3146 | HMGB1 | high-mobility group box 1 | DKFZp686A04236,HMG1,HMG3,SBP-1 | |
10542 | HBXIP | hepatitis B virus x interacting protein | MGC71071,XIP | |
2915 | GRM5 | glutamate receptor, metabotropic 5 | GPRC1E,MGLUR5,MGLUR5A,MGLUR5B,mGlu5 | |
6670 | SP3 | Sp3 transcription factor | DKFZp686O1631,SPR-2 | |
3480 | IGF1R | insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor | CD221,IGFIR,JTK13,MGC142170,MGC142172,MGC18216 | |
11214 | AKAP13 | A kinase (PRKA) anchor protein 13 | AKAP-Lbc,BRX,FLJ11952,FLJ43341,HA-3,Ht31,LBC,PROTO-LB,PROTO-LBC,c-lbc | |
23097 | CDC2L6 | cell division cycle 2-like 6 (CDK8-like) | CDK11,KIAA1028,bA346C16.3 | |
8085 | MLL2 | myeloid/lymphoid or mixed-lineage leukemia 2 | AAD10,ALR | |
29899 | GPSM2 | G-protein signalling modulator 2 (AGS3-like, C. elegans) | LGN,Pins | |
7052 | TGM2 | transglutaminase 2 (C polypeptide, protein-glutamine-gamma-glutamyltransferase) | TG2,TGC | |
2917 | GRM7 | glutamate receptor, metabotropic 7 | FLJ40498,GLUR7,GPRC1G,MGLUR7,mGlu7 | |
9063 | PIAS2 | protein inhibitor of activated STAT, 2 | MGC102682,MIZ1,PIASX-ALPHA,PIASX-BETA,SIZ2,ZMIZ4,miz | |
26135 | SERBP1 | SERPINE1 mRNA binding protein 1 | CGI-55,CHD3IP,DKFZp564M2423,FLJ90489,HABP4L,PAI-RBP1,PAIRBP1 | |
4130 | MAP1A | microtubule-associated protein 1A | MAP1L,MTAP1A | |
3670 | ISL1 | ISL1 transcription factor, LIM/homeodomain, (islet-1) | Isl-1 | |
5470 | PPEF2 | protein phosphatase, EF-hand calcium binding domain 2 | - | |
57492 | ARID1B | AT rich interactive domain 1B (SWI1-like) | 6A3-5,BAF250b,BRIGHT,DAN15,ELD/OSA1,KIAA1235,p250R | |
150684 | COMMD1 | copper metabolism (Murr1) domain containing 1 | C2orf5,MGC27155,MURR1 | |
8428 | STK24 | serine/threonine kinase 24 (STE20 homolog, yeast) | MST-3,MST3,MST3B,STK3 | |
80306 | MED28 | mediator of RNA polymerase II transcription, subunit 28 homolog (S. cerevisiae) | 1500003D12Rik,DKFZP434N185,EG1,magicin | |
10521 | DDX17 | DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box polypeptide 17 | DKFZp761H2016,P72,RH70 | |
405 | ARNT | aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator | HIF-1beta,HIF1B,HIF1BETA,TANGO | |
4005 | LMO2 | LIM domain only 2 (rhombotin-like 1) | RBTN2,RBTNL1,RHOM2,TTG2 | |
5296 | PIK3R2 | phosphoinositide-3-kinase, regulatory subunit 2 (p85 beta) | P85B,p85-BETA | |
9223 | MAGI1 | membrane associated guanylate kinase, WW and PDZ domain containing 1 | AIP3,BAIAP1,BAP1,MAGI-1,TNRC19,WWP3 | |
9611 | NCOR1 | nuclear receptor co-repressor 1 | KIAA1047,MGC104216,N-CoR,TRAC1,hCIT529I10,hN-CoR | |
8452 | CUL3 | cullin 3 | - | |
961 | CD47 | CD47 molecule | IAP,MER6,OA3 | |
659 | BMPR2 | bone morphogenetic protein receptor, type II (serine/threonine kinase) | BMPR-II,BMPR3,BMR2,BRK-3,T-ALK | |
2643 | GCH1 | GTP cyclohydrolase 1 (dopa-responsive dystonia) | DYT5,GCH,GTP-CH-1,GTPCH1 | |
3717 | JAK2 | Janus kinase 2 (a protein tyrosine kinase) | - | |
23421 | ITGB3BP | integrin beta 3 binding protein (beta3-endonexin) | CENP-R,CENPR,HSU37139,NRIF3,TAP20 | |
4082 | MARCKS | myristoylated alanine-rich protein kinase C substrate | 80K-L,FLJ14368,FLJ90045,MACS,MRACKS,PKCSL,PRKCSL | |
2034 | EPAS1 | endothelial PAS domain protein 1 | HIF2A,HLF,MOP2,PASD2 | |
