Module number 1100

Database revision : gnsdb28.10
Date : Tue Feb 25 17:32:50 2003
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mSPC1:Homolog of the SPC12 subunit of mammalian signal peptidase c\nomplex. Protein is important for efficient signal peptidase \nactivity.,,Null mutant is viable; synthetically lethal with \na conditional mutation in sec11; high copy Spc1 suppresses t\nhe conditional sec11 mutation\n mCOS6:Protein with strong similarity to other subtelomerically-enc\noded proteins such as Cos5p, Ybr302p, Cos3p, Cos1p, Cos4p, C\nos8p, Cos6p, Cos9p,,\n mCPT1:Phospholipid biosynthesis,sn-1,2-diacylglycerol cholinephosp\nhotransferase,Null mutant is viable, cpt1 ept1 double deleti\non mutants are viable\n mTIM17:Mitochondrial inner membrane protein involved in protein imp\nort,16.5 kDa inner membrane protein required for import of m\nitochondrial precursor proteins,Null mutant is inviable\n Jelinski.Jelinski:Regulatory networks revealed by transcriptional profiling of\n damaged Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells: Rpn4 links base exc\nision repair with proteasomes.  Mol Cell Biol. 2000 Nov;20(2\n1):8157-67.\n mKRE27:Killer toxin REsistant,,K1 killer toxin resistance\n mERG12:mevalonate catabolism,mevalonate kinase,Null mutant is invia\nble and unable to grow vegetatively or germinate spores; mut\nants exhibit increased mitotic stability of plasmids with we\nak ARS elements.\n mYGR026W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mPPM1:carboxy methyl transferase for protein phosphatase 2A cataly\ntic subunit,carboxy methyl transferase for protein phosphata\nse 2A catalytic subunit,Mutant is rapamycin resistant, benom\nyl supersensitive, and nocodazole sensitive.\n mYNL156C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mAPM1:medium subunit of the clathrin-associated protein complex,cl\nathrin associated protein complex medium subunit,Null mutant\n is viable, enhances the slow growth and late Golgi sorting \ndefects of a chc1-ts mutant\n Cond887:t-BuOOH\n mDFG10:Protein required for filamentous growth, cell polarity, and \ncellular elongation,,Null mutant is viable and defective in \nfilamentous growth\n mAPM4:Clathrin associated protein, medium subunit,clathrin associa\nted protein complex medium subunit,\n mATX1:antioxidant protein and metal homeostasis factor, protects a\ngainst oxygen toxicity,copper binding homeostasis protein (p\nutative),hypersensitive toward paraquat (a generator of supe\nroxide anion)\n mYDR319C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mLAP3:aminopeptidase of cysteine protease family; bleomycin hydrol\nase,aminopeptidase of cysteine protease family,Null mutant i\ns viable with no obvious growth defects but is leucine amino\npeptidase deficient and hypersensitive to bleomycin; overexp\nression confers resistance to bleomycin\n mYJL084C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mVMA21:Protein involved in vacuolar H-ATPase assembly or function,,\nNull mutant is viable but grows slowly and exhibits increase\nd calcium sensitivity. Null mutants also cannot grow on glyc\nerol or at pH 7.5\n mCLB5:role in DNA replication during S phase; additional functiona\nl role in formation of mitotic spindles along with Clb3 and \nClb4,B-type cyclin,Null mutant is viable, but has an extende\nd S phase\n mERG2:sterol biosynthesis,C-8 sterol isomerase,Null mutant is viab\nle\n mERG5:cytochrome P450 involved in C-22 denaturation of the ergoste\nrol side-chain,cytochrome P450 , involved in C-22 denaturati\non of the ergosterol side-chain,Null mutant is viable\n mSYS1:Multicopy suppressor of ypt6 null mutation,,Null mutant is v\niable. sys1 ypt6 double mutant displays enhanced defects in \nvacuolar sorting and cell growth\n Cond892:S\n Cond883:5\n mZRC1:Zinc- and cadmium-resistance protein,,Null mutant is viable \nand sensitive to zinc\n mHNM1:choline