prol\nyl cis-trans isomerase (PPIase),Null mutant is viable\n GCR1.gcr1:Understanding the growth phenotype of the yeast gcr1 mutant \nin terms of global genomic expression patterns.  J Bacteriol\n. 2000 Sep;182(17):4970-8.\n Cond981:F82G_pho4D_10_mM_1NaPP1\n Cond362:dtt_000_min__dtt-2\n Cond913:(99i3)_S150-2B_YPD_NormInt\n Stress.diamide:Genomic expression programs in the response of yeast cells t\no environmental changes.  Mol Biol Cell. 2000 Dec;11(12):424\n1-57\n mYNL120C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n Cond697:gal2-gal\n Cond352:1_mM_Menadione_(120_min)redo\n Stress.HypoOsmot:Genomic expression programs in the response of yeast cells t\no environmental changes.  Mol Biol Cell. 2000 Dec;11(12):424\n1-57\n Cond976:F82G_1_mM_1NaPP1\n Cond416:YPD_10_h__ypd-2\n Cond425:YPD_stationary_phase_12_h_ypd-1\n Cond674:DES459_(mec1)_+_heat_20_min\n Cond810:Na45'\n Cond637:DES460_+_0.02%_MMS_-_60_min\n Cond373:1.5_mM_diamide_(40_min)\n mDIM1:Dimethyladenosine transferase, (rRNA(adenine-N6,N6-)-dimethy\nltransferase),reponsible for m6[2]Am6[2]A dimethylation in 3\n'-terminal loop of 18S rRNA,dimethyladenosine transferase,Nu\nll mutant is inviable\n Cond409:diauxic_shift_timecourse_15.5_h\n Cond300:Heat_Shock_05_minutes_hs-1\n Cond391:aa_starv_1_h\n Cond435:DBYmsn2-4-_37degree_heat_-_20_min\n Cond814:Na+FK45'\n Cond310:Heat_Shock_000_minutes_hs-2\n COMP.:Functional classification via a compendium of knockouts. Hug\nes, cell 2000.\n Cond769:Acid_80'\n Stress.aa_starv:Genomic expression programs in the response of yeast cells t\no environmental changes.  Mol Biol Cell. 2000 Dec;11(12):424\n1-57\n Cond245:ymr014w\n Cond480:WT+/-100mM3AT(SetA)(R491)\n Cond335:constant_0.32_mM_H2O2_(10_min)_redo\n Cond395:Nitrogen_Depletion_30_min.\n Cond155:she4\n Cond722:t2+SSD1,H44\n mNIP7:Nip7p is required for 60S ribosome subunit biogenesis,,Null \nmutant is inviable; in the temperature-sensitive mutant nip7\n-1, glycine 71 is replaced by aspartic acid\n TorRama.Series0:Partitioning the transcriptional program induced by rapamyci\nn among the effectors of the Tor proteins. Curr Biol. 2000 D\nec 14-28;10(24):1574-81\n Cond312:Heat_Shock_015_minutes_hs-2\n Cond479:WT+/-100mM3AT(SetD)(R491)\n Cond693:gal7+gal\n Cond569:cdc15_10\n Cond306:Heat_Shock_60_minutes_hs-1\n Cond430:YPD_stationary_phase_7_d_ypd-1\n Cond361:2.5mM_DTT_180_min_dtt-1\n Cond797:Ca15'\n Cond367:dtt_240_min_dtt-2\n tcl1.tcl1:The genome-wide expression response to telomerase deletion i\nn Saccharomyces cerevisiae.  Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2002 \nJul 9;99(14):9316-21.\n Cond720:t0+SSD1,H44\n Cond716:t2+SSD1wt\n Cond313:Heat_Shock_030inutes__hs-2\n Stress.Heat1:Genomic expression programs in the response of yeast cells t\no environmental changes.  Mol Biol Cell. 2000 Dec;11(12):424\n1-57\n Cond481:WT+/-100mM3AT(SetB)(491)\n Stress.Heat2:Genomic expression programs in the response of yeast cells t\no environmental changes.  Mol Biol Cell. 2000 Dec;11(12):424\n1-57\n Cond385:Hypo-osmotic_shock_-_15_min\n Cond818:crz1/Na30'\n Cond378:1M_sorbitol_-_15_min\n Cond427:YPD_stationary_phase_2_d_ypd-1\n Cond358:2.5mM_DTT_060_min_dtt-1\n mYIL096C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n Cond662:mec1_plus_gamma_5_min\n gala.-gal:Integrated genomic and proteomic analyses of a systematicall\ny perturbed metabolic network.  Science. 2001 May 4;292(5518\n):929-34.\n SGD.GO:Functional classification via a compendium of knockouts. Hug\nes, cell 2000.