SIMBA: Organization of the Yeast Molecular Network by Integrated Analysis of Genome-wide Data

The SIMBA yeast site allows interactive exploration of a large scale compendium of data from diverse high throughput experiments. You can explore the behavior of your favorite gene or sets of genes, compare the activity of various functional modules in different experimental conditions or test the relations between gene expression programs, protein interactions and transcription factor binding profiles. SIMBA is under development, feel free to report problems or request features. If you think a publicly available dataset is missing from our compendium, please let us know! If you want to analyze your novel, unpublished data using SIMBA before making it available to the public, contact us, we need beta testers for testing the "incremental analysis" functionality of the site.


  1.  Quick guide to Simba
  2.  Click here to open Simba (Java Web Start is required)
  3.  Relevant Paper: Integrative analysis of genome-wide experiments in the context of a large high-throughput data compendium
  4.  Click here to download Java Web Start
  5.  Click here to open Simba if above link is problematic (Java Web Start is not required)
  6.  Click here if you still have problems (probably with memory)
  7.  Shamir's group home page
  8.  Kupiec's home page

Screen Shots:

Tree View   ProcMap View   BicMap View

Office address: Schrieber Building, Room 014, Dept. of Exact Sciences, School of Computer Science, Tel-Aviv University, Israel.
Phone: +972-3-640-xxxx