55922 | NKRF | NF-kappaB repressing factor | ITBA4,NRF | |
800 | CALD1 | caldesmon 1 | CDM,H-CAD,L-CAD,MGC21352,NAG22 | |
5747 | PTK2 | PTK2 protein tyrosine kinase 2 | FADK,FAK,FAK1,pp125FAK | |
1021 | CDK6 | cyclin-dependent kinase 6 | MGC59692,PLSTIRE | |
8648 | NCOA1 | nuclear receptor coactivator 1 | F-SRC-1,MGC129719,MGC129720,NCoA-1,RIP160,SRC1 | |
9584 | RBM39 | RNA binding motif protein 39 | CAPER,CAPERalpha,CC1.3,DKFZp781C0423,FLJ44170,HCC1,RNPC2 | |
9282 | CRSP2 | cofactor required for Sp1 transcriptional activation, subunit 2, 150kDa | CRSP150,CSRP,CXorf4,DRIP150,EXLM1,MED14,MGC104513,RGR1,TRAP170 | |
55062 | WIPI1 | WD repeat domain, phosphoinositide interacting 1 | Atg18,FLJ10055,WIPI49 | |
9439 | CRSP3 | cofactor required for Sp1 transcriptional activation, subunit 3, 130kDa | CRSP130,CRSP133,DKFZp434H0117,DRIP130,MED23,SUR2 | |
3688 | ITGB1 | integrin, beta 1 (fibronectin receptor, beta polypeptide, antigen CD29 includes MDF2, MSK12) | CD29,FNRB,GPIIA,MDF2,MSK12,VLAB | |
30011 | SH3KBP1 | SH3-domain kinase binding protein 1 | CIN85,GIG10,MIG18 | |
4869 | NPM1 | nucleophosmin (nucleolar phosphoprotein B23, numatrin) | B23,MGC104254,NPM | |
6498 | SKIL | SKI-like oncogene | SNO,SnoA,SnoN | |
56252 | YLPM1 | YLP motif containing 1 | C14orf170,ZAP,ZAP3 | |
79718 | TBL1XR1 | transducin (beta)-like 1X-linked receptor 1 | C21,DC42,FLJ12894,IRA1,TBLR1 | |
5927 | JARID1A | jumonji, AT rich interactive domain 1A | RBBP2,RBP2 | |
6597 | SMARCA4 | SWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily a, member 4 | BAF190,BRG1,FLJ39786,SNF2,SNF2-BETA,SNF2L4,SNF2LB,SWI2,hSNF2b | |
6881 | TAF10 | TAF10 RNA polymerase II, TATA box binding protein (TBP)-associated factor, 30kDa | TAF2A,TAF2H,TAFII30 | |
10048 | RANBP9 | RAN binding protein 9 | RANBPM | |
5599 | MAPK8 | mitogen-activated protein kinase 8 | JNK,JNK1,JNK1A2,JNK21B1/2,PRKM8,SAPK1 | |
3691 | ITGB4 | integrin, beta 4 | CD104 | |
5903 | RANBP2 | RAN binding protein 2 | NUP358,TRP1,TRP2 | |
1398 | CRK | v-crk sarcoma virus CT10 oncogene homolog (avian) | CRKII | |
80854 | SETD7 | SET domain containing (lysine methyltransferase) 7 | FLJ21193,KIAA1717,SET7,SET7/9,SET9 | |
5928 | RBBP4 | retinoblastoma binding protein 4 | NURF55,RBAP48 | |
2969 | GTF2I | general transcription factor II, i | BAP-135,BAP135,BTKAP1,DIWS,IB291,SPIN,TFII-I,WBS,WBSCR6 | |
5458 | POU4F2 | POU domain, class 4, transcription factor 2 | BRN3.2,BRN3B,Brn-3b | |
5906 | RAP1A | RAP1A, member of RAS oncogene family | KREV-1,KREV1,RAP1,SMGP21 | |
8650 | NUMB | numb homolog (Drosophila) | S171 | |
59340 | HRH4 | histamine receptor H4 | AXOR35,BG26,GPCR105,GPRv53,H4,H4R,HH4R,MGC133027 | |
57062 | DDX24 | DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box polypeptide 24 | - | |
4582 | MUC1 | mucin 1, cell surface associated | CD227,EMA,H23AG,MAM6,PEM,PEMT,PUM | |
3170 | FOXA2 | forkhead box A2 | HNF3B,MGC19807,TCF3B | |
688 | KLF5 | Kruppel-like factor 5 (intestinal) | BTEB2,CKLF,IKLF | |
7494 | XBP1 | X-box binding protein 1 | TREB5,XBP2 | |
4690 | NCK1 | NCK adaptor protein 1 | MGC12668,NCK,NCKalpha | |
203068 | TUBB | tubulin, beta | M40,MGC117247,MGC16435,OK/SW-cl.56,TUBB1,TUBB5 | |
