Installation and ExecutionAfter downloading and extracting it, use metareg.bat for execution in Windows and metareg.csh for execution in Linux. When running on Linux/Unix OS, make sure that you have rwx permissions for the MetaReg directory and for the directory in which your data is located. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Model definitionDefining a new modelPressing![]() For each model, the following details can be specified (Figure 1):
Saving and loading modelsModels can be saved (![]() ![]() Saving and loading sessionsThe set of all the currently available models along with the corresponding prediction results can be saved as a single session. Sessions can be saved (![]() ![]() | ![]() Figure 1:Model definition dialog | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Defining Model VariablesA MetaReg model is defined by a set of its variables and their discrete logics. The first step in defining a MetaReg model is thus the definition of the variables participating in it.The addition of variables to the model can be done by right-clicking the model canvas or through Add variable in the Model menu. After the variable has been added to the model, its properties can be edited by double-clicking it on the model canvas, or by right-clicking the variable and picking the Edit Variable option. The manipulation of all the variable properties and most importantly its logic are done through the Edit Variable dialog (Figure 2). This dialog is used both for defining new variables and adjusting existing variables. The variable properties are divided into 4 separate tabs: General, Logic, References, Expression Table, each of which will be elaborated below: 1. General variable propertiesThe following properties can be adjusted in the Properties tab. Some of the values can be automatically filled using the gene library.
| ![]() Figure 2:Edit Variable dialog | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Adding variables from the gene libraryFor defining variables describing known biological entities the user can utilize common domains containing extensive gene-based information. Currently, for S. cerevisiae all the genes from Saccharomyces Genome Database (SGD) can be selected. For all other organisms, the listings are available from the Entrez Gene database.When defining entities through this dialog, the name, id, description and aliases of the variable are automatically added to the variable properties. The Gene Library dialog (Figure 3) can be accessed using the Library button. A gene can be sought using either its official name or on any one of its aliases specified in the listings. All the relevant information for each entry appears in the Properties panel. | ![]() Figure 3:Gene Library dialog | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2. Variable regulation function logicDefining the regulation logic for every variable is the most difficult step in model formulation. In order to facilitate this modeling stage, several gadgets exists in the application for logic definition:Scripting logicThe advanced users can enter the logic function using a script. The script represents the logical function using simple notation and bracketing.The script can contain the following:
The following tools can be used in the scripting process:
| ![]() Figure 4:Logic editor | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Logic Editor WizardA more intuitive way to edit the logic is through the logic editor wizard, which exploits the tree structure of the logic function. The wizard works in conjunction with the script editor - the current script will be displayed when the editor is accessed using the Wizard button in the logic editing panel, and when the editing is concluded, the script will be updated based on the logic generated by the wizard.
Within the wizard, all the variables in the model are displayed in the Variables list. The constructed
logics are displayed as hierarchies in the Logics panel. It is possible to maintain several logics
during the editing, but only a single entry in the tree will have to be selected when the editing is done.
All the other logics will be discarded after New logics can be created by one of the following:
Using the tools described above, a simple Min(varA,varB) can be constructed using the following workflow:
| ![]() Figure 5:Logic editor wizard | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Conditional Logic EditorConditional logic is a logic of the type If A then B, otherwise C. This kind of logic can be created by pressing the If... button in the logic editor. This opens the conditional logic editor dialog. The condition (e.g. GCN4=2 or RAP1>0) can contain any logic, a conditional operator (<, >, or =) and a constant. The If true and If false fields can contain any logic script. When![]() The if A then B, otherwise C structure of the logic will be recorded in the Comment field in the logic editor. | ![]() Figure 6:Conditional logic editor | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3. Variable references:Each variable can be attributed with references to journal publications, in order to facilitate further model curation and to organize the published results supporting decisions made about properties and logics. The references can be obtained using on-line search of PubMed dialog accessible through the References tab. | ![]() Figure 7:Add Reference dialog | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4. Experimental data table:After experimental data is imported to the model, this tab shows a table of all the raw values for this variable. It is not possible to perform any changes to the data using this table. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Handling model frame visualizationSeveral models can be handled concurrently in the application. The currently active model is defined by the selected model frame. The title of the frame indicates the name of the model, along with the file associated with it (if one exists).The model graph display is fully dynamic and the nodes and edge centers are draggable. In order to drag an edge, use a small point at its center. In addition, the following features are available in the display: Node alignmentIt is possible to align the positions of nodes on the graph by first selecting them and then using the alignment options in the Layout menu.Node highlightingIt is possible to highlight specific nodes be selecting an appropriate option in the Highlight list in the model frame toolbar. It is possible to highlight all the nodes on cycles, the current feedback set, different variable types, and the perturbed nodes in the data/simulation.Variable pop-up menuRight-clicking any node on the graph brings up the variable pop-up menu. The following options are available:
