What is AdaOrder?
An algorithm for tailoring the minimizer order to a particular dataset for improving the efficiency of binning applications.
AdaOrder stands for Adaptive Order, as the algorithm is adapting the order iteratively to the dataset of interest.
AdaOrder was developed by Dan Flomin, David Pellow, and Ron Shamir.
What is DGerbil?
DGerbil is a k-mer counter based on the memory efficient k-mer counter Gerbil (https://github.com/uni-halle/gerbil). It integrates AdaOrder initialized with signature order and our bin mapping algorithm into Gerbil for improved efficiency.
DGerbil was developed by Dan Flomin, David Pellow, and Ron Shamir.
Where is the paper and software for AdaOrder and DGerbil?
AdaOrder is available on Github.
DGerbil is available on Github.
A preprint describing AdaOrder and DGerbil can be found on bioRxiv.
It can be cited as follows:
Flomin, D., et al "Dataset-adaptive minimizer order reduces memory usage in k-mer counting". bioRxiv (2021).
How can I get help?
For questions or suggestions please contact Ron Shamir.