7936 | RDBP | RD RNA binding protein | D6S45,NELF-E,RD,RDP | |
1385 | CREB1 | cAMP responsive element binding protein 1 | CREB,MGC9284 | |
5929 | RBBP5 | retinoblastoma binding protein 5 | RBQ3,SWD1 | |
10728 | PTGES3 | prostaglandin E synthase 3 (cytosolic) | P23,TEBP | |
6925 | TCF4 | transcription factor 4 | E2-2,ITF2,MGC149723,MGC149724,SEF2,SEF2-1,SEF2-1A,SEF2-1B | |
55660 | PRPF40A | PRP40 pre-mRNA processing factor 40 homolog A (S. cerevisiae) | FBP-11,FBP11,FLAF1,FLJ20585,FNBP3,HIP10,HYPA,NY-REN-6 | |
7852 | CXCR4 | chemokine (C-X-C motif) receptor 4 | CD184,D2S201E,FB22,HM89,HSY3RR,LAP3,LCR1,LESTR,NPY3R,NPYR,NPYRL,NPYY3R,WHIM | |
23032 | USP33 | ubiquitin specific peptidase 33 | KIAA1097,MGC16868,VDU1 | |
9444 | QKI | quaking homolog, KH domain RNA binding (mouse) | DKFZp586I0923,Hqk,QK,QK3 | |
4193 | MDM2 | Mdm2, transformed 3T3 cell double minute 2, p53 binding protein (mouse) | HDMX,MGC71221,hdm2 | |
3716 | JAK1 | Janus kinase 1 (a protein tyrosine kinase) | JAK1A,JAK1B | |
6801 | STRN | striatin, calmodulin binding protein | MGC125642,SG2NA | |
8481 | OFD1 | oral-facial-digital syndrome 1 | 71-7A,CXorf5,MGC117039,MGC117040,SGBS2 | |
3667 | IRS1 | insulin receptor substrate 1 | HIRS-1 | |
9139 | CBFA2T2 | core-binding factor, runt domain, alpha subunit 2; translocated to, 2 | DKFZp313F2116,EHT,MTGR1,ZMYND3 | |
3643 | INSR | insulin receptor | CD220,HHF5 | |
2355 | FOSL2 | FOS-like antigen 2 | FLJ23306,FRA2 | |
595 | CCND1 | cyclin D1 | BCL1,D11S287E,PRAD1,U21B31 | |
8554 | PIAS1 | protein inhibitor of activated STAT, 1 | DDXBP1,GBP,GU/RH-II,MGC141878,MGC141879,ZMIZ3 | |
10291 | SF3A1 | splicing factor 3a, subunit 1, 120kDa | PRP21,PRPF21,SAP114,SF3A120 | |
4194 | MDM4 | Mdm4, transformed 3T3 cell double minute 4, p53 binding protein (mouse) | DKFZp781B1423,MDMX,MGC132766,MRP1 | |
23054 | NCOA6 | nuclear receptor coactivator 6 | AIB3,ANTP,ASC2,HOX1.1,HOXA7,KIAA0181,NRC,PRIP,RAP250,TRBP | |
23365 | ARHGEF12 | Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) 12 | DKFZp686O2372,KIAA0382,LARG,PRO2792 | |
3092 | HIP1 | huntingtin interacting protein 1 | ILWEQ,MGC126506 | |
29110 | TBK1 | TANK-binding kinase 1 | FLJ11330,NAK,T2K | |
3276 | PRMT1 | protein arginine methyltransferase 1 | ANM1,HCP1,HRMT1L2,IR1B4 | |
81857 | MED25 | mediator of RNA polymerase II transcription, subunit 25 homolog (S. cerevisiae) | ACID1,ARC92,DKFZp434K0512,MGC70671,P78,TCBAP0758 | |
3693 | ITGB5 | integrin, beta 5 | FLJ26658 | |
4790 | NFKB1 | nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B-cells 1 (p105) | DKFZp686C01211,EBP-1,KBF1,MGC54151,NF-kappa-B,NFKB-p105,NFKB-p50 | |
805 | CALM2 | calmodulin 2 (phosphorylase kinase, delta) | CAMII,PHKD,PHKD2 | |
2113 | ETS1 | v-ets erythroblastosis virus E26 oncogene homolog 1 (avian) | ETS-1,EWSR2,FLJ10768 | |
5934 | RBL2 | retinoblastoma-like 2 (p130) | FLJ26459,P130,Rb2 | |
55388 | MCM10 | MCM10 minichromosome maintenance deficient 10 (S. cerevisiae) | CNA43,MGC126776,PRO2249 | |
6002 | RGS12 | regulator of G-protein signalling 12 | DKFZp761K1617,DKFZp761K1817 | |
5469 | PPARBP | PPAR binding protein | CRSP1,CRSP200,DRIP205,DRIP230,MED1,MGC71488,PBP,PPARGBP,RB18A,TRAP220,TRIP2 | |
