Each _interactions.txt file contains the following fields (tab-delimited): 1) p_chr - promoter chromosome 2) p_start - promoter start position 3) p_end - promoter end position 4) p_strand - promoter strand (+,-,*) 5) e_chr - enhancer chromosome 6) e_start - enhancer start position 7) e_end - enhancer end position 8) e_strand - enhancer strand (*) 9) prom_id - promoter id 10) enh_id - enhancer id 11) ep_dist - distance from enhancer (center position) to promoter (center position; TSS in GRO-seq). Negative/Positive distance means that the enhancer is upstream/downstream to the promoter. 12) sym_id - gene symbols separated by ';' annotated with the promoter 13) ent_id - entrez genes separated by ';' annotated with the promoter 14) ens_id - ensembl genes separated by ';' annotated with the promoter 15) ref_id - RefSeq mRNAs/ncRNAs separated by ';' annotated with the promoter