Classification of microarray data using gene networks

Paper by Rapaport, Zinovyev, Dutreix, Barillot, Vert. BMC Bioinformatics 8:35 (2007) Talk by Michael Gutkin

Microarrays have become extremely useful for analysing genetic phenomena, but establishing a relation between microarray analysis results (typically a list of genes) and their biological significance is often difficult. Currently, the standard approach is to map a posteriori the results onto gene networks in order to elucidate the functions perturbed at the level of pathways. However, integrating a priori knowledge of the gene networks could help in the statistical analysis of gene expression data and in their biological interpretation. The approach is based on the spectral decomposition of gene expression profiles with respect to the eigenfunctions of the graph, resulting in an attenuation of the high-frequency components of the expression profiles with respect to the topology of the graph.

I will present the paper by discussing the methods they used, and explaining the theory behind them. Finally, I will show the results in the paper.