23411 | SIRT1 | sirtuin (silent mating type information regulation 2 homolog) 1 (S. cerevisiae) | SIR2L1 | |
6197 | RPS6KA3 | ribosomal protein S6 kinase, 90kDa, polypeptide 3 | CLS,HU-3,ISPK-1,MAPKAPK1B,MRX19,RSK,RSK2,S6K-alpha3,p90-RSK2,pp90RSK2 | |
7026 | NR2F2 | nuclear receptor subfamily 2, group F, member 2 | ARP1,COUP-TFII,COUPTFB,MGC117452,SVP40,TFCOUP2 | |
2099 | ESR1 | estrogen receptor 1 | DKFZp686N23123,ER,ESR,ESRA,Era,NR3A1 | |
3105 | HLA-A | major histocompatibility complex, class I, A | - | |
51199 | NIN | ninein (GSK3B interacting protein) | KIAA1565 | |
64210 | MMS19L | MMS19-like (MET18 homolog, S. cerevisiae) | MET18,MGC99604,MMS19,hMMS19 | |
5515 | PPP2CA | protein phosphatase 2 (formerly 2A), catalytic subunit, alpha isoform | PP2Ac,PP2CA,RP-C | |
54969 | C4orf27 | chromosome 4 open reading frame 27 | FLJ20534 | |
8660 | IRS2 | insulin receptor substrate 2 | - | |
6294 | SAFB | scaffold attachment factor B | DKFZp779C1727,HAP,HET,SAFB1 | |
9391 | CIAO1 | cytosolic iron-sulfur protein assembly 1 homolog (S. cerevisiae) | CIA1,WDR39 | |
5457 | POU4F1 | POU domain, class 4, transcription factor 1 | BRN3A,FLJ13449,Oct-T1,RDC-1 | |
6760 | SS18 | synovial sarcoma translocation, chromosome 18 | MGC116875,SSXT,SYT | |
23493 | HEY2 | hairy/enhancer-of-split related with YRPW motif 2 | CHF1,GRL,HERP1,HESR2,HRT2,MGC10720 | |
2309 | FOXO3A | forkhead box O3A | AF6q21,DKFZp781A0677,FKHRL1,FKHRL1P2,MGC12739,MGC31925 | |
7323 | UBE2D3 | ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2D 3 (UBC4/5 homolog, yeast) | E2(17)KB3,MGC43926,MGC5416,UBC4/5,UBCH5C | |
8721 | EDF1 | endothelial differentiation-related factor 1 | EDF-1,MBF1,MGC9058 | |
6772 | STAT1 | signal transducer and activator of transcription 1, 91kDa | DKFZp686B04100,ISGF-3,STAT91 | |
51003 | MED31 | mediator of RNA polymerase II transcription, subunit 31 homolog (S. cerevisiae) | 3110004H13Rik,CGI-125,FLJ27436,Soh1 | |
6654 | SOS1 | son of sevenless homolog 1 (Drosophila) | GF1,GGF1,GINGF,HGF,NS4 | |
57562 | KIAA1377 | KIAA1377 | - | |
6096 | RORB | RAR-related orphan receptor B | NR1F2,ROR-BETA,RZRB,bA133M9.1 | |
890 | CCNA2 | cyclin A2 | CCN1,CCNA | |
1739 | DLG1 | discs, large homolog 1 (Drosophila) | DKFZp761P0818,DLGH1,SAP97,dJ1061C18.1.1,hdlg | |
51678 | MPP6 | membrane protein, palmitoylated 6 (MAGUK p55 subfamily member 6) | PALS2,VAM-1,VAM1,p55T | |
217 | ALDH2 | aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 family (mitochondrial) | ALDH-E2,ALDHI,ALDM,MGC1806 | |
2770 | GNAI1 | guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), alpha inhibiting activity polypeptide 1 | Gi | |
2064 | ERBB2 | v-erb-b2 erythroblastic leukemia viral oncogene homolog 2, neuro/glioblastoma derived oncogene homolog (avian) | HER-2,HER-2/neu,HER2,NEU,NGL,TKR1,c-erb B2 | |
3726 | JUNB | jun B proto-oncogene | - | |
54014 | BRWD1 | bromodomain and WD repeat domain containing 1 | C21orf107,FLJ43918,N143,WDR9 | |
5966 | REL | v-rel reticuloendotheliosis viral oncogene homolog (avian) | C-Rel | |
3516 | RBPJ | recombination signal binding protein for immunoglobulin kappa J region | CBF1,IGKJRB,IGKJRB1,KBF2,MGC61669,RBP-J,RBPJK,RBPSUH,SUH,csl | |