Model canvas pop-up menuRight-clicking on an empty space inside the model frame brings up the model canvas pop-up menu. In this menu it is possible to use the Add Variable... option to add variables to the model. | ![]() Figure 8:Model layout | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Performing simulationsAfter a model is partially specified, it is possible to simulate the values of all the variables under a set of simulated perturbation. The simulation utilizes uses discrete inference, as described in the MetaReg JCB 2004 paper.The simulation mode can be toggled by pressing the Simulation button in the model frame. This will automatically display the current simulated values, represented by numbers adjacent to the variable nodes. The values are color-coded: 0 with a green background and any value = 1 with a red background. If no feasible mode is found, no number will be displayed. If more than one mode is possible, different modes can be navigated using the SimMode menu. It is possible to specify a simulated perturbation by using the variable pop-up menu. The simulation values are automatically re-computed after any change to the model or the perturbations. Notice that a large feedback set of the graph might results in poor performance in the simulation mode. | ![]() Figure 9:Simulation mode | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Importing external measurement dataThe data import can be accessed through Load experimental data (![]() Currently, only import from tab-delimited files is supported. 1. Adjusting the correct file formatWithin the dialog, first select a file in the File panel. File selection automatically loads the first 20 lines in the file for preview purposes. If the file is loaded correctly, the heading row and column and the data contents will be painted in different colors. Otherwise, all the content of the preview panel will show with red background.The parsing of the file structure can be configured through the Attributes panel. The Entry Id column attribute refers to the column whose content will be matched against the names/ids of the variables in the model. The Attributes column refers to the column which can contain two meaningful values: "E" indicates that this column contains information about a perturbation performed in the specified condition; "M", on the other hand, indicates that this column contains measurement data. Notice that values in the "E" rows are expected to contain "logical" values (e.g. 0/1/2), while the values in the "M" rows are usually continuous measurements. For example, if the data contain microarray gene expression measurements of four genes: geneA,geneB,geneC and geneD, one with geneA knocked-out, one with geneB overexpression and one with both perturbations, the table should look like this:
If the None is selected for Attribute column, all the rows will be treated as measurement rows. In any case, the condition attributes can be assigned later on. Note that if multiple rows are found for the same identifier, their values will be averaged. After all the attributes are correctly set, and the preview is colored correctly, pressing the Load button causes the program to import all the file and enable the Relativities, Variable Matching, Preprocessing and Perturbations tabs. These can be used to customize the translation of the data in the imported file into Conditions within MetaReg. | ![]() Figure 10:Adjusting the imported file format | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2. Adjusting condition relativitiesBy default, if no adjustment is performed in the Relativities panel, all the conditions in the imported file are treated as quantities measured relative to some WT_CONDITION, in which all the variables equal 0.If this is not the desired case, for example, if every value should be treated relative to a value in the previous condition, the relativities can be selected in the Experiments table, adjusting the Ref and Test columns. The eventual values used in every condition will be generating by subtracting the values value in the Ref column from the value in the Test column. If necessary, additional condition names can be entered in both the Test and the Ref columns. Conditions can be excluded from the import process by unselecting their respective check-boxes in the Use column. The relativities adjustment process has to start from some initial condition, whose values will be automatically set to zero for all variables. By default, this is the automatically added WT_CONDITION. Any other condition can be selected for this purpose (e.g., point 0 in a time series), using the Base condition panel, which contains the name of all the experiments (columns) in the imported file. | ![]() Figure 11:Adjusting condition relativities | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3. Matching row names in the file with variablesIn order to correctly assign the measured data to the model variables, a matching has to be made from the row names in the file (entry id column) to the names of the variables in the model. This matching can be adjusted using the Variable matching panel. The program attempts to automatically perform this matching using the Id property of the variable. If no such property exists, the matching is attempted using the name of the variable. If this fails, the gene library for the species | ![]() Figure 12:Matching file rows to variables | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4. Specifying condition attributesIf the supplied data file doesn't contain all the information about the perturbations performed in every condition, or contains only part of it, this information has to be specified within the program. The condition attributes are used in the probabilistic prediction engine and are displayed along with the rest of the data.
The attributes can be specified as part of the data import process in the Attributes tab of the import
dialog. The Conditions panel contains a list of all the conditions currently loaded. Any subset of the
conditions can be selected (for multiple selection keep the Ctrl key pressed). Following every selection,
the Attributes panel is set to display/edit the attributes common to all the selected condition subset.