\n Cond443:DBYyap1_+_0.32_mM_H2O2_(20_min)\n Cond833:tlc1_Expt.2_Passage_5\n mURK1:converts ATP and uridine to ADP and UMP,uridine kinase,\n Cond374:1.5_mM_diamide_(50_min)\n Cond433:YPD_stationary_phase_28_d_ypd-1\n Cond370:1.5_mM_diamide_(10_min)\n Cond634:DES460_+_0.02%_MMS_-_15_min\n mRCL1:protein similar to the RNA 3' terminal phosphate cyclase (RN\nA 3' terminal phosphate Cyclase-Like),,Null mutant is inviab\nle.\n Cond325:29C_to_33C_-_5_minutes\n Cond809:Na30'\n mSRO9:Associates with translating ribosomes; may function in the c\nytoplasm to modulate mRNA translation; may be involved in or\nganization of actin filaments,,Null mutant is viable; multic\nopy SRO9 suppresses disappearance of cables of actin filamen\nts in both rho3 and tpm1 mutants, growth defect in tpm1 tpm2\n double mutant, and temperature sensitivity of act1-1 mutant\n; sro9 is synthetically lethal with tpm1 (but multicopy TPM2\n suppresses that synthetic lethality\n Stress.ColdShock:Genomic expression programs in the response of yeast cells t\no environmental changes.  Mol Biol Cell. 2000 Dec;11(12):424\n1-57\n Cond965:ndt80_delete_mid_g/r_ratio_\n Cond859:ms221-30\n Cond366:dtt_120_min_dtt-2\n Calcin.crz1:Genome-wide analysis of gene expression regulated by the cal\ncineurin/Crz1p signaling pathway in Saccharomyces cerevisiae\n.  J Biol Chem. 2002 Aug 23;277(34):31079-88\n Cond977:F82G_pho4D_1_mM_1NaPP1\n Cond303:Heat_Shock_20_minutes_hs-1\n Cond813:Na+FK30'\n Cond485:Low-Pi_vs_High-Pi_in_WT_(DBY7286)\n Cond636:DES460_+_0.2%_MMS_-_45_min\n Cond570:cdc15_30\n Cond627:DY1457_(wild_type)_3_mM_vs._76_nM_zinc_y12-122\n Cond441:DBYmsn2/4_(real_strain)_+_0.32_mM_H2O2_(20_min)\n Cond650:wt_plus_gamma_5_min\n Calcin.Ca:Genome-wide analysis of gene expression regulated by the cal\ncineurin/Crz1p signaling pathway in Saccharomyces cerevisiae\n.  J Biol Chem. 2002 Aug 23;277(34):31079-88\n mYTM1:microtubule-associated protein,microtubule-associated protei\nn,\n Cond408:diauxic_shift_timecourse_13.5_h\n mRPL27B:Homology to mammalian L27,ribosomal protein L27B,\n Cond652:wt_plus_gamma_20_min\n Cond856:pm38-qtop\n Stress.dshift:Genomic expression programs in the response of yeast cells t\no environmental changes.  Mol Biol Cell. 2000 Dec;11(12):424\n1-57\n Cond801:CaFK15'\n Cond390:aa_starv_0.5_h\n mNOP2:May participate in nucleolar function during the transition \nfrom stationary phase to rapid growth,90 kDa protein homolog\nous to a human proliferation-associated nucleolar protein, p\n120,Null mutant is inviable; overexpression leads to changes\n in nucleolar morphology\n Cond320:heat_shock_17_to_37,_20_minutes\n Cond316:37C_to_25C_shock_-_30_min\n mRPS10A:Homology to rat S10,ribosomal protein S10A,\n Cond305:Heat_Shock_40_minutes_hs-1\n Cond396:Nitrogen_Depletion_1_h\n Cond658:DES460_(wt)_-_mock_irradiation_-_5_min\n mDIP2:DOM34 Interacting Protein,,\n Cond301:Heat_Shock_10_minutes_hs-1\n Cond982:pho85D_10_mM_1NaPP1_\n Calcin.CaFK:Genome-wide analysis of gene expression regulated by the cal\ncineurin/Crz1p signaling pathway in Saccharomyces cerevisiae\n.  J Biol Chem. 2002 Aug 23;277(34):31079-88\n Cond369:1.5_mM_diamide_(5_min)\n Cond440:DBYmsn2msn4_(good_strain)_+_0.32_mM_H2O2\n Cond363:dtt_015_min_dtt-2\n Cond337:constant_0.32_mM_H2O2_(30_min)_redo\n mDUS1:tRNA dihydrouridine synthase,tRNA dihydrouridine synthase,\n Cond782:Peroxide_40'\n mGRC3:Product of gene unknown,,\n Cond800:CaFK5'\n mYHL039W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n Stress.YPD:Genomic expression programs in the response of yeast cells t\no environmental changes.  Mol Biol Cell. 2000 Dec;11(12):424\n1-57\n Cond414:YPD_6_h_ypd-2\n mPRS4:ribose-phosphate pyrophosphokinase 4,ribose-phosphate pyroph\nosphokinase,Null mutant is viable\n mYOR287C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n Cond386:Hypo-osmotic_shock_-_30_min\n Stress.YPDStat:Genomic expression programs in the response of yeast cells t\no environmental changes.  