transport protein; may also control uptake of nitrog\nen mustard,transporter (permease) for choline and nitrogen m\nustard; share homology with UGA4,Null mutant is viable, but \nhyper-resistant to nitrogen mustard; ctr1,cho1 double null i\ns inviable\n Cond889:4NQO_2\n mYGR024C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYIL059C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mGOT1:Golgi Transport,membrane protein,Null mutant is viable but e\nxhibits ER to Golgi transport defects in vitro. got1 is synt\nhetically lethal with mutations in sft2; the got1 sft2 doubl\ne mutant exhibits defects in transport to the Golgi complex.\n mDFG5:Protein required for filamentous growth, cell polarity, and \ncellular elongation,,Null mutant is viable and defective in \nfilamentous growth\n mSTE24:zinc metallo-protease that catalyzes the first step of N-ter\nminal processing of the yeast a-factor precursor,zinc metall\no-protease,Null mutant is viable, exhibits a mating efficien\ncy of ~5% that of a wild-type strain and an a-factor process\ning defect\n Cond888:MNNG_2\n mYMR221C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mBGL2:Cell wall endo-beta-1,3-glucanase,cell wall endo-beta-1,3-gl\nucanase,Null mutant is viable\n mCCC1:Functions in the homeostasis of both calcium and manganese i\nons,transmembrane Ca2+ transporter (putative),Wild-type comp\nlements csg1 (calcium sensitive-group) mutants when overexpr\nessed\n mTAT2:Tryptophan permease, high affinity,tryptophan permease, high\n affinity,suppressor of chromosome segregation mutation\n mTOM7:Involved in mitochondrial protein import,translocase of the \nouter mitochondrial membrane,Null mutant is viable\n mYGL159W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mRHO2:Gtp-binding protein of the rho subfamily of ras-like protein\ns,GTP-binding protein , rho subfamily,null is viable\n mCNE1:Functions in endoplasmic reticulum protein quality control,c\nalnexin and calreticulin homolog,Null mutant is viable, incr\nease of cell-surface expression of ste2-3p, increase in secr\netion of heterologously expressed mammalian alpha 1-antitryp\nsin\n mMRPL9:Mitochondrial ribosomal protein MRPL9 (YmL9) (E. coli L3) (h\numan MRL3),ribosomal protein (YmL9) (E. coli L3) (human MRL3\n),Null mutant is viable\n Cond895:G2MMS\n mSEC11:signal peptidase subunit,,Null mutant is inviable\n mYNR040W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mMRPL13:mitochondrial ribosomal protein YmL13,ribosomal protein (YmL\n13),Null mutant is viable, grows poorly on non-fermentable c\narbon sources\n Cond882:zero3\n mCHS7:The seventh gene identified that is involved in chitin synth\nesis; involved in Chs3p export from the ER,,Null mutant is v\niable but exhibit reduced chitin synthesis due to a severe r\neduction of Chitin Synthase III activity.\n mYIL041W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mPAU7:similar to Pau3, member of Pau1 family,,\n mERV14:ER-derived vesicles,14 kDa protein found on ER-derived vesic\nles,Null mutant is viable but exhibits defects in sporulatio\nn (diploids) and bud site selection (haploids). Null mutants\n also retain the bud site selection marker, Axl2p, in the ER\n and exhibit slow recovery from selective to rich media.\n Cond886:g-ray\n mDPM1:dolichol phosphate mannose synthase,dolichol phosphate manno\nse synthase,Null mutant is inviable\n mSWD1:YAR003W,,\n SGD.GO:Functional classification via a compendium of knockouts. Hug\nes, cell 2000.\n mYNL122C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYDR107C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mGSF2:Glucose Signaling Factor,,A Tn3 insertion into this gene cau\nses hypersensitivity to the cell surface polymer perturbing \nagent calcofluor white; Defective in glucose repression; mut\nants decrease transcriptional repression by MIG1; alter gluc\nose-regulated subunit interactions within the Snf1 protein k\ninase complex; the effects of eff1 and eff2 on SUC2 repressi\non are strongly synergistic.\n mYMR073C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mOST6:Putative new 37kDa subunit of N-oligosaccharyltransferase co\nmplex,N-oligosaccharyltransferase complex 37kDa subunit (put\native),\n mYPL098C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYNL100W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYPL170W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYMR157C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mMRP2:14 kDa mitochondrial ribosomal protein; homologous to E. col\ni S14 protein,14 kDa mitochondrial ribosomal protein , simil\nar to E. coli S14 protein,defective mitochondrial protein sy\nnthesis; absence of a and b type cytochromes; reduced levels\n of mitochondrial 15 S rRNA; defective processing of apocyto\nchrome b intron; convert to rho- and rho0 at high frequency\n mIMP1:Inner membrane protease (mitochondrial protein),inner membra\nne protease,petite; unable to grow on non-fermentable carbon\n sources\n mSHR5:Involved in RAS localization and palmitoylation,,Null mutant\n is viable; exhibits normal palmityltransferase activity in \nvitro and attenuates Ras function in cells with mutant Ras2 \nproteins that are not farnesylated or palmitoylated; shr5 mu\ntation originally isolated as suppressor of Ras function\n mYMR160W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYGR033C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mYGL080W:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mSWP1:oligosaccharyl transferase glycoprotein complex, delta subun\nit,oligosaccharyl transferase glycoprotein complex, delta su\nbunit,lethal\n mSPS19:late sporulation specific gene which may function during spo\nre wall formation,2,4-dienoyl-CoA reductase,Null mutant is v\niable. SPS19 is dispensable for growth and sporulation on so\nlid acetate and oleate media, but is essential for these pro\ncesses to occur on petroselineate.\n mYMC1:putative mitochondrial carrier protein,carrier protein (puta\ntive),\n mYGR106C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mMCK1:Disp. for mitosis, required for chr. segregation, benomyl re\nsist., basal IME1 transcript. in mitosis, IME1 induction in \nmeiosis & ascus mat. independ. of IME1; maybe in mitotic chr\n. segregation specific to CDEIII,43.1 kDa serine/threonine/t\nyrosine protein kinase,Null mutant is viable, cold sensitive\n, temperature sensitive, and benomyl sensitive; associated w\nith delays and decreased levels of sporulation. High copy MC\nK1 acclerates early gene expression.\n mYMR099C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mCUE1:Cue1p assembles with Ubc7p. Cue1p recruits Ubc7p to the cyto\nsolic surface of the endoplasmic reticulum. Assembly with Cu\ne1p is a prerequisite for the function of Ubc7p,Ubc7p bindin\ng and recruitment protein,Null mutant is viable and shows st\nabilization of ER degradation substrates\n mATP15:nuclear gene for ATP synthase epsilon subunit,ATP synthase e\npsilon subunit , nuclear encoded,unable to grow on glycerol \nmedium; no detectable oligomycin-sensitive ATPase activity; \noligomycin-sensitive uncoupling of the mitochondrial respira\ntion rate\n mRCE1:Protease involved in ras and a-factor terminal proteolysis,p\nrotease,Null mutant is viable, has defects in Ras localizati\non and signaling, and suppresses the activated phenotype of \nthe RAS2val19 allele\n mYJL178C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n mERV29:ER Vesicle protein of 29 kDa (apparent MW),ER-Golgi transpor\nt vesicle protein,Null mutant is viable.\n mESBP6:Protein with similarity to mammalian monocarboxylate transpo\nrters MCT1 and MCT2,monocarboxylate permease (putative),\n mYHL046C:Unknown ,, Unknown\n

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Computational Genomics Lab, Tel-Aviv uniresity