When multiple conditions are selected, only attributes common to all the conditions are displayed. Attributes can be added using
the | ![]() Figure 13:Specifying condition attributes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5. Finishing the import processAfter all the import details are specified, pressing![]() | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Organizing the experimental conditionsAfter conditions are imported it is possible to further adjust their properties by accessing the condition organizer using the![]()
| ![]() Figure 14:Organizing the conditions. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Data visualizationViewing data on the model graphAfter conditions are imported, the conditions toolbar, located right below the main toolbar becomes activated. It is possible to project one condition at a time on top of the model graph. In order to do so, select a condition using the Condition list in the conditions toolbar, and then toggle the Data button in the model frame toolbar. Doing so will present a new bar over every variable with an observation in that condition. The conditions can than be navigated through the conditions list. The values are color-coded: red represents positive values and green negative ones. The color intensity can be adjusted using the Color intensity slider bar. The actual value of every observed variable can be viewed by positioning the mouse over the color label. It is also possible to switch the background of the model frame to black through the Background panel.
It is possible to remove conditions from the model by using the | ![]() Figure 15:Visualizing data on the model canvas | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Viewing data using the matrix data viewerActivated from the conditions toolbar, the matrix data viewer provides a simultaneous display of all the available conditions. The matrix rows are all the variables with at least one observation/perturbation in the data, and the columns are all the available conditions. A missing cell in the matrix is represented by a black color. A legend for the other cell colors appears below the matrix.It is possible to re-order the variables in the matrix based on their values in the specific condition by clicking on the name of that condition in the matrix. Perturbations are denoted by a black stripe in the upper portion of the respective matrix cell. On top of the matrix a bar contains information about the name of the file that the data was derived from. Positioning the mouse above a cell presents its values. The toolbar of the Data Table Viewer dialog contains several view manipulation options. | ![]() Figure 16:Visualizing data using the matrix viewer | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Prediction executionWhen the model is defined and some conditions with attributes are described, it is possible to use the probabilistic prediction engine to infer the values of all the variables in the model in all the available conditions. Note that the prediction engine computes predictions based on the model and the data perturbations, but ignoring the measurments.
The prediction engine execution dialog can be accessed through All algorithms require the specification of a single connected component in the network on which the predictions will be performed. This selection is done in the Subset focus panel. ![]() | ![]() Figure 17:Prediction execution | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Analysis of prediction resultsPrediction results can be analyzed after a successful prediction execution, or after prediction results are loaded using the![]() Displaying predicted values on the model graphPredicted values can be displayed on the model graph by toggling the Posterior button in the model frame. Alternatively, discrepancies between the posterior and the measured values (where available) can be displayed in a similar way using the Discrepancy button. The Mode button is useful only in case the MI algorithm was used for the prediction task. In which case it can be used to toggle the view of mode information. | ![]() Figure 18:Display of observed values and prediction posterior on the model frame | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Discrepancy matrixIn the matrix data display it is possible to the select the Discrepancy matrix display to view the discrepancies between the measurements and the predicted values in all the conditions. The discrepancy matrix display is similar to the data matrix, but every cell contains a color-coded representation of three values - the cell background represents the difference between the observed and the predicted values, the left small square represents the measured value and the right small square the predicted one. The tooltip text showed when the mouse is delayed over a matrix cell contains the full information about the exact values corresponding to the cell. | ![]() Figure 19:Discrepancy matrix | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Refinement executionIt is possible to use the probabilistic engine to refine the logic of a specific variable for a pre-defined set of parents. The refinement can be executed using the![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() When the refinement process terminates, the newly learned logic is presented in a table logic editor, where it can be further adjusted, by setting the values in the "Target variable" column. The values in this column are color-coded based on the values of the learned logic. In addition, the "Meaningful" column specifies whether every entry in the logic learned is significant given the threshold specified in the configuration. The means of the actual data values that were learned for each discrete value are shown on the bottom. | ![]() Figure 20:Configuration of the refinement execution ![]() Figure 21:Table logic learned by the refinement engine. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
MiscellaneousModel file formatA full description of the model file format is available here.Specifying the feedback setBoth simulations and prediction require the correct definition of the feedback set in the model graph. MetaReg attempts to maintain an optimal size feedback set by an exhaustive algorithm which assumes that the size of the feedback set is small. If the user wishes to specify a different feedback, the![]()
In the dialog, the current feedback set is displayed as a list of variables. This list can be modified
using the Remove and Clear buttons. New variables can be added to the feedback set using
the Variables panel. After pressing | ![]() Figure 22:Feedback set editor | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Additional display optionsBird eye's viewA high-level image of the model can be toggled through![]() | ![]() Figure 23:Bird eye's view | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Properties displayUsing![]() | ![]() Figure 24:Properties display | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Variable listUsing![]() | ![]() Figure 25:Variable list | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Copyright informationCopyrights © Tel-Aviv University, Israel (2006).A portion of the user interface code is due to Sun Microsystems.Inc. Copyright 1994-2004 Sun
Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The following license rules apply to
that portion: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
For any questions, bugs and suggestions, please contact: Igor Ulitsky |