Mol Biol Cell. 2000 Dec;11(12):424\n1-57\n Cond371:1.5_mM_diamide_(20_min)\n Cond323:heat_shock_29_to_37,_20_minutes\n GCN4.gcn4:Transcriptional profiling shows that Gcn4p is a master regul\nator of gene expression during amino acid starvation in yeas\nt.  Mol Cell Biol. 2001 Jul;21(13):4347-68.\n Y-Stre.Acid:Remodeling of yeast genome expression in response to environ\nmental changes.  Mol Biol Cell. 2001 Feb;12(2):323-37.\n Stress.DTT1:Genomic expression programs in the response of yeast cells t\no environmental changes.  Mol Biol Cell. 2000 Dec;11(12):424\n1-57\n Cond651:wt_plus_gamma_10_min\n mNUG1:NUclear GTPase,Nuclear GTPase involved in Ribosome biogenesi\ns,Null: dead.\n Stress.DTT2:Genomic expression programs in the response of yeast cells t\no environmental changes.  Mol Biol Cell. 2000 Dec;11(12):424\n1-57\n Cond326:29C_to_33C_-_15_minutes\n mEMG1:Essential for Mitotic Growth,ribosome biogenesis,Lethal\n Cond855:pm38-30\n Cond426:YPD_stationary_phase_1_d_ypd-1\n Cond638:DES460_+_0.02%_MMS_-_90_min\n mSUA5:Protein involved in translation initiation,,Null mutant is v\niable, lack cytochrome a/a3, suppresses a cyc1 mutation and \nconfers slow growth, fails to grow on lactate or glycerol\n Cond437:DBYyap1-_37degree_heat_-_20_min_(redo)\n Stress.WeakHeat:Genomic expression programs in the response of yeast cells t\no environmental changes.  Mol Biol Cell. 2000 Dec;11(12):424\n1-57\n Cond635:DES460_+_0.02%_MMS_-_30_min\n Cond322:heat_shock_25_to_37,_20_minutes\n Cond857:pm38-gtoe\n mYOL125W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mRRN11:rDNA transcription factor CF component, which also contains \nRrn6p and Rrn7p, which is required for rDNA transcription by\n RNA polymerase I,rDNA transcription factor component,Null m\nutant is inviable\n Cond758:Heat_0'_(A)\n Stress.NitroDepl:Genomic expression programs in the response of yeast cells t\no environmental changes.  Mol Biol Cell. 2000 Dec;11(12):424\n1-57\n Cond317:37C_to_25C_shock_-_45_min\n Cond273:yor078w\n Cond434:DBY7286_37degree_heat_-_20_min\n Stress.HeatSorbitol:Genomic expression programs in the response of yeast cells t\no environmental changes.  Mol Biol Cell. 2000 Dec;11(12):424\n1-57\n Stress.H202:Genomic expression programs in the response of yeast cells t\no environmental changes.  Mol Biol Cell. 2000 Dec;11(12):424\n1-57\n Cond424:YPD_stationary_phase_8_h_ypd-1\n Y-Stre.Heat:Remodeling of yeast genome expression in response to environ\nmental changes.  Mol Biol Cell. 2001 Feb;12(2):323-37.\n Cond419:YPD_2_d_ypd-2\n Cond321:heat_shock_21_to_37,_20_minutes\n Cond783:Peroxide_60'\n Cond762:Heat_45'\n Cond329:29C_+1M_sorbitol_to_33C_+_1M_sorbitol_-_5_minutes\n Cond725:t4-SSD1,M31\n COMP.KO:Functional classification via a compendium of knockouts. Hug\nes, cell 2000.\n gala.+gal:Integrated genomic and proteomic analyses of a systematicall\ny perturbed metabolic network.  Science. 2001 May 4;292(5518\n):929-34.\n Sporulation.Series0:The transcriptional program of sporulation in budding yeast.\n  Science. 1998 Oct 23;282(5389):699-705.\n Cond359:2.5mM_DTT_090_min_dtt-1\n mUTP5:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYGR173W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mNAN1:Net1-Associated Nucleolar protein 1,,Null mutant is inviable\n Cond417:YPD_12_h_ypd-2\n Stress.Menadione:Genomic expression programs in the response of yeast cells t\no environmental changes.  Mol Biol Cell. 2000 Dec;11(12):424\n1-57\n Cond806:crz1/Ca15'\n Stress.Sorbitol:Genomic expression programs in the response of yeast cells t\no environmental changes.  