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-0.346 -0.494 0.539 -1.463 -1.269 -0.649 0.77 0.422 1.593 -0.306 -0.71 -0.638 1.607 -0.764 -0.064 -0.148 1.398 0.573 1.753 1.347 0.193 0.058 0.682 -0.735 -1.075 -1.25 -0.65 -0.677 -0.606 79930 DOK3 -0.71 -1.272 -0.547 -0.95 -1.286 -0.502 -1.314 -1.636 -1.468 0.92 -0.117 0.362 0.644 0.308 0.406 2.142 0.562 0.404 1.422 1.864 1.652 0.09 0.848 0.841 0.11 0.694 0.03 -0.716 -1.306 -0.049 -0.928 -0.496 2212 FCGR2A -0.806 -1.28 -0.228 0.063 0.114 0.658 -1.16 0.104 1.098 -0.324 1.115 -0.197 0.256 -0.551 -0.893 -1.124 1.96 0.768 -1.69 0.405 0.412 1.411 2.449 0.545 0.362 -0.344 -0.34 0.203 -1.264 0.008 -2.173 0.442 2214 FCGR3A -0.819 -0.185 0.115 -0.208 -0.026 0.435 -1.502 -0.707 0.898 1.127 -1.502 1.174 -0.536 1.948 0.216 1.404 -0.079 -0.248 0.659 0.333 0.018 1.447 0.949 2.114 -0.62 0.02 -1.502 -1.502 -0.737 -0.512 -0.667 -1.502 2534 FYN -0.524 -0.673 -1.304 -0.437 0.198 0.316 -1.727 -1.233 0.478 0.245 2.173 0.166 -0.588 -2.27 -1.91 0.896 1.517 0.609 1.393 0.303 0.884 -0.48 1.269 -0.126 -0.315 -1.048 0.41 0.1 0.087 0.693 0.709 0.191 2870 GRK6 -0.311 1.813 1.235 -0.569 0.253 1.337 -0.766 -0.426 0.028 -0.891 -3.783 0.615 1.68 1.081 -0.37 -0.886 -0.565 0.151 -0.288 0.909 -0.101 0.373 0.216 0.782 -1.009 -0.322 -0.038 -0.278 0.558 0.122 -0.205 -0.346 3059 HCLS1 -1.717 -1.783 0.445 0.292 -0.731 0.383 -1.506 -2.142 0.253 1.058 -0.881 1.614 0.977 -0.882 0.229 1.421 -0.618 0.496 0.314 1.248 1.421 0.786 0.764 1.32 -0.46 -0.412 0.114 -0.187 -0.777 0.119 0.021 -1.178 3635 INPP5D -0.886 -0.162 -0.536 0.326 0.018 -1.322 -1.013 -1.939 -0.128 0.388 -0.674 1.415 -0.102 -1.499 0.614 1.638 0.511 -0.155 -0.878 0.834 1.03 1.962 2.301 0.891 -0.649 0.687 -0.44 -1.267 -0.437 0.253 0.008 -0.791 3689 ITGB2 -1.189 -0.562 -0.379 -1.279 -1.552 0.824 -0.575 -0.7 0.658 0.862 0.322 1.242 0.573 -1.134 -1.199 0.831 -0.698 0.455 1.32 2.115 -0.626 0.335 2.004 1.191 0.495 -1.872 -0.259 -0.338 -0.977 -0.336 0.414 0.034 3937 LCP2 -1.935 -1.909 0.482 -0.574 -1.197 -0.086 -0.138 -1.732 1.54 0.195 -0.189 0.436 -0.227 -1.201 -1.356 1.85 -0.431 -0.104 1.179 0.732 0.367 0.572 1.599 1.277 0.416 -0.661 -0.42 0.855 -0.935 0.392 0.884 0.318 11184 MAP4K1 -1.31 -1.047 -0.725 -0.463 -0.867 0.242 -1.15 -0.548 -0.695 1.665 -0.709 2.044 0.473 -1.369 0.566 2.476 -0.343 -0.262 0.29 1.572 1.346 0.866 0.786 0.845 -0.091 -0.284 -0.314 -1.04 -1.052 -0.649 0.063 -0.316 4318 MMP9 -1.228 -0.553 -0.66 -0.677 -0.969 0.54 -1.492 -0.843 1.939 1.523 -0.394 0.798 -0.04 -1.396 0.612 1.258 0.021 0.397 0.873 0.683 0.832 1.426 1.028 1.457 -0.143 -2.084 -0.102 -1.049 -0.796 -0.807 -0.45 0.298 5450 POU2AF1 -1.232 -2.55 -0.663 -0.719 -0.611 1.233 -0.77 -1.044 -0.988 0.539 2.008 0.397 0.077 -0.517 -0.487 1.671 -1.28 -0.14 1.034 1.191 0.375 -0.101 1.417 1.457 0.239 -1.0 -0.23 0.494 0.05 0.292 -0.709 0.565 5788 PTPRC -1.336 -1.549 0.314 -0.839 -1.689 0.565 -1.277 -2.261 1.211 1.672 -0.536 1.381 0.375 -0.332 -0.245 1.294 -0.235 0.131 1.298 1.045 0.58 0.952 0.892 1.108 -0.043 -0.985 -0.068 -0.425 -0.953 0.138 0.376 -0.56 6504 SLAMF1 -1.539 -0.388 -0.927 -0.53 -0.929 -0.056 -1.231 -2.79 0.075 0.508 -1.432 1.465 -0.312 -0.016 -0.114 1.314 -0.367 -0.197 0.37 1.31 1.176 1.559 1.955 0.586 0.039 0.521 0.445 0.067 -0.693 -0.397 -0.293 0.821 6622 SNCA -0.703 0.058 0.247 -1.232 0.612 -0.65 -0.335 -1.854 -0.33 0.155 0.703 1.215 -0.905 -0.919 1.372 1.857 -1.311 0.71 -0.54 1.045 0.341 3.252 -0.569 0.668 -0.398 -0.465 -0.466 -0.243 -0.795 -0.059 -0.134 -0.326 6850 SYK -0.312 0.253 0.279 0.513 1.245 0.779 -0.144 0.294 -0.114 0.943 -0.191 1.325 0.841 0.027 -0.48 1.112 -1.515 -1.288 -1.316 1.307 1.392 1.151 0.407 0.532 -1.098 -0.567 -1.303 -2.169 0.996 -0.364 -0.566 -1.97 7099 TLR4 -1.857 1.21 1.89 -0.307 -1.806 0.116 -0.491 0.157 0.229 0.945 0.205 0.452 -1.006 0.25 1.144 -0.465 -0.009 0.785 -1.965 0.338 -0.614 0.246 2.111 0.58 -1.344 0.442 0.146 0.447 -0.602 1.044 -1.031 -1.24 7454 WAS -2.266 -0.999 -0.229 0.671 -0.643 0.55 -1.063 -1.65 -1.334 0.401 1.056 1.765 0.411 -0.913 -0.116 0.688 0.589 1.279 0.695 1.206 1.115 1.139 0.451 -1.382 0.173 -1.447 0.117 0.478 -1.364 -0.167 0.379 0.411