Mol Biol Cell. 2000 Dec;11(12):424\n1-57\n mFOL1:folic acid synthesis,dihydro-6-hydroxymethylpterin pyrophosp\nhokinase , dihydroneopterin aldolase , dihydropteroate synth\netase,essential, induces pseudohyphal growth\n mDBP8:Dead-Box Protein 8, ATP-dependent helicase involved in rRNA \nprocessing,dead box protein,Null mutant is inviable\n mYGR079W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n Cond415:YPD_8_h_ypd-2\n mUTP15:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYMR185W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n Cond811:Na60'\n mTRM2:tRNA methyltransferase,tRNA methyltransferase,\n Cond372:1.5_mM_diamide_(30_min)\n Calcin.crz1Na:Genome-wide analysis of gene expression regulated by the cal\ncineurin/Crz1p signaling pathway in Saccharomyces cerevisiae\n.  J Biol Chem. 2002 Aug 23;277(34):31079-88\n Stress.HeatVar:Genomic expression programs in the response of yeast cells t\no environmental changes.  Mol Biol Cell. 2000 Dec;11(12):424\n1-57\n mTIF4631:also called eIF4 (eIF-4) gamma,150 kDa subunit , Tif4632p an\nd mammalian p220 homolog , mRNA cap binding protein eIF-4F,N\null mutant is viable, grows slowly and is cold-sensitive. ti\nf4631 tif4632 double deletion mutants are inviable\n Cond336:constant_0.32_mM_H2O2_(20_min)_redo\n Cond360:2.5mM_DTT_120_min_dtt-1\n Cond324:heat_shock_33_to_37,_20_minutes\n mTRM8:Unknown ,, Unknown\n pho.Pho:New components of a system for phosphate accumulation and po\nlyphosphate metabolism in Saccharomyces cerevisiae revealed \nby genomic expression analysis.  Mol Biol Cell. 2000 Dec;11(\n12):4309-21.\n Cond334:29C_+1M_sorbitol_to_33C_+_*NO_sorbitol_-_30_minutes\n Cond411:diauxic_shift_timecourse_20.5_h\n Stress.Various:Genomic expression programs in the response of yeast cells t\no environmental changes.  Mol Biol Cell. 2000 Dec;11(12):424\n1-57\n mTSR1:Hypothetical ORF,,essential\n Calcin.Na:Genome-wide analysis of gene expression regulated by the cal\ncineurin/Crz1p signaling pathway in Saccharomyces cerevisiae\n.  J Biol Chem. 2002 Aug 23;277(34):31079-88\n Cond815:Na+FK60'\n mSUR4:Required for conversion of 24-carbon fatty acids to 26-carbo\nn species,,Null mutants is viable, not sensitive to UV or ga\nmma radiation. sur4 mutants suppress rad3, rvs161 delta, and\n rvs167 mutations. sur4 fen1 mutants and sur4 elo2 mutants a\nre inviable.\n Cond699:gal4-gal\n Cond442:DBYyap1-_+_0.3_mM_H2O2_(20_min)\n zap1.Series0:Genome-wide characterization of the Zap1p zinc-responsive re\ngulon in yeast.  Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2000 Jul 5;97(14)\n:7957-62.\n Cell Cycle.cdc15:Comprehensive identification of cell cycle-regulated genes o\nf the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae by microarray hybridiza\ntion.  Mol Biol Cell. 1998 Dec;9(12):3273-97.\n Calcin.NaFK:Genome-wide analysis of gene expression regulated by the cal\ncineurin/Crz1p signaling pathway in Saccharomyces cerevisiae\n.  J Biol Chem. 2002 Aug 23;277(34):31079-88\n Y-Stre.Peroxide:Remodeling of yeast genome expression in response to environ\nmental changes.  Mol Biol Cell. 2001 Feb;12(2):323-37.\n mFUR1:Regulation of the pyrimidine salvage pathway,UPRTase,Null mu\ntant is viable, resistant to 5-FU\n Cond980:F82G_10_mM_1NaPP1\n Cond858:pm71-30\n Cond979:WT_10_mM_1NaPP1\n Cond307:Heat_Shock_80_minutes_hs-1\n Cond428:YPD_stationary_phase_3_d_ypd-1\n Cond304:Heat_Shock_30_minutes_hs-1\n mYIL064W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n Cond958:t0.5_g/r_ratio\n

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Computational Genomics Lab, Tel-